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LOL. Reminds me of the Frankenstein thing from the Young Frankenstein movies. I still find it funny that the movies call him Frankenstein & portray him as a mindless oaf but in the book he was Frankenstein's monster and was actually quite intelligent, conniving, and eloquent. But the writing style was still boring as hell & I fell asleep after 5 pages. (I *think* this was the quote with the Phil Hartman as Frankenstein on SNL). If it was the quote about the stoves and checking reviews, too late for that. Friend got the only stove in stock that had knobs on it bc his fiance was nagging him to get a stove "now".
Edit: This was in response to a post I qouted-- post 65280 but for some reason it doesn't show up.
Can't believe there isn't a failsafe engineered into a stove. Scary.
It really is disturbing. Stuff like that should not be happening.
Doesn't make driverless cars any more appealing.
The failsafe would be an additional wire to the switch that detects a finger. No finger, no heat. Got to be a way.
Problem with driverless cars is the programming that tells it to hit certain things that make it more dangerous or tell them to ignore things. The heat thing doesn't work perfectly. For starters, if you have cold fingers like me, it's hard to get things to work. I once had to grab a friend's hand and put his fingers on a touch screen that used heat because my fingers didn't have enough heat to work it. I have a touchpad sensitive cooktop thing since the stove is broken. My cats can (and have) walk across the controls to change the settings. I went to grab something and came back to find the cat had turned the heat to Max Sear. Other times the cats have turned it off or turned the heat to low. Cats are the reason why my new toaster is inside an upside-down cardboard box right now. Trying to find a better cover that they won't ruin. Also wanting to get a cord manager to hold the plug up where it's not just sitting on the countertop.
I have always wanted a wood lathe. They just take up too much room.
I *think* the big tool thingy we got my dad years ago has a lathe on it somewhere. Not sure though. I can't even remember what the thing is called.. ShopSmith or something... I remember being told a horror story about a lathe accident in a woodworking class. Student didn't have the wood secured tightly enough, it flew off and impaled another student. Now I'm remembering my woodworking teacher listing stuff and holding up his fingers but folding them over to make it look like he was missing some while talking about safety. I hope he's still alive. That guy was hilarious. He was also my electronics teacher.

I'm trying to come up with a solution for a gap between the top of my friend's counter and the pantry next to it. Pantry is the gray color & countertop is a dark brown/black with brown flecks. It's called VT Dimensions Formica Labarador Granite. Pantry had a trim piece on the front that sticks out a bit so the countertop couldn't sit flush to the countertop. Gap goes from the front 1/2" trim on the pantry and extends all the way to the wall. About 1/4" gap. For now we have rope putty stuffed in the gap to keep stuff from falling down. Trying to find some sort of trim that can sit over it & not be too obvious.

Cartridge in the shower for the water jammed up & won't let water turn on so no shower (I pulled the cartridge out & tried seeing it it would turn but it won't). Just in time for the AC to stop working last night. Thought it was the capacitor blowing again but when I went outside I could hear it running. Wondering if coolant leaked out again. But, there's a PVC pipe setup for the AC that is supposed to have a cap over it. I don't know what it does but sometimes I am supposed to pour a little bleach down it (according to instructions from HVAC installer). Cats had knocked the cap off. I found a water bottle cap that fit & taped it on. About 20 min after putting it on stuff started getting cooler in the house. Not sure if I fixed it or if it's just coincidence bc it's night time and it got cooler outside. It was 88° in the coolest part of the house. I woke up completely drenched in sweat. Had to leave my room for awhile bc it's the hottest room in the house. Ended up going to the store to buy body wipes because we ran out.

I need to stop procrastinating and get back to finishing up my bathroom floor & getting my friend to help me hook the plumbing back up (involves crawling under the house & my friend owes me bigtime so he's volunteered to crawl under). He's supposed to come over tomorrow to cut the blackberry bushes & weeds next to the AC down. Eventually I want to put down landscaping tarp and put down some sort of covering that will prevent weeds (and blackberry bushes) from growing there. I may end up doing some laundry & then bringing some clothes & towels over to my friend's house to use his shower. He's already offered to let me do that. I may also need to replace my cast iron tub because it doesn't have a flange and the surround I want to use needs a tub with a flange. Might just go with a Delta unit. Hoping the tub can be extracted in one piece but am not hopeful about it. If it can be, I want to donate it. Other than a spot on the edge where porcelain got scraped off, it's in decent shape.

