No, the cold front didn't drop down as far as they said it would. We were supposed to have lows around 36 or 38 but we were closer to 48.Febuary is always our coldest month. Temps may dip into the minus. But being surrounded by the Great Lakes on 3 side it keeps us warm. Generally we are in the 20's-30's. 16* at 6 this A.M. Just read this. Hi you could get a litttle of the white stuff. forcast for the weekend:
I'm a lot more worried about the old ones that won't leave.
We have a wind chill of -18. supposed to stay between -18 and -24 until Wednesday.That looks like short sleeve weather Rusty. We got maybe 8" on the ground now but sun is shining today and in the low 30's just enough to melt off my shoveled drive.
Do you have a furnace? Always wondered about that.It didn't get as cold as we expected but it rarely gets or stays below 40 here. So it being consistently under 40 is unusual. It was 70 the day before and then 32 the next. Weather is bipolar and off its meds! We don't get extremes in terms of cold but we do get extremes in heat. Summers will often get over 100 & are absolutely miserable. I'm not looking forward to the change back to hot as hell.
Woke up with 10 cats and a dog on the bed. It's 36 degrees so some of them have moved off of the bed. One cat is parked on top of my computer because it's warm. I'm trying to get up enough motivation to actually get up. Today was one of those sleeping in days. I will need to check on Mom and bring her food. She woke me up after 1am last night wanting food. She'd apparently asked my brother to get her food but he was playing a video game and refused.
I need to unload the cat food from the car and feed the kitties and do some cleaning. Will have to take naproxyn first bc my back hates the cold weather.
I always tell ;people the only place I could afford to go is Milo ( Milo Mo. op;. 50, 10 miles from here)Nope.
If you liquidate my bank account your vacation is going to be at McDonald's.
I have a whole house ac/furnace. It's electric. It heats but there is something wrong with the ducting. There are holes in the ceiling and I can sometimes feel air blowing from the attic so I think ducts are broken or disconnected. Mom's room and the living room seem to have the best ducts bc they are cooler in summer and warmer in winter. Kitchen is 2nd warmest. Then there's the front room. My brother's room and my room are the coldest (and get hottest in summer). We asked the hvac guy to check the ducts when we had the new AC installed but he said nothing was wrong with it- even after we complained about poor circulation such. It was his son who went into the attic to check. I think he lied.Do you have a furnace? Always wondered about that.