Been having headaches from a dental abscess but it seems to have deflated-- was a sore lump but now it's gone & there is a rough patch of skin where it used to be.
My best friend is having Covid symptoms after two of his co-workers tested positive & he was sent home. Took him several days for them to get test kits in. He tested negative but sometimes there are false negatives so he's going to operate as if he has it just in case. His employer wants him to come back to work. I told him to call in sick. He actually is ill & it could be contagious even if it's just the flu. His fiance is upset bc she just got papwerwork from the court saying her arraignment is in early August. She's due to give birth in mid to late August unless they have to induce her early. She's "31 weeks" but her belly is only the size of someone at "23 weeks". Shes up to about 100lbs now. Even though she's not guilty of the crime she's charged with, they are talking about her taking a plea deal because they can't afford a better attorney, they know they are going to end up having to pay $ anyway (bc that's how the system works here), & she doesn't want to risk trial. She has ADHD & can't properly explain things in order. She jumps around & confuses people when trying to relate a story. You'll have to ask her 20 times to get it out of her in a way that makes sense. The court appointed lawyer who is supposed to represent her still hasn't spoken to her yet. His clerk actually pulled some BS with her pretty much assuming she was guilty without knowing what happened, so I explained that she was attacked in her own home & defended herself. Maybe I'm too much of a control freak, but I wrote down what she told me & I want to talk to her lawyer or at least be with her to help her explain what happened in a coherent manner.
Rusty, sorry to hear about your knife. I've carried my Swiss Army Knife for over 20 years. I'd be very upset if I lost it.
Mention of the dust from cutting ceiling tiles made me think of some Youtube videos I watched where people had elaborate dust collection systems.