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It’s coming to central Pennsylvania. Expecting 4-6 inches of rain starting this afternoon. Some people are going to struggle.
I recall quite a few years ago we had 6. Steady rain all day without stopping. It's rare when we get more than 1 1/2". When I hear people getting 6 inches in an hour, makes me wonder if you could breath.
What town do you live in Tom, the orange one or the green one? 😁
I'm glad I can work on my own vehicles. That said, I'm g tting a bit tired working on this damn S10. I had my frosted flakes in the morning and finished cleaning up as it was just about dark. I weighed 218 in the morning and 214 at 9:00 p.m.
....I'm kind of thinking that someone forgot to open his bottle of water multiple times yesterday. I'm getting so forgetful. 🙄Everything is so close together and so tight you can't get your fingers where you want them to loosen and tighten and plug things in. This is an 88 and I can't imagine what the new vehicles are like.
Got the distributor back in place and timed .......approximately.
One rocker cover left to go and then the throttle body goes back in place..... Hopefully I haven't been the metal fuel lines so bad they're going to be hard to get back in place. Then the throttle and kickdown cables and the brake booster line.... and the second rocker cover ...and the new spark plugs, but I'm going to wipe down all the wires with paint thinner first to impress the girls. 😉
I need to put on a new oil filter and refill it with oil..... It's been raining all day and I even flush it out with a little marvel mystery oil.
Water and small bits of shrapnel from my scraping and cleaning procedures of the valley area got into the oil pan. I made a small attachment for my vacuum to get as many bits and pieces as I could out of the lifter valley.
I bought some Delo 400 10/40 diesel oil for 13 bucks. I'm going to use that for a hundred miles or so and then change the oil again. I normally use the cheap Mobile (not Mobil One) 10/30 synthetic. I just want to be sure everything that got into the oil pan is out.
I flush The living daylights out of the engine and heater core with tons of water.
Today when replacing one of the heater hoses I decided to back flush the heater core. Holy crap I can't believe how much more stuff came out of that. I had already flushed it out One direction until it ran squeaky clean.
Before I put the distributor back in it didn't feel like it rotated smoothly enough. I figured it was carboned up a little bit inside so I took the pin out and the gear off and pulled the main shaft out of it. I actually had to pour marvel mystery oil down inside the shaft and rotate it back and forth bunch of times because the shaft was too tight.
After taking it apart and cleaning the shaft I knew that it needed that because it was overheating and discoloring the metal on the upper side. That side doesn't really get lubricant because it's a bronze or brass bushing. Well I had some cam lube, I think molydisulfide, and put a little bit of that on the upper part and the lower part of the shaft where it rides on the bushings.
I'm really glad I took the distributor apart because when metal starts turning colors, good things are not about to happen. It's all good now.
Well time to put the new plugs in, get the rocker cover on and some new oil...... The end is near. 👍
I went out today and got some milk etc as we arent allowed to do much else due to the lock down
Its really quiet around here with nobody having any work done on their houses as one cant even buy paint
I Googled the motorways hand to us and they are empty They should be filled up with vehicles at this time of the day
Seems most office workers are working from home


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Tom, I have a friend who lives near Hershey. He sent me videos from the other day of how bad the rain was even ahead of Ida. Reminded me of the rain we got in Guam where it turned the sky gray & you could barely see anything. We sometimes get that kind of rain-- where you can't see beyond the hood of your vehicle. Reminded me of a dive we went on (for diving class at Outhouse Beach. It was raining and chilly for Guam. Another class was coming out of the water & the dive instructor told us visibility was s***. "Things do wee down there, your mask". Said it was also cold underwater.

Highup, I wish I knew enough about vehicles to work on stuff. I meant to send the link to a video but forgot: They sell an attachment for drills that grabs things like oil caps and you can loosen and tighten them using a power drill. Well, there's more than one attachment. I wonder if you could MacGyver something that would work to help you reach stuff?

I was watching a video earlier of a laundry room reno. Contractor was having a hell of a time trying to remove the old sink. Screws were impossible to reach without an extension tool and then the screws stripped. Counter was being thrown away anyway so he had to cut it up to get the sink out.

I saw another video where a guy was doing vinyl plank on a concrete floor. Showed how he filled in dips and holes, then came back with a scraper to smooth things out. Lots of vacuuming. He removed the threshold for the exterior door to tuck the flooring underneath, but he mentioned that on the newer doors you can't remove the threshold. So, does that mean you just do the flooring up to the threshold now? Would it be better to install the flooring before putting in a new door or after?

