Highup, that is very cool about the friend who gives you stuff. Glad the new vacuum worked.
CJ, cute kitty. I miss having chickens. I used to pet them. My hens actually liked to sit on people's laps. One time I put a hen on the lap of a lawyer/federal judge friend of my dad's (guy was a jerk) and the chicken crapped on him. I may or may not have done it on purpose.

I can't finish a meal without having to give at least one little piece to my dogs. Fippy will sit on my foot to let me know he wants something. Princess will get on the back of the couch and start to climb on my shoulder a bit. The cats will just try to climb in to the plate/bowl. Itsy likes to reach a paw in and grab stuff. She's a smart little kitty. Tries to open lids by trying to turn them with her paw but can't anchor the containers to keep them from turning.
Went to Samsclub early this morning to get more water & cat food. It's my friend's birthday so I got him some cupcakes with buttercream frosting (they have ones with whipped cream & he doesn't like them). Employee told me which ones were buttercream as both kinds just said "icing". Friend was very happy. We were sitting there chatting when a tech from his ISP came over to take his modem. Friend told the guy he hadn't even received a bill or shutoff notice. The tech said that was crappy and suggested he call them to see if they could stop the shutoff. Friend said he gets paid Monday and can they just hold off the two days. Tech was saying they should be reasonable about it. Nope. Chick jerked him around while the tech made faces and said they were full of crap to act that way. CS chick told my friend she asked her supervisor if they could hold off until Monday for full payment or take partial today (he was $20 shy in his bank account). She said supervisor said "no". I said "ask to speak to the supervisor" He did and she said "He's out to lunch" and friend said "Then how did you supposedly just ask him something 13 seconds ago?" She put him on hold. Btw, it took 10 minutes for this chick to even find out & tell him how much he owed. They apparently doubled his monthly payments without increasing the speeds or service. It went from $40 to $80. They also had a reconnect fee on there even though they had never disconnected it. He asked if they really wanted to lose a customer permanently for being $20 shy instead of taking partial payment and getting the rest on Monday or just waiting until Monday. In the past they had done that, but this chick was lying to him. I finally told him I would give him the $ to put in his account so he wouldn't overdraft. He then asked if he could make the payment then and she said "hold on a minute". She had tried to insist that if the tech was there they had to cut it off. Tech said BS. We had him laughing while my friend was on hold. Eventually the chick said he could pay then and not get disconnected. Tech was happy. We offered him a cupcake but he declined. He had his lunch in the truck. Thanked us for making him laugh and went to eat. I took my friend to the bank and deposited the $ in his account.
Then we found out my friend somehow has Disney+ so we watched the first episode of Loki. It as pretty funny. There's a comedian playing one of the employees on the show and the guy is pretty funny. There was a line where the guy off-camera just calls out "It sounds duuumb!" and we were all laughing. Great cast and writing is entertaining. Owen Wilson is great on it.
Several people called during the show to wish my friend happy birthday. My mom called too and wanted us to get mail and bring her home something to eat. We were going to watch all 3 Loki episodes but just watched the 1 since mom wanted us back home.
Another friend visited. He and his gf purchased a damaged house in a nearby small town. They may lose it though bc their neighbors are jerks and keep petitioning the town to condemn the house and tear it down. Only one room was hit by a tree and the rest of the house is OK and they've been fixing it up. But neighbors for whatever reason have sticks up their butts about it. Friend had to leave to go take someone to cut the tree up. Hopefully they can convince the town to let them fix it instead of condemning it. They were told if it gets condemned they will have to pay the city for demo and if they want to re-build they will have to pay all sorts of permits.
I held & petted some kittens before heading out. Unloaded stuff from the truck and took a nap. Just got up and cooked for mom again (she had me bring her McDonalds earlier).
Tired now but need to eat something when I take more of my meds in about 30 min.