Zan, I know the protesters are not instigating the violence. When they do protest, the rioters tag along and break stuff and set fires. If that happened, I would stop going to protests because I know in advance that violence would occur.
If change is needed, new rules need to be enacted in the police rulebook. Do that by arranging dialogue between state senators and representatives so that they and the police can standardize police procedures. I don't see these protests doing anything positive... Just yelling screaming and blaming.
I'm not a cop, but maybe than knee to the neck procedure is warranted occasionally in order to cuff and maybe get a criminal on PCP under control... not for 8 minutes after he's under control. Police procedures need to be analalized then fix and standardize them nationally.
I get what you're saying, but the people have the right to protest & should not be treated with violence while being peaceful. What else would you have them do when no one listens to them? Many of them try to go to court & get dismissed. If they don't protest then it doesn't raise awareness of the issues as much. They shouldn't have to stop protesting just because bad people use the protests as an excuse for violence. Just as responsible gun owners shouldn't have to give up their guns because there are criminals who use guns unlawfully.
The kneeling on the neck thing is NOT in any of the police protocol or training. Video from different angles showed the victim was contained and was not fighting. The cop knew him & had worked with him. He clearly had a bone to pick with him & perhaps was trying to inflict pain as part of either some bitterness over past interactions (this is all speculation on my part). I don't know if he was actively trying to kill him, but he was absolutely trying to hurt him. There was zero justification to kneel on his neck like that.
We need better training & better screening. Cops who have egos & lose their tempers if people give them attitude or don't immediately comply. Japanese cops have things under control for the most part. They have tarps/mats they carry with them. When someone resists, they wrap them up to control them without harming them. One drunk guy who was fighting bit a cop & instead of hitting him or getting angry, the cop said "Why did you bite me? That hurt!"
I do realize cops are human and can lose their tempers & be afraid, but people often blame the untrained civilians for panicking or losing control of their emotions when it's the cops who should be trained to de-escalate & keep things under control.
Speaking of cops not keeping things under control, it turns out my friend's obnoxious grandfather is allowed to run amok by the cops because he's the brother-in-law of the former chief-of-police. They let him drive around without a license & harass my friend (and they even go over to harass my friend on the grandfather's behalf). Yesterday the grandfather wanted to see my friend's daughter (her birthday was recent & he didn't get to see her on her birthday). She was being a brat & having a tantrum when he rolled up in front of the house & held down the horn until people went out to tell him to knock it off. My friend's pregnant fiance was already very upset about the tantrums & told him my friend wasn't home & that it wasn't a good time to visit bc the little girl was having a tantrum. He kept insisting & she told him "Not now". Rather than accept that, he decided to start swearing at her, calling her names, telling her she was worthless, & calling her a liar & such. She's normally pretty sensitive but pregnancy hormones have made her even more unstable. She called my friend sobbing hysterically about it. When he got home, he called his grandfather to chew him out & tell him he's not allowed to see the little girl & is not allowed to come by his house anymore.
So, today after taking Mom to her eye doctor appointment, I stopped at my friend's house to drop off something he left in my truck yesterday. A large vehicle was parked across the driveway blocking it so no one else could park so I had to pull up in front & wait. My friend was returning from work & suddenly peeled out really fast like he was angry. Went around the block, peeled out again, and parked in the church parking lot. I drove up to him & he said the vehicle in his driveway was his grandfather's. The grandfather was defying him & being a jerk again-- demanding to see the granddaughter & wanting to drive her somewhere but the girl didn't want to go with him bc he got in a couple wrecks with her in the car & she's scared to go with him. My friend talked to us until his grandfather finally got the hint & left.
Complete change of subject:
@highup since you're good with metal, do you have any suggestions for how to trim out a metal shelf made of an aluminum angle bar/stock (not sure of the exact term). My friend cut it to 28" length. It's 2" deep & 2" high and . I sanded the very edge so it wouldn't be sharp, but I want to put something along the whole perimeter to make it less sharp/blunt the edges more. I was thinking something similar to the trim that goes on car doors, but it needs to be something that can be near the heat of a stove. I was thinking either black or stainless steel (if I could find something).
This was the piece I got I think it's 16 gauge but it feels thick & doesn't flex. Might be a mistake bc there's another one that's shorter that is 11 gauge. I want to make sure the edge doesn't scrape the stove if/when the stove has to be moved & am trying to find a solution that looks good. Do they make silicone edging in black or something?
Any ideas?