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Got a pleasant surprise. Walked into back corner of the basement and discovered a bunch of clear pine 1x3’s. Need to trim out garage windows and didn’t want feather edge trim.
But I sold the miter saw! Going to get the 7.25 inch Kobalt sliding miter saw for $130. I don’t see myself cutting anything more than 2x6’s. And I still have the circular saw for anything bigger.
It's amazing how expensive those saws were when they first came out. I have a friend that was a contractor and he bought a Hitachi saw. I recall him paying around $500 for it in a very late 80s or early 90s.
Me pawn shop addict too, estate sales, auctions, thrift I try to control myself, everything should go in the dumpster is my opinion sometimes.
I really like our local Habitat for Humanity ReStore. I stop in once every week and a half or two to see what comes in. They have pretty good prices. I don't stop in at the pawn shop very often. My best purchase ever was a Makita air compressor.
My old Emglow compressor died towards the end of a job I was working on and I needed something like right now. This was a lot larger than what I needed, but I paid $165 for it and it starts and runs like brand new.
Locally it was priceless about $500.
I think Amazon's price has come down since I bought mine.
My old twin tank and glow didn't have the capacity or the power to keep up with things like the air wrenches hat I just bought. This one can.
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I heard Canada has a lot of 15A, that’s why they made the National 8274-4 planetary 15 amp capable.

on a crazy serious note, I’m working my ass off, texting a bit cause noise I can’t answer my phone. I asked for something 2 months ago from a supplier we’ll call them, I ask today and they say no one asks for those. Do I’m thinking drinking, dementia, memory loss, how ******* borderline are our brains from the next day being in assisted living, etc. I think my fn brain May run at 20%? Just imagine 100%, it’s fn defective, all our brains simply do not work properly, hmm gene therapy, I’m back to work suckas!
I have a Makita miter saw I used once.
I have one that I never like to use again. It's the old original style Makita with the handle that sticks straight at you. How to use a chop saw all that often but I'd like to have something that goes beyond 45° in both directions. Mine goes 45° on the left swing and 48° or so on the right.
I heard Canada has a lot of 15A, that’s why they made the National 8274-4 planetary 15 amp capable.

on a crazy serious note, I’m working my ass off, texting a bit cause noise I can’t answer my phone. I asked for something 2 months ago from a supplier we’ll call them, I ask today and they say no one asks for those. Do I’m thinking drinking, dementia, memory loss, how ******* borderline are our brains from the next day being in assisted living, etc. I think my fn brain May run at 20%? Just imagine 100%, it’s fn defective, all our brains simply do not work properly, hmm gene therapy, I’m back to work suckas!
20%? Holy crap tell me what kind of vitamins you take. I need a boost. 😁
Too much. I do not actually know but I would put it in the vicinity of about 70 lbs

I looked into it... the website says 65
There's a time in life where a hand truck becomes an essential tool. I am at that time. 😁
Hey, maybe you can make a set of detachable Wheels that you can fasten on one end with a wing nut.
Now this saw is it's own hand truck. 🥸
I really like our local Habitat for Humanity ReStore. I stop in once every week and a half or two to see what comes in. They have pretty good prices. I don't stop in at the pawn shop very often. My best purchase ever was a Makita air compressor.
My old Emglow compressor died towards the end of a job I was working on and I needed something like right now. This was a lot larger than what I needed, but I paid $165 for it and it starts and runs like brand new.
Locally it was priceless about $500.
I think Amazon's price has come down since I bought mine.
My old twin tank and glow didn't have the capacity or the power to keep up with things like the air wrenches hat I just bought. This one can.
Best thing I ever bought at a pawn shop was a Roberts, Jr. stretcher for $100. Had all the poles and a case.
My buddy has the Bosch 12” saw and I don’t like it. Prolly cus I’m just not used to where all the levers n **** are located. Love my Dewalt though. Then again I am already used to it so take that for what it’s worth. If you take the time to square up and calibrate just about any saw, you can get a quality cut from it. I guarantee if you start throwing around a $1500 Kapex like most contractors do with all their other tools, it’s not gonna give you any better quality of a cut than any other saw that’s treated like ****.

High, they have wheel attachment kits that you can add on to your saw stand for rolling it around. Most 12” slider saws are gonna be around 65# to 70#. They’re big and bulky so carrying them will definitely pop a roid of you already have one on the verge of having one poke its head out.
CJ...... Why is your logic not logical to these guys.