He also used soapy water to slip in some boards in tight spaces. He said bar soap would work if you didn't want to get things wet. Has anyone here tried that technique? He had to slip a board between some boards in a hallway where he'd had to put one under a doorway/door trim.

It rained a lot today and barometric pressure had me feeling blech. Mild headache and feeling tired so I slept. Woke up to 8 cats and a dog piled on me. Apparently the cats were hungry and the dog was jealous so she had to get in on the snuggle action.
Well most everything is buttoned up but I didn't get a chance to test drive the truck tonight. I set the distributor in the wrong place and had a hard time getting the engine started. I realize what the problem was so we pulled the distributor back out lined up the timing gear and gave it a second go. On this year you have to disconnect the computer from the distributor when you set the ignition timing. I did that, set the timing and it sounds good.
I installed a mechanical type water temperature unit instead of the electronic one that came stock on the pickup. I removed the old temperature sender and installed the mechanical one in its place....
..... When I initially tried to start the engine for the first time it would not start and made some bad sounds. I plugged the original temperature sensor back into it's plug in and the engine started.
It will not start unless that temperature sender is plugged into the harness.
I asked a question on a Chevrolet S10 forum. I want to use my new mechanical gauge but the stock gauge still has to be hooked up somehow. Right now it's just laying on the manifold. I have a feeling if it doesn't sense the temperature correctly, it will adjust the fuel and the ignition timing incorrectly.
I never knew a water temperature sensor could screw things up.
Maybe it's not that big a deal.
I still have a couple things left to do before a test drive and I'm also going to need a new grommet that holds the transmission dip stick tube in place.
It's going to take me a day to reorganize myself I've got tools all over the place and the mess to clean up. Hopefully the truck runs well enough I can take a drive 30 minutes away to the job that I was going to start on Monday. I'm talking last Monday. The problems I run into have made this a much bigger job than I expected.
Anyhow I'm going to drive the truck around town for a while and if it seems like everything's working well and nothing's leaking I'm going to take a couple rolls of pad down to my next job and measure up the rooms for carpet cuts.
I don't know if I mentioned this on here before or not. We have been following the life of a 12 year old boy. At age 11 he was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. Over the last 15 months, he has gone thru numerous chemos, radiation treatments and surgeries. He has over 50,000 followers on his Facebook page. Well he passed in his sleep last night. His page was called "Christian's Journey" . He completed his journey by bringing over 50,000 people together. His father would take him from the hospice to ride roller coasters, parasailing, to the beach in Florida, and to meet his idol, Chief's QB Patrick Mahomes in person. Christian's father is the chief weatherman at a local station. There were many tears shed this morning. We all felt like we knew him personally.
Hope everything runs smoothly on the S10. My friend will no longer get S10s after his bad experiences. He was in an S10 when the tie rod came loose, wheels started to come off, & vehicle flipped and rolled several times. Nearly killed him. Got an S10 after that, was driving, felt the tie rod come loose. Hit the brakes, parked it on the side of the road, walked away and never touched it again. I think he had whoever sold it to him get it towed.

Rusty, that is very sad. It sounds like he had a lot of love in his life, but still sad that he was so ill and died so young.

I'm waiting for the pharmacy to notify me that both of my prescriptions are filled. One has been filled but the other was supposed to be filled after 2:30 (but newest estimate is tomorrow after 9:30-- they aren't even open at 9:30 and they close at 2-- if they are even open bc the pharmacy has been closed on weekends).

The 2nd prescription is not as important so I can wait until Monday.
Hope everything runs smoothly on the S10. My friend will no longer get S10s after his bad experiences. He was in an S10 when the tie rod came loose, wheels started to come off, & vehicle flipped and rolled several times. Nearly killed him. Got an S10 after that, was driving, felt the tie rod come loose. Hit the brakes, parked it on the side of the road, walked away and never touched it again. I think he had whoever sold it to him get it towed.

Rusty, that is very sad. It sounds like he had a lot of love in his life, but still sad that he was so ill and died so young.

I'm waiting for the pharmacy to notify me that both of my prescriptions are filled. One has been filled but the other was supposed to be filled after 2:30 (but newest estimate is tomorrow after 9:30-- they aren't even open at 9:30 and they close at 2-- if they are even open bc the pharmacy has been closed on weekends).

