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Free pizza sounds good. The Police have some good songs. I remember one of their songs was used in the movie "Cat's Eye". The stalker song "I'll be watching you".

I feel like crap today. Jittery, have the chills (but no fever), woke up sweating, & just generally feel cruddy. Stomach hates me-- probably from the fried chicken last night. Scrapped my plans for today bc I feel too crappy to go to the store so I'll have to send my brother (who is still feeling better).

The CR-V is due to renew registration this month, but DMV is closed. They didn't send out the paperwork for renewal so I don't know how I'm going to get it renewed. Also need to renew inspection sticker on my truck.
Think I will use my stimulus check to help a gun store.
I'm not holding my breath on getting that check. Things are to wishy washy. But according to moma I'm elgibile to draw unemployment here. Don't know if I'm going to sign up for it or not, just don't feel right to me. I know I still have a business name and all that and have only done a very small amount of binding since the first of the year, buuut. I don't want to screw the pouch if you know what I mean.
I'm not holding my breath on getting that check. Things are to wishy washy. But according to moma I'm elgibile to draw unemployment here. Don't know if I'm going to sign up for it or not, just don't feel right to me. I know I still have a business name and all that and have only done a very small amount of binding since the first of the year, buuut. I don't want to screw the pouch if you know what I mean.
I might be able to get it, but I won't try.
I don't have any. Dropped it when I retired. Was going to start it back up and they wanted a serious amount more because I was insured before, said screw it. Besides everybody I worked for had insurance on me anyway just to cover their butts incase of something going south.
Anyone else have issues using recaptia when joining a forum?
https://images.app.goo.gl/sEvFJe2EYiQU4grQ7Bout ready to blow a cork. 7 attempts to fill in info to join sawmill creek. Each failed attempt also means refilling other data again. Letters are so bizzar I can't tell even tell upper or lower cases. I even refreshed the image option 5 to 6 times and can't find one that looks obvious enough to try to use. :mad::mad::mad:
I feel like garbage today & am taking Samuel L Jackson's advice.
My face feels numb, I had the chills earlier. I keep getting light-headed. Temp was only 97.9 so no fever though. Just feel run down.
You can buy seeds, just not through a nursery. Grocery store hardware is fine. Bought some this morning matter of fact. There is so much BS being said without merit. Just like can't mow your lawn, you can mow your own lawn just not use a lawn service. They are trying to get it where people are close to one another. The real killer is NO to golfing. Some people are really up in the air over that, but like the gov says it takes approximately 7-8 people to handle one golfer before it is over and then they aren't staying the 6 ft apart that is required. They don't understand staying apart. You wait who will scream the loudest if one of them or their kids come down with the virus. I guess the oppenants of all this are trying to get a march on Lansing on Weds. Hope they get arrested actually.
At the time this is just in affect until April 30 and then we'll see if it gets extended, probably will as we are the 5th highest state with the virus.
Everything is shut down here with the police stopping people

We can mow our lawns but the guy who usually mows ours is not allowed
Next door neighbor isnt too happy as he isnt allowed to take his icecream wagons out, he has 4 of them, and its been icecream weather

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