Tom, the floor looks great! It's inspiring me to want to work on my bathroom (when it cools off enough that I don't feel like a giant useless slug)

Btw, this is the old capacitor that got pulled out awhile back. As you can see it rusted & bloated. Rust might have happened after it was sitting out. I kept it as reference to know what we needed for replacement as the last repair guy stuck to 40uf ones in instead of a single 80.
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If I was a peacfull protester and I went to 3 or 4 protests, and every protest I went to ended up destroying my towns businesses. I would stop going and find other ways to voice my views. At this point I'm wondering if the peacefull protesters are becoming the problem since when they protest it always becomes violent..... maybe not always,. but that's always what I see on the news.
I was taught right from wrong. I feel part of a rare breed.
Not in Flint, Mi, The sheriff and deputies march along side of them.
Have you seen where they are finding pallets of bricks on the corners where the protest are being held?

At this point I'm wondering if the peacefull protesters are becoming the problem since when they protest it always becomes violent..... maybe not always,
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My problem with all of this is 98% of people on the right and left agree this cop needs a rope.
That said.... why the destruction? People are already hoping to finally get their businesses open and then the windows are shattered an then either looted and or burnt to the ground.
That's kind of odd in a situation where everyone is in agreement.
Over the weekend, a minister in full garb was maced by police even though there was no danger of escalation. The city mayor had asked clergy to come out and help calm the people. So several did. One cop got scared, took out his pepper spray and intentionally targeted the minister. And no word on discipline or investigation of the officer. BTW, the minister was white.
Zan, I know the protesters are not instigating the violence. When they do protest, the rioters tag along and break stuff and set fires. If that happened, I would stop going to protests because I know in advance that violence would occur.
If change is needed, new rules need to be enacted in the police rulebook. Do that by arranging dialogue between state senators and representatives so that they and the police can standardize police procedures. I don't see these protests doing anything positive... Just yelling screaming and blaming.
I'm not a cop, but maybe than knee to the neck procedure is warranted occasionally in order to cuff and maybe get a criminal on PCP under control... not for 8 minutes after he's under control. Police procedures need to be analalized then fix and standardize them nationally.
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Zan, I know the protesters are not instigating the violence. When they do protest, the rioters tag along and break stuff and set fires. If that happened, I would stop going to protests because I know in advance that violence would occur.
If change is needed, new rules need to be enacted in the police rulebook. Do that by arranging dialogue between state senators and representatives so that they and the police can standardize police procedures. I don't see these protests doing anything positive... Just yelling screaming and blaming.
I'm not a cop, but maybe than knee to the neck procedure is warranted occasionally in order to cuff and maybe get a criminal on PCP under control... not for 8 minutes after he's under control. Police procedures need to be analalized then fix and standardize them nationally.
I get what you're saying, but the people have the right to protest & should not be treated with violence while being peaceful. What else would you have them do when no one listens to them? Many of them try to go to court & get dismissed. If they don't protest then it doesn't raise awareness of the issues as much. They shouldn't have to stop protesting just because bad people use the protests as an excuse for violence. Just as responsible gun owners shouldn't have to give up their guns because there are criminals who use guns unlawfully.
The kneeling on the neck thing is NOT in any of the police protocol or training. Video from different angles showed the victim was contained and was not fighting. The cop knew him & had worked with him. He clearly had a bone to pick with him & perhaps was trying to inflict pain as part of either some bitterness over past interactions (this is all speculation on my part). I don't know if he was actively trying to kill him, but he was absolutely trying to hurt him. There was zero justification to kneel on his neck like that.
We need better training & better screening. Cops who have egos & lose their tempers if people give them attitude or don't immediately comply. Japanese cops have things under control for the most part. They have tarps/mats they carry with them. When someone resists, they wrap them up to control them without harming them. One drunk guy who was fighting bit a cop & instead of hitting him or getting angry, the cop said "Why did you bite me? That hurt!"
I do realize cops are human and can lose their tempers & be afraid, but people often blame the untrained civilians for panicking or losing control of their emotions when it's the cops who should be trained to de-escalate & keep things under control.
Speaking of cops not keeping things under control, it turns out my friend's obnoxious grandfather is allowed to run amok by the cops because he's the brother-in-law of the former chief-of-police. They let him drive around without a license & harass my friend (and they even go over to harass my friend on the grandfather's behalf). Yesterday the grandfather wanted to see my friend's daughter (her birthday was recent & he didn't get to see her on her birthday). She was being a brat & having a tantrum when he rolled up in front of the house & held down the horn until people went out to tell him to knock it off. My friend's pregnant fiance was already very upset about the tantrums & told him my friend wasn't home & that it wasn't a good time to visit bc the little girl was having a tantrum. He kept insisting & she told him "Not now". Rather than accept that, he decided to start swearing at her, calling her names, telling her she was worthless, & calling her a liar & such. She's normally pretty sensitive but pregnancy hormones have made her even more unstable. She called my friend sobbing hysterically about it. When he got home, he called his grandfather to chew him out & tell him he's not allowed to see the little girl & is not allowed to come by his house anymore.
So, today after taking Mom to her eye doctor appointment, I stopped at my friend's house to drop off something he left in my truck yesterday. A large vehicle was parked across the driveway blocking it so no one else could park so I had to pull up in front & wait. My friend was returning from work & suddenly peeled out really fast like he was angry. Went around the block, peeled out again, and parked in the church parking lot. I drove up to him & he said the vehicle in his driveway was his grandfather's. The grandfather was defying him & being a jerk again-- demanding to see the granddaughter & wanting to drive her somewhere but the girl didn't want to go with him bc he got in a couple wrecks with her in the car & she's scared to go with him. My friend talked to us until his grandfather finally got the hint & left.

