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I did nothing constructive today. LOL.

I don't like to dig my phone out to see the time either. Most of the time if I'm around my brother I'll just say "¿Qué hora es?" and get him to check his phone. I pissed off some dude in a store one day. He'd been ranting about how people in this country need to speak English. So I turned to my brother and asked that. He answered me in Spanish and the dude was glaring at us.

Something on the USB ports on my computer caused a power surge. Made my mouse and wireless network adapter stop working. I plugged in my little monitor stand and hooked stuff to it to get some of it working. Had to reboot to get rid of an IP issue for my internet. Going in to command prompt and doing ipconfig /release and ipconfig /renew wasn't working.

Friend's gf called right when Mom and I were eating. Mom told her we were trying to eat but she didn't get the hint. She kept talking and asked if we had a knee brace or something. Mom told her "no" and she kept asking like it was going to change. Mom finally said she wanted to get off the phone and eat so the girl said "Ok". She's not a smart one and she wasn't raised to have good manners.

Meanwhile, PCH came out with the PCH+ app that has more mini games. I've been playing with them. It has more strategy than most of the random stuff on original pch.
I'm sorry to hear that. It really sucks. My brother had a co-worker who was 22 and didn't seem to have any evident health issues who died from the first wave of Covid. Over 50 of his co-workers got Covid within the first few months.

That is a very nice color! What paint and color is that?

I've been reading and hearing that the Delta variant is hitting younger populations much harder. More children are getting sick. They had the first proven infant death from it in Florida I think last week.

I'm glad you were able to stop it. The city / utility companies can do whatever they want in town. They dig in people's yards and don't even cover it back up. They tear up driveways and don't fix them. The mayor is getting some sort of kickbacks so he lets them run all over people and overcharge.

I think it depends on the city ordinances and state rules. Even though I am waaaay out in the woods, the power company can come in, cut my trees, and poke around my yard without permission & police will let them. Doesn't mean I have to let them. Or more precisely, doesn't mean I have to let my cow let them. She usually takes care of trespassers for me. We've never had anyone come back and snoop around the yard since my cow chased people.

I looked at transition prices for stuff a couple years back and they have doubled since I last looked. Stuff that I thought was high at $30 is now $60. I saw some for over $80. A lot of stuff is out-of-stock too.

Reminds me, I wanted to get this for the transition from vinyl plank to sheet vinyl in the bathroom: A&A Surfaces Antique Mahogany 0.3 in. T x 1.77 in. W x 94 in. L Luxury Vinyl Reducer Molding-LVR6520-0017-R - The Home Depot
But it's out-of-stock. A single piece would do two transitions, but I'm not too worried about the transition inside the closet since it won't be visible, so a 48" one would do. Any idea where to get that? It doesn't even have an option to get an e-mail when it's back in stock. I even drew it in as best I could for my bathroom sketch in Sketchup.
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Yesterday I had a dental appointment. Couldn't sleep the night before so I drew in the wallset for the shower that will be in as best as possible. Did the cutout for the window, plopped a pre-made sink that I adjusted to be the right width and depth into the vanity, etc. Then went and had two teeth drilled and filled. When they were done they told me to get up at my own pace. I hopped right up and was ready to go. Good thing I'd eaten at like 5 or 6am because I haven't had an appetite since then for whatever reason. Was really exhausted. Dentist had her work cut out for her on that back tooth. She had to put a metal ring around it to push the skin/gum away and give her something to support the filler material to rebuild the back of the tooth. I had to go pick up an RX for the next appointment (next Thursday) and had to wait 30 min for it. Picked up mail on the way home and then racked out. Mom woke me up sometime mid-evening wanting food-- my brother had refused to get her something. So I got her food and went straight back to bed. My brother woke me up even later asking if I was patching something. I told him I'd been asleep & wasn't using the internet. Racked out again and didn't wake up until almost 4pm. Checked on mom and made her something to eat and then back to bed again. I'm still feeling sleepy and not hungry. I was going to get some Ramen but my brother had left his chair knocked over on it's back in the kitchen in the way of the sink. I couldn't lift it and couldn't move it. He came out and tried to tease me about something but just the sound of his voice agitated me so I told him "shut the hell up". He seemed pretty shocked because he's always interrupting me and telling me to shut up but I don't reciprocate. I'd just overheard him yelling at our mom and being rude to her when she asked him to please move the chair so I was irritated with him. He tried to page me about 20min ago but I turned the volume down on the phone & ignored it. I don't know what he wanted but I'm too cranky and tired.