The 2nd prescription is not as important so I can wait until Monday.
Monday is a holiday.
Oops. I guess I'll have to see if they are open tomorrow then. Mom had a prescription that won't be ready until then.

I checked on the kitten and he's doing better but he was outside. Apparently my friend's mom showed up this morning & someone let her in and she let the kitten out. She came in begging for $. She was told "No". Friend doesn't have any $ to give her. She keeps coming by and asking for $ from him all the time. Another dude who came by while he was quarantined and pounded on the door demanding to be let in but was told to go away keeps calling. He borrowed my friend's car once but then didn't return it within a timely fashion. It was gone over 12hrs and he wouldn't answer calls. friend told him he's not borrowing it again. Guy was calling him all day yesterday and today wanting to use his car. Was not taking "no" for an answer. He's also trying to get in to the gf's pants. we told her that and she said "Hell no!"

I picked up one of my prescriptions. Was behind a lady in line and overheard the pharmacist clerk tell her that her meds would be $631. "Is that with the GoodRX discount?" "Yes, Ma'am". Her daughter came over and asked if she could help but when she heard the price she apologized. Clerk apologized to them and they left empty handed. I wish I could have helped her but that is a LOT of $.
Oops. I guess I'll have to see if they are open tomorrow then. Mom had a prescription that won't be ready until then.

I checked on the kitten and he's doing better but he was outside. Apparently my friend's mom showed up this morning & someone let her in and she let the kitten out. She came in begging for $. She was told "No". Friend doesn't have any $ to give her. She keeps coming by and asking for $ from him all the time. Another dude who came by while he was quarantined and pounded on the door demanding to be let in but was told to go away keeps calling. He borrowed my friend's car once but then didn't return it within a timely fashion. It was gone over 12hrs and he wouldn't answer calls. friend told him he's not borrowing it again. Guy was calling him all day yesterday and today wanting to use his car. Was not taking "no" for an answer. He's also trying to get in to the gf's pants. we told her that and she said "Hell no!"

I picked up one of my prescriptions. Was behind a lady in line and overheard the pharmacist clerk tell her that her meds would be $631. "Is that with the GoodRX discount?" "Yes, Ma'am". Her daughter came over and asked if she could help but when she heard the price she apologized. Clerk apologized to them and they left empty handed. I wish I could have helped her but that is a LOT of $.
Lab wanted $232.00 to check my vitamin D level. Only thing my insurance would not pay for. I said no.
I am set up for two iron infusions over the next couple weeks. If they work really well, I am going to try to go back to work part time.
Rusty get one of those smart watches and the watch might be able to check your vitamin D level for you. Well my phone seems to check everything else like the number of steps you take in a day, heart rate blood glucose, blood pressure etc etc :)
I don't know if I mentioned this on here before or not. We have been following the life of a 12 year old boy. At age 11 he was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. Over the last 15 months, he has gone thru numerous chemos, radiation treatments and surgeries. He has over 50,000 followers on his Facebook page. Well he passed in his sleep last night. His page was called "Christian's Journey" . He completed his journey by bringing over 50,000 people together. His father would take him from the hospice to ride roller coasters, parasailing, to the beach in Florida, and to meet his idol, Chief's QB Patrick Mahomes in person. Christian's father is the chief weatherman at a local station. There were many tears shed this morning. We all felt like we knew him personally.
I heard the story probably because of Patrick Mahomes meeting him.
Such a tragedy but I'm sure it's quite memorable for his family and others to have the ability to enjoy these last moments of his life. If someone that age died in a car accident or who are biking or hiking it would be a sudden death. When you're diagnosed with cancer and given a timeline, everyone knows they need to step up to the plate because time is now limited.
Sorry for your loss Rusty. 😞
As an aside, I remember when a young actor named Michael Cuccione passed away a week after his 16th birthday. He'd had Hodgkins Lymphoma and struggled with it but was doing well until his family got in to a car accident. Not sure who was at fault. He went downhill from there. Spent the last few months of his life in a hospital. MTV canceled the show he was on rather than continue filming more seasons without him. I was in college at the time but my brother watched MTV and I remember they kept talking about him and I think they were doing some sort of marathon on his show but I was busy so I didn't sit down to watch.

