Thanks guys,
CJ, I don't blame you on that bs from them about your oil pan. I'm glad they have never pulled that on me. I go to a local tire shop where they don't screw customers bc they want repeat business. I admit, I wouldn't go there when they had one of my brother's friends working there bc he doesn't listen & messes stuff up. But he didn't last long there. Too many mistakes & they fired him. He also talked back & refused to listen to instructions. As soon as he was gone I went to get my oil changed. I provide the oil and filters myself so I knew what was put in. I get the Mobil 1 Annual stuff. I'm actually due for a transmission fluid change and some filter changes and other maintenance though-- but not gonna happen with this storm going on.
Looks like it adjusted back east again. Now they think it will go way east of Alexandria. I'm southwest of Alexandria.
Someone on the houserepairtalk forum sent me a link that shows all of the wind patterns over the entire planet. I'm watching the storm pretty much live as it beats the hell out of the very tip of Louisiana's toe. Boothville-Venice, Buras, Grand Isle, & Golden Meadow are getting thrashed.,28.91,4367If you click over a spot it will tell you the location and the speed of the winds. It's over 120mph over the areas on the east side of the eye.
This map shows predictions but doesn't show that it is already pounding towns more to the east (the Boothville-Venice and Buras ones).!3m1!1e3!4m3!15m2!1m1!1s/g/11rw_rgn09