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Here we are not allowed to drive anywhere except for medical emergencies or buying food which is close on the logic that if ones car broke down or got into an accident others would have to come out of their "bubble" to help and going to a golf course, even surfing, swimming, going out on a boat, wife isnt even allowed to ride her horse in case she falls off etc etc, As I have mentioned before our police are really checking if any travel is really necessary. One of our Members of Parliament is going to get fired for taking his family to the beach which was 20 ks away from his house. To me the only way we are going to get out of this mess is to play the game and stay home. The Govt has really toughened up with anybody coming into NZ has to go into approved quarantine for 2 weeks
Router table looks great, Highup! I like the formica pattern-- it's actually a lot like what I'm looking for in terms of replacing my mother's bathroom countertop, but I don't know if they still sell that color/pattern in my area. She likes blue, but specific shades of blue because she's picky.

They relaxed some of the restrictions here again so we had a resurgence of cases and deaths. Pretty close to Michigan's numbers in deaths now. Over 1k dead. People aren't washing their hands or wearing masks or keeping their distance.

I agreed to drive my friend & his fiance to Lake Charles for a medical appointment for an ultrasound. We made better time because there was less traffic so we arrived 45min early. They actually took her in early & let her get it over with while my friend & I sat in the car. Finished before the start time of her appointment & went to Home Depot. We were all wearing masks & used hand sanitizer. My friend needed some electrical stuff & there was an employee who knew where everything was down to the right aisle and bay who told us where to find stuff. He helped my friend pick out some bathroom lights & told him what he'd need for the project.

I almost didn't make the trip & my friends had been on notice that I wouldn't go if I was feeling too sick so they had a backup plan, but I didn't want to let them down. I had a kidney stone working it's way down right before I left the house. Took some naproxyn & it took 10 minutes to take the edge off. My friend had some ibuprofen I'd bought him & he gave me some to follow the naproxyn since it didn't work entirely. Fortunately, once it kicked in it worked for the rest of the trip & I passed the stone when I got home. It was a pleasant trip. Got McDonalds takeout on the way back & I grabbed something for Mom to eat. She didn't ask me to cook for her (partially because I mentioned the kidney stone & also bc she could hear how exhausted I was when she talked to me).

I'll have to cook for her tomorrow (later today I guess, LOL.). I napped until almost midnight. My friend will get unemployment for about 6 months so he's going to have time to come over and help me fix the place up. I've been getting light-headed when trying to pick stuff up so I haven't been keeping up with cleaning.
I wasn't really loving the blue, but after seeing the match to the Kreg clamp track.... Turned out nice. I still have to buy a clamp rail for the far side. Budget office isn't cooperating with the spending department. 😁
You need a caretaker for your friends, brother and mother for a week and take an R&R fishing/camping trip. You have more on your plate than I could handle.
...or one of those calming sound machines with birds chirping, waves crashing, and top fuel dragsters hitting the lights. 😁
You're friends and family are lucky to have you doing all you do for them.
I got some rest today, but still feel like garbage. That's one of the problems with chronic fatigue syndrome. I think I'm probably not getting enough oxygen, but I've been dizzy today. I think I'm probably sleeping for too long and I've likely developed sleep apnea. I should get more fresh air, but there's pollen. LOL. My idea of vacation is just sleeping. I've got a thunderstorm by the sea sound track that plays sounds of ocean waves and thunder that is soothing. I'm trying to work up the energy to see if I can cook tonight, but I was getting dizzy. Not sure if it's the meds or if I'm lacking some essential vitamin or if I just need more oxygen.
Z, I have sleep apnea. Get tested. You will be glad you did. If you got it and have to wear a mask the mask takes some getting used to, give it time. I used to make 5 "P" calls a night, none now. I sleep maybe 6 hours and am good to go in the morning with no naps in the afternoon. I've gained a bunch of weight lately and am not as ambitieous as I used to be, also up here in Michigan it is still quite cold out and with the lockdown i'm not doing squat, but looking for warmer weather, and then look out, back at it.
Z, I have sleep apnea. Get tested. You will be glad you did. If you got it and have to wear a mask the mask takes some getting used to, give it time. I used to make 5 "P" calls a night, none now. I sleep maybe 6 hours and am good to go in the morning with no naps in the afternoon. I've gained a bunch of weight lately and am not as ambitieous as I used to be, also up here in Michigan it is still quite cold out and with the lockdown i'm not doing squat, but looking for warmer weather, and then look out, back at it.
Any word on the shoulder surgery? The meds I was on made me gain back 20 of the 40 lbs I had lost. Back to the fight.
Got my van safety inspected. Could have waited, tags can't expire per governor. Gave me a chance to talk to my mechanic buddy. Shelter is killing his business. License office is closed. Guess I will buy them on line.
Daris, I wish I could, but I don't have insurance & they won't do the sleep study if I don't have insurance. It's too expensive. I ended up just sleeping because I still felt dizzy the rest of the day. I'm feeling a bit better this morning.

Rusty, that reminds me I need to see if they are doing inspections because I need to get the inspection on my truck done this month. I also need to renew registration on the CR-V but DMV is closed indefinitely. Cops better not be ticketing people for that being expired when there is no way to renew it & get stickers. They charge a high fee for using credit or debit cards for the online registration, but this time they didn't even send me the registration renewal forms.

I'm planning to do some cooking later on, but for now I'm going to rest.

I hope the shoulder surgery will go well when it gets rescheduled, Daris.

At least I can form coherent thoughts today. I kept drifting off yesterday. Total zombie mode. I found myself trying to grumble but wasn't even forming real words. One of my cats tapped my face and I mumbled to her incoherently. She looked at me oddly & walked away.
Only way I get to see my great granddaughter is in pictures.

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