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I hear you on that Daris. It would be nice to resume business as usual & hang out with friends more.
Racist??? Land O Lakes changed their offensive, racist logo.
https://www.foxnews.com/food-drink/land-o-lakes-drops-native-american-image-packagingWhere in hell did this become a racist image???
I always saw this as a positive native American image...
I am a proud racist. I liked the company logo.
The US has gone off the deep end. "Political correctness" is racist. It's a war against..... anything white Europeans touched with their fingers.
...and it's retroactive.
I wonder who complained so much to make the remove this logo. I liked it.
I'm buying Umpqua butter from now on. It's local even tho the name is probably racist because there were and still are Umpqua indians in Oregon just east of me 'bout 60 miles away.
When I grew up, something deemed racist meant demeaning, hating, making fun of of a person because of his or her race.
Ya seen Land O Lakes logo? Ya see anything negative with it.
Maybe they ought to show a casino image in the wrappers.
Hi, Did you know that if you cut the package the girl is holding out an then there was a way of folding the box so her knees showed in the hole it looked like she had her bare ****s showing. I don't remember exactly how to do it anymore but being a dirty old man that is what we used to do.
Hi, Did you know that if you cut the package the girl is holding out an then there was a way of folding the box so her knees showed in the hole it looked like she had her bare ****s showing. I don't remember exactly how to do it anymore but being a dirty old man that is what we used to do.
I'll have to buy one more package before they are all gone. 😁
Rusty, I hope you'll be OK until June.

Hi, Did you know that if you cut the package the girl is holding out an then there was a way of folding the box so her knees showed in the hole it looked like she had her bare ****s showing. I don't remember exactly how to do it anymore but being a dirty old man that is what we used to do.
That image has been on there long enough that my late paternal grandfather used to do that folding trick. My dad showed it to me before & told me his dad showed him. Sad that the image is being removed. People are waaaay too oversensitive about stuff.

Mom finally called the social security office (she'd been putting it off even though I told her she should call last month). They had refused to process anything online before & insisted she had to come in to the office. She's turning 70 this month & I told her with everything shut down they will have to handle things from home. So she called & the gentleman on the phone was very nice. He apparently served in Army Reserves & he was very patient and friendly. He set her up for a phone appointment sometime in May.

My brother had a cold again (he blamed it on me-- nevermind he was the one who brought the cold home in the first place back in March). I will need to go to the store soon to pick up my thyroid meds & grab more water. We're almost out already. I'll have to get more sour cream, maybe find some chicken noodle soup (I wish they sold the noodle-Os in bulk) & some other stuff. Maybe more tunafish packets so Mom can make herself sandwiches. I'll have to make a list.
Depending on my heart rate.
How much are you going to charge? .....you could make some big money if you play this right. 😁
Do you call in and report your rates to the doctor's office so he can keep a virtual eye on your condition? This sounds like how Canada's health care works.
I'm guessing if he was worried about you he'd see you sooner.
Starting the next Home Improvement project this week. Finishing downstairs. Tired of looking at insulation between the studs. Just had 30 sheets of drywall delivered. Got $200 worth of plumbing stuff to run pex to the front spigot bypassing the softner. Also going to put that pipe inside the wall and plumb for a utility sink on the other side of the wall. I'm helping my carpenter to hang drywall to save me some charges for man hours. ~900 sq feet of wall. No ceiling at this point. Also ordered $350 of lumber to frame out under steps to make that into a cut off storage area. Also building a closet and a modeling workbench with shelves and drawers.

And running to HF to get a hammer drill and some other little stuff.

Going to mud myself. I'm pretty good at picking stuff up from watching videos. Never put mud on before. My carpenter says use the blue mud for the taping and first layer across the seams and purple for the top coat.

Excited to get started.
How much are you going to charge? .....you could make some big money if you play this right. 😁
Do you call in and report your rates to the doctor's office so he can keep a virtual eye on your condition? This sounds like how Canada's health care works.
I'm guessing if he was worried about you he'd see you sooner.
He says it won't kill me, just make me uncomfortable.
Mom woke me up last night over something stupid. Couldn't get back to sleep for a few hours. Slept until almost 4pm. Still in zombie mode. Was late taking my meds so I'm still trying to clear the mucus. Tomorrow I need to go pick up an RX at Walmart & pick up an order of water and cat food at Samsclub.
Mom actually wants to go with me (we have masks & they have been scrubbing down the riding carts). I'm hoping to do something productive on Monday. I need to sleep at night and be awake during the day. Eyes are still dripping & crudding up & vision is still blurry. I have to blink a lot to read.

Mom's 70th birthday is coming up on Tuesday. I need to see about getting her some cupcakes or a cake or something. In honor of her birthday I suppose I should put on pants. LOL.

I saw a news article about police reminding people to put on pants before checking their mailboxes.

The dog, Princess, has pulled a bunch of blankets and pillows into a tall pile next to my bed so it's almost as high as my bed, and she's been sleeping on the pile & trying to steal more blankets to burrow under on the pile. LOL. She's on the pillow I use as a mouse pad right now.

Hope everyone else is doing ok.

Good luck with the drywall and mudding Tom! I'd love to see pics of the progress. I'm so very bored & I can't stream videos or audio stuff on my connection due to bandwidth restrictions.

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