But in terms of the long history of the Earth we are actually still in an overarching ice age period - known as the Quaternary glaciation - which has been going for the last 2.6 million years. At the moment, the Earth is just in a slightly warmer period, an interglacial.
There have been at least four other overarching ice ages in the Earth's history, the oldest started about 2,400 million years ago.
The Little Ice Age was a climatic period, lasting from about 1300 to 1750, when worldwide temperatures cooled slightly, leading to extreme weather that, in turn, affected the colonizing ventures of Europeans in America.
The Earth is still warming from that Ice Age
The Earth cooled 0.1 degree, about the same as it has warmed since then.
We're still waiting for the science deniers to explain why this Inter-Glacial Period is colder and has lower sea levels than the previous 8 recorded Inter-Glacial Periods.