Nobody I know ever cuts the joins before spreading the glue we always do the joins when the vinyl is placed into the glue
Corlon from what I remember had an asbestos type backing which is a very different animal than the different backings of today
We used to cut the asbestos backed vinyls neat then into the walls then tube them to drop them into the glue as they used to shrink in the length if pulled back end to end but not side wise These plastic/fibreglass backed vinyls do not shrink like the asbestos backed vinyls. Also we would at times back roll the vinyls to pre shrink them We used to cut the asbestos backed vinyls in tight then force them into the skirting boards making the vinyl shrink into itself. When these newer vinyls will not do that as even if the vinyl is the thickness of a knife blade it will Bubble usually just after you leave, we had to learn all over again for these newer backings. No back rolling of these newer type backings as they dont shrink in length
Now the commercial type vinyl you laid is a bit like the asbestos type backings as they will shrink if folded back onto them selves etc etc. You can force shrink them into the skirting boards with a little heat, Also you can make the joins tight then heat to get the vinyl to lay flat as mentioned earler with a cold wet rag. Which is were you probually got into trouble. I didnt realise you cut everything in neat before placing the vinyl into the glue. I use a heat gun these days as you can heat them more without burning things like with a gas bottle
Re the turning up of the edges these newer type backings are made for loose laying so do not curl on the edges
Corlon from what I remember had an asbestos type backing which is a very different animal than the different backings of today
We used to cut the asbestos backed vinyls neat then into the walls then tube them to drop them into the glue as they used to shrink in the length if pulled back end to end but not side wise These plastic/fibreglass backed vinyls do not shrink like the asbestos backed vinyls. Also we would at times back roll the vinyls to pre shrink them We used to cut the asbestos backed vinyls in tight then force them into the skirting boards making the vinyl shrink into itself. When these newer vinyls will not do that as even if the vinyl is the thickness of a knife blade it will Bubble usually just after you leave, we had to learn all over again for these newer backings. No back rolling of these newer type backings as they dont shrink in length
Now the commercial type vinyl you laid is a bit like the asbestos type backings as they will shrink if folded back onto them selves etc etc. You can force shrink them into the skirting boards with a little heat, Also you can make the joins tight then heat to get the vinyl to lay flat as mentioned earler with a cold wet rag. Which is were you probually got into trouble. I didnt realise you cut everything in neat before placing the vinyl into the glue. I use a heat gun these days as you can heat them more without burning things like with a gas bottle
Re the turning up of the edges these newer type backings are made for loose laying so do not curl on the edges