Complete change of subject: @highup since you're good with metal, do you have any suggestions for how to trim out a metal shelf made of an aluminum angle bar/stock (not sure of the exact term). My friend cut it to 28" length. It's 2" deep & 2" high and . I sanded the very edge so it wouldn't be sharp, but I want to put something along the whole perimeter to make it less sharp/blunt the edges more. I was thinking something similar to the trim that goes on car doors, but it needs to be something that can be near the heat of a stove. I was thinking either black or stainless steel (if I could find something).
This was the piece I got https://www.lowes.com/pd/Steelworks...-L-Mill-Finished-Aluminum-Solid-Angle/3006070 I think it's 16 gauge but it feels thick & doesn't flex. Might be a mistake bc there's another one that's shorter that is 11 gauge. I want to make sure the edge doesn't scrape the stove if/when the stove has to be moved & am trying to find a solution that looks good. Do they make silicone edging in black or something?
Any ideas?
A lot of these protesters did NOT know it would bring riots & violence. Many of the ones being violent turned out to be from a white supremacist group anyway-- their purpose was to make people think that peaceful protests shouldn't be allowed & turn people against the protesters. They still have the right to protest peacefully without being violently attacked by police & military. It still doesn't change the fact that if they don't protest, no one will hear them & these sorts of murders will keep happening.