Because I’m from the West Coast. I definitely don’t think like a Southerner. I tried explaining to some of these guys that you don’t make that much more on the West Coast than you do in the South yet the cost of living is significantly higher. So because of that you have to work more. You stay later. You work weekends. You work holidays. Strollin in to work at 9, 10 or 11 and cuttin out at 2 with a lunch break in between just isn’t tolerated. You do what you have to do to make more money to make up for the higher cost of living until you decide to pull your head outta your ass and figure out how to work smarter, faster and just overall be more efficient. This answer might offend some but I’m just stating facts.
Because I’m from the West Coast. I definitely don’t think like a Southerner. I tried explaining to some of these guys that you don’t make that much more on the West Coast than you do in the South yet the cost of living is significantly higher. So because of that you have to work more. You stay later. You work weekends. You work holidays. Strollin in to work at 9, 10 or 11 and cuttin out at 2 with a lunch break in between just isn’t tolerated. You do what you have to do to make more money to make up for the higher cost of living until you decide to pull your head outta your ass and figure out how to work smarter, faster and just overall be more efficient. This answer might offend some but I’m just stating facts.
Worked for a store one time putting carpet in track homes. They were way behind. Me and my buddy were getting paid by the yard and would do 4-5 houses a week. The other crew, the store owner's BIL and his buddy were doing one house a week and being paid by the hour. The store owner bragged about how good our worked looked but wondered why we were so much faster than the other crew. I told him the truth. We were getting paid for what we got done. We couldn't afford to take a 3 hour lunch under a shade tree like his BIL did. He got mad and let us go.
Because I’m from the West Coast. I definitely don’t think like a Southerner. I tried explaining to some of these guys that you don’t make that much more on the West Coast than you do in the South yet the cost of living is significantly higher. So because of that you have to work more. You stay later. You work weekends. You work holidays. Strollin in to work at 9, 10 or 11 and cuttin out at 2 with a lunch break in between just isn’t tolerated. You do what you have to do to make more money to make up for the higher cost of living until you decide to pull your head outta your ass and figure out how to work smarter, faster and just overall be more efficient. This answer might offend some but I’m just stating facts.
I resemble many of those remarks but I'm not even slightly offended.
35 years ago one of the contractors nickname me the banker because of the time that I showed up for work.
It's been a bit of a joke my entire life. Once I get to work I don't usually take lunch. These days I'm pretty much stuck on about 5 hours a day. My body tells me when to quit. A couple of ibuprofen in the morning are my work partners.
I give them the afternoons off. They just do the morning shift. 😁
I got a buddy that takes a nap every day at 2. He’ll knock on your door at 6 AM though to start working. Different strokes for different folks. Big cities are a lot different than small towns and the fun begins when us city slickers move to a small town then wonder why they don’t like us. I know exactly why, I just don’t care.
I don't care if City slickers move into my town. They don't have my reputation so it doesn't make a damn bit of difference. 😁
With the exception of this entire last year which has been crazy for me, a large portion of my work is doing repair work. Either none of the other installers like doing it .......or I'm repairing work that they screwed up. 😉 A homeowner called me and wanted her whole house restretched.
The installation had just been completed. She told me that the shop told her to call me and arrange the restretch, then for me to bill them for my time. I soon discovered that the entire house including two living room areas were all put in with a kicker. I could tell by the marks in the back.
I was called by a homeowner to inspect a carpet that had just been installed. The installation was a woven karistan wool that went from one bedroom, into a hallway, and then into the master bedroom. The job was installed with a stinger and the pattern was two and a half inches out of whack in one bedroom. The bedroom was 15 ft long by 11 ft 10.
It wasn't fixable and I told the shop to order 25 ft of carpet so that I could replace one bedroom and the hallway. I charged $960.
The original installer had two seams in a 17ft long hallway. Upon removal it had stinger marks all over in the same tape towards the end of the hallway. The hallway should have had one seam. In one bedroom, the carpet could have been folded through the doorway and into the hallway,
By doing that, it eliminated one head seam. He had a total of four seams, and I ended up having two. The difficulty of this job was because of the stripes and it being a woven product which doesn't stretch. I started in one bedroom, folded it through and into the hallway and 17 ft down the hallway where I seamed on another 5-ft piece, the stripes had to match up with the room that I was not replacing. My nerves were shot just trying to figure out how lucky I get.
Customer was totally thrilled and the shop was able to get the cut off the same roll as the original job.
I'm not worried about city slickers even if they can do the same quality that I can. It takes a long time to earn a reputation in a small town. If I moved to another town, I would instantly become just "another guy"
I've never been able to move fast or do large volumes. I only get jobs that fit my style.
scratch my ass.jpg

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