I just took my thyroid meds so I have to wait about an hour to eat anything. I'll probably nap some more. Just feeling very drained for no apparent reason.

Benjamin Moore Regal Select Blue Marguerita in matte finish. Ceiling is Cotton Balls, BM Ceiling paint
I got about 1800 sq ft of LVP in an empty house this week. 9” x 60” LVP planks sure do lay quick. So quick that I can make it to the pool by 3.

I did nothing constructive today. LOL.

I don't like to dig my phone out to see the time either. Most of the time if I'm around my brother I'll just say "¿Qué hora es?" and get him to check his phone. I pissed off some dude in a store one day. He'd been ranting about how people in this country need to speak English. So I turned to my brother and asked that. He answered me in Spanish and the dude was glaring at us.

Something on the USB ports on my computer caused a power surge. Made my mouse and wireless network adapter stop working. I plugged in my little monitor stand and hooked stuff to it to get some of it working. Had to reboot to get rid of an IP issue for my internet. Going in to command prompt and doing ipconfig /release and ipconfig /renew wasn't working.

Friend's gf called right when Mom and I were eating. Mom told her we were trying to eat but she didn't get the hint. She kept talking and asked if we had a knee brace or something. Mom told her "no" and she kept asking like it was going to change. Mom finally said she wanted to get off the phone and eat so the girl said "Ok". She's not a smart one and she wasn't raised to have good manners.

Meanwhile, PCH came out with the PCH+ app that has more mini games. I've been playing with them. It has more strategy than most of the random stuff on original pch.
My daughter speaks fluent Spanish. She worked in a turkey plant for several years, almost all of the others were Hispanic. I can only read it, and I had college and high school Spanish.
My father spoke Spanish fluently and could even discern different accents-- it was part of his job to know. One day we were in HomeDepot (after he retired) and he heard some guys speaking Spanish. He said something to them in Spanish, they answered then looked at him and were surprised. He asked them if they were from a particular town/area near Guatemala and they were shocked. They said they were and they were very surprised that someone in redneckville spoke Spanish so well. (Although, just to screw with some of his friends he used to speak it with an Italian accent when he was first learning). He also spoke Thai and some bahasa Indonesian.

My mother and brother took Spanish in high school. I learned a little French in elementary school and didn't get to take a language in high school (due to moving so much) but I took Japanese in college (they refused to teach Spanish at that college bc they were still bitter about the "colonialization" of the island in the 1500s).

I had to go to the store to pick up mom's RX. Good thing I didn't try to go yesterday because apparently the pharmacy was shut down then. Lady in front of me in line told me how her grandson got Covid and his parents still sent him to school when he was feeling sick, said he was worse the next day and sent home with a high fever. Got tested and had Covid and was now in quarantine. Friend of ours who works there said too many people working in the pharmacy got Covid for it to be open yesterday and that the deli is shut down indefinitely because all the deli workers have Covid. They apparently wanted him to come fill in other people's shifts bc they were out with Covid. The store has a mandatory mask policy but they can't enforce it. They had some customers who refused to wear masks and refused to leave. Got up in employee's faces & threatened them, but the cops refused to do anything. Cops here are refusing to wear masks & refusing to help w/ enforcement of store rules and refusing to take out trespassers even when they threaten employees.

My brother got offered a chef position at the casino. He asked what happened to the other chefs & they told him they all got Covid. He said "Hard pass".

On the upside, I got some Otter Pops (flavored ice things) that my mom loves. I also got some Epson salt for my brother to soak his toe so he can stop b***ing about not being able to find it (he left the old bag on the kitchen table and the cats clawed it open). He was griping about how messy the house was and how he can't ever find anything. I told him if he cleaned up some it wouldn't be so bad. LOL.
So far I've finished all the PCH+ games for the day and am slowly working on the PCH games. Potential prize is a $200 gift card. I won't win it, but it's fun to play the little games.
Dentist called to remind me of tomorrow's appointment tomorrow. I went and brushed my teeth right after.

