CJ, I love your wall art!
Last night one of my cousin's called-- she's the only female cousin on my dad's side. There are only 2 surviving 1st cousins- the one that called and her older brother. She went through a nasty divorce a few years ago and has been trying to rebuild her life. Guy was such a creep that she couldn't get much out of the divorce. Legally she could have gotten more but her attorney was convinced the ex would literally murder my cousin if she asked for more. He actually tried to leave her with nothing and tried to prevent her from having ANY contact with the kids. Ended up with her getting the house (which she had to sell) and 50/50 custody of the kids--much to the chagrin of the kids because he's a malignant narcissist. She said that she didn't realize how bad it had been until she was free of him. Said taking 20+hours of college classes while working two jobs & being a single mom living paycheck to paycheck was less stressful than sharing a room with him. I really wish I could go kick his a**. He's one of those guys who thinks women are lesser so he treated the daughters horribly. The older one no longer speaks to him and the younger one is suicidal and started harming herself because of him. The boys turned out OK but are not happy with how he treats people. Anyway, she's bringing the oldest to see the paternal grandfather (without the ex knowing bc he will crap a brick) and will be in Louisiana. She wants to meet up with us next weekend. She's a bit nervous because she knows her ex might cause problems if he finds out. Especially since he's racist and the daughter's fiance is Hispanic.
I will probably go to the grocery store today and get potstickers. Maybe pop in to see my friend before going to the store. I'll have to see when my brother wakes up if he wants to go with me. He'll be cranky because he needs to take the trash out in the kitchen again.
Watched some videos on Youtube. This one was linked in a woodworking group:
I immediately thought of Highup and his ingenuity on making and improving stuff.
There's another video on how to make a log lift but I haven't watched it just yet.