I've done nothing but nap and eat chicken noodle soup & play on the internet today.
Yeah thats what we do so its just the way I read that sentence
Some guys here cut everything in dry then when they dropped it into the glue the vinyl ended up in slightly different place causing gaps eveywhere
Well Jon. After waiting weeks for matching camo weld rod, I was told last week that Tarkette closed down for three weeks so it never got shipped.
Now I find out they ship via a special carrier. I need 10 feet of weld rod, but have to buy an entire 165' roll of it. $58 for the roll of welding rod plus $52 shipping cost.
I think I'm going to do a 2" saddle seam and chemical weld them. Never messing with this commercial vinyl again. If they had a seam adhesive like Armstrong did (S-200), seams wouldn't shrink. This stinks. :mad:
Well, I changed my mind. I decided to cut a small sliver of vinyl and insert it into the seam to fill the gap. Very time consuming tayloring the the narrow sliver of vinyl to fit neatly into the gap. It's 1/16" wide or less... most is less than that, none is wider than that.
I cleaned and vacuumed out any accumulated dirt that might have fallen into the gap.
It took a long time to fit these narrow slivers of vinyl. I pulled the skinny strips though a utility knife blade over and over, scraping off miniscule amounts of material until it fit neatly into the gap. Then I put masking tape on the edges of the seam so the sealer didn't melt into the finish.
I applied the PVC sealer down into the gap, then immediately started inserting the skinny ribbon of flooring into the gap. This ribbon of vinyl melted or fused quickly so it couldn't be fully inserted. Pretty close tho.
I pulled off the tape, cleaned off the excess sealer with alcohol and rolled the seam area with my steel seam roller. It fused or melted so fast there is 1/32nd of an inch of my filler strip still protruding above the rest of the flooring. I'm borrowing a seam skiving knife
(part of a heat welding kit) tomorrow to see how neatly it will trim this excess material flush with the flooring. I'm thinking this will work out pretty nice.
I am a bit PO'd that any manufacturer these days makes a commercial material that expands an contracts so easily with varying room temperature.
I mean, I had this flooring unrolled and layed out flat in the living room floor for two days maybe three before I installed it. The place was warm. The actual floor temperature was 74 degrees. A week later after the hardwood floor guy was out of there, I arrived to see these gaps in the seams...... the heat was off.
Jonsonite says to wait at least 2 1/2 hours to chemically seal the seam...... they do not add to seal the seam within a certain period of time. :mad:
It hasn't continued shrinking. The gap opened up within a few days and hasn't changed in weeks.
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Well, I changed my mind. I decided to cut a small sliver of vinyl and insert it into the seam to fill the gap. Very time consuming tayloring the the narrow sliver of vinyl to fit neatly into the gap. It's 1/16" wide or less... most is less than that, none is wider than that.
I cleaned and vacuumed out any accumulated dirt that might have fallen into the gap.
It took a long time to fit these narrow slivers of vinyl. I pulled the skinny strips though a utility knife blade over and over, scraping off miniscule amounts of material until it fit neatly into the gap. Then I put masking tape on the edges of the seam so the sealer didn't melt into the finish.
I applied the PVC sealer down into the gap, then immediately started inserting the skinny ribbon of flooring into the gap. This ribbon of vinyl melted or fused quickly so it couldn't be fully inserted. Pretty close tho.
I pulled off the tape, cleaned off the excess sealer with alcohol and rolled the seam area with my steel seam roller. It fused or melted so fast there is 1/32nd of an inch of my filler strip still protruding above the rest of the flooring. I'm borrowing a seam skiving knife
(part of a heat welding kit) tomorrow to see how neatly it will trim this excess material flush with the flooring. I'm thinking this will work out pretty nice.
I am a bit PO'd that any manufacturer these days makes a commercial material that expands an contracts so easily with varying room temperature.
I mean, I had this flooring unrolled and layed out flat in the living room floor for two days maybe three before I installed it. The place was warm. The actual floor temperature was 74 degrees. A week later after the hardwood floor guy was out of there, I arrived to see these gaps in the seams...... the heat was off.
Jonsonite says to wait at least 2 1/2 hours to chemically seal the seam...... they do not add to seal the seam within a certain period of time. :mad:
It hasn't continued shrinking. The gap opened up within a few days and hasn't changed in weeks.

I think if you had sealed it after that 2 1/2 hours we might not be having this conversation as per
I would presume the time they mention is for the glue to dry. It should be much the same with heat welding so the heat doesnt draw the wet glue into the join. We never wait, just make sure there is not wet glue in the join
Jonsonite says to wait at least 2 1/2 hours to chemically seal the seam...... they do not add to seal the seam within a certain period of time
If you can get one of these as they are fairly good
https://www.lookfloors.co.nz/product/247/c80-weld-rod-vinyl-trimming-knife-mozartWhat I would be doing is getting a NEW snap off knife blade extended to the full lenght trimming of the excess on a floor which you have just wet with a decent length of rag so that the blade slides over the floor

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