My friend said that the casino's clinic is claiming that his gf's doctor never sent the test results showing she was positive for Covid. I asked if they could be lying. He thought I meant that the doctor could be lying about a positive result, but I meant that the clinic might be lying about receiving the info. I said when she's out of quarantine she will have to go to the doctor and demand the records so she can take them to the clinic. However, he thinks the casino already fired her because of it. If it's because the doctor refused to send the test results, maybe she can sue them. But, they undo firings when they get new info sometimes so she might just need to bring the paperwork in as she can't get hired at Walmart- they require high school diploma or GED. Her adopted mom pulled her out of school in 8th grade & was supposed to home-school her but still hadn't finished when she was 19. It was a ploy to keep her dependent and at home since the adopted parents were collecting her social security (without her knowledge).

I found one of my saw attachments I thought I'd lost. I need to find a couple more tools and then go get the board I want to mount to my wall for my monitor mount and cut it to size. I need to span studs that are 32" apart (with one in the middle) but will cut the board to 36" so I can put screws in 2" in from the edges. I'm thinking of using sticky tape on the back of the board to help hold it in place before I screw it down. The mount arm isn't as long as I want it to be so I will need to build up where I want it to mount to bump it out further. I'll need to figure out what to put on it to keep cats from climbing on it though. I may also need to attach something to the back of my desk so I can fit my subwoofer behind my keyboard shelf.
This is the keyboard shelf (well, monitor stand) that I got
I put my keyboard under it so the cats can't sit on it and mess stuff up when I'm not using my computer. I think the subwoofer is too long to fit on top of it and it would make me have to raise my monitor even higher. I'm hoping it won't be too high already.
I saw they sell clip on desk extensions but they are expensive. I wish I could find just the clips and make my own.
But I would have it extend behind the desk (since it's a tiny desk). I'm also thinking of putting pool noodles on top of stuff in case my monitor mount gets knocked down and the monitor falls, I want it to hit something soft to reduce chance of damage.

Meanwhile, I really like one of the bard songs from ESO and am trying to learn it. Reminds me of Celtic songs a bit. Lyrics are kinda dumb but I like the tune.

I had it running in a loop last night to help me sleep.
Z, you can use some wall anchors, mollies, in between the studs for more support. Prolly a little more permanent than booger tape.

Talked to the boss last night and told him I was making good time on my job. He told me to pace myself which is code for next week is slow. No problem. It’s 11 and I’m taking my first lunch. Prolly take my second lunch bout 12:30. The warehouse guy is delivering my base today bout 1 so guess I’m leaving right after that. Suppose to be 106 today so I got another date with the pool this afternoon.
Z, you can use some wall anchors, mollies, in between the studs for more support. Prolly a little more permanent than booger tape.

Talked to the boss last night and told him I was making good time on my job. He told me to pace myself which is code for next week is slow. No problem. It’s 11 and I’m taking my first lunch. Prolly take my second lunch bout 12:30. The warehouse guy is delivering my base today bout 1 so guess I’m leaving right after that. Suppose to be 106 today so I got another date with the pool this afternoon.
I could handle that life right about now. I delivered 11 full rolls of safetyfloor on site Monday... and Friday im going back to get 8 more :(
I could handle that life right about now. I delivered 11 full rolls of safetyfloor on site Monday... and Friday im going back to get 8 more :(

I might be able to get you a job here. When I got hired the old man told me he was lookin for another cracker. I would have to clarify if albino falls into the cracker category😁
Mark we arent allowed to only go out if its essential, the police are randomly stopping cars, especially if there is a family in it, as their is meant to be only one person from each family to go to supermarkets etc
I would love to go to work just to fill in my day. Have been pretty quiet over the last few months, couple of half days a week, as I do not do jobs much over 10m Vinyl too heavy for old fellas who work on their own. I have been known to turn up on larger jobs every now and then with another layer but he is too rough for me, throw it down go home then go back later to repair it
throw it down go home then go back later to repair it

That’s just how it is at a lot of places now. Sad thing is the new guys coming in are learning that that is how you do things. Some never even learn to do things correctly because all they know is some white dude (could be any color but you know what I mean) goes behind them cleaning up their mess.
Mark we arent allowed to only go out if its essential, the police are randomly stopping cars, especially if there is a family in it, as their is meant to be only one person from each family to go to supermarkets etc
I would love to go to work just to fill in my day. Have been pretty quiet over the last few months, couple of half days a week, as I do not do jobs much over 10m Vinyl too heavy for old fellas who work on their own. I have been known to turn up on larger jobs every now and then with another layer but he is too rough for me, throw it down go home then go back later to repair it
This is essential!

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