Last night I heard the pump running when nobody was using water & it didn't sound good. Since my brother has blocked off the back door so it won't open I had to go out the front and around the house to go check. Good thing I did. Cistern was overflowing & water was almost reaching the jet pump. I had to reach in and grab the rod the float switch and push it up. It had turned sideways and jammed. The old D-Switch had been mounted to a PVC pipe at the correct angle for the rod with float to go through the hole in the lid. But the new switch the installer got couldn't mount to it. It had a bracket that had to be screwed to a surface. He caulked a block of wood on and didn't quite get the angle right so the rod had to go a bit sideways. Well, it seems the block has managed to shift over (and will not shift back) so the rod will not go in straight. I'm now trying to figure out a better solution bc the rod jamming is not something I need to deal with on a regular basis.

In the past someone suggested some sort of setup with a relay and solenoid valve. But I don't see how a solenoid would work since all it does is push. None of the ones I've seen are long enough to push the lever up while sensing water. Another option would be some sort of float switch and a contactor or controller that tells the pump to turn on when the float is down and off when the float is up. Not sure exactly what I'd need but I'm trying to find out. Would need to be for potable water.

The pump is an old setup that forces air down a tube and the water bubbles up through a pipe and comes down from the pipe trough the lid of the tank. It's a 2-wheeled piston pump. Motor is 1hp V 115/208-230. It did not list amperage on it. The wires for the pump connect directly to the D-switch that has the lever with a hole near the end for the rod float. I've asked on plumbing forums but no reply yet.
As an aside, I remember when a young actor named Michael Cuccione passed away a week after his 16th birthday. He'd had Hodgkins Lymphoma and struggled with it but was doing well until his family got in to a car accident. Not sure who was at fault. He went downhill from there. Spent the last few months of his life in a hospital. MTV canceled the show he was on rather than continue filming more seasons without him. I was in college at the time but my brother watched MTV and I remember they kept talking about him and I think they were doing some sort of marathon on his show but I was busy so I didn't sit down to watch.

Last night I heard the pump running when nobody was using water & it didn't sound good. Since my brother has blocked off the back door so it won't open I had to go out the front and around the house to go check. Good thing I did. Cistern was overflowing & water was almost reaching the jet pump. I had to reach in and grab the rod the float switch and push it up. It had turned sideways and jammed. The old D-Switch had been mounted to a PVC pipe at the correct angle for the rod with float to go through the hole in the lid. But the new switch the installer got couldn't mount to it. It had a bracket that had to be screwed to a surface. He caulked a block of wood on and didn't quite get the angle right so the rod had to go a bit sideways. Well, it seems the block has managed to shift over (and will not shift back) so the rod will not go in straight. I'm now trying to figure out a better solution bc the rod jamming is not something I need to deal with on a regular basis.

In the past someone suggested some sort of setup with a relay and solenoid valve. But I don't see how a solenoid would work since all it does is push. None of the ones I've seen are long enough to push the lever up while sensing water. Another option would be some sort of float switch and a contactor or controller that tells the pump to turn on when the float is down and off when the float is up. Not sure exactly what I'd need but I'm trying to find out. Would need to be for potable water.

The pump is an old setup that forces air down a tube and the water bubbles up through a pipe and comes down from the pipe trough the lid of the tank. It's a 2-wheeled piston pump. Motor is 1hp V 115/208-230. It did not list amperage on it. The wires for the pump connect directly to the D-switch that has the lever with a hole near the end for the rod float. I've asked on plumbing forums but no reply yet.
Float it with Ardex
Today I finally pulled down the wall in my living room that bisects my home. 15 foot span, use to be an exterior wall so it has a roof resting on it that just so happens to be roofed in with the new roof they built at some point in the last 60 years as an addition. Added some columns down in the crawlspace to beef up the existing ones which just so happened to be located exactly where I needed them. Then I built a temporary wall and got to cutting studs out.

Inserted 2 9.5x1.75 LVL sitting on one foot posts in the wall cavity. Let it down off the jacks and kissed my ass goodbye. Well I am still here to tell the tale so for the time being everything has gone according to plan which is exciting. I have never taken on any structural projects before seeing as that stuff scares the bajeebus out of me seeing as I will be the first to admit that I do not know what I am doing. Well... It turns out that I do.

For safety sake and my sanity, I have measured the distance of the bottom plate of the beam and the sill plate that is still in the floor at the center of the room and will continue to monitor it over the coming days to make sure that the beam is not sagging. I do not think that it will seeing as I did not see a lot of movement in the whole thing as I was going along. Wish me luck.

...if no one ever hears from me again, we know what happened.
Today I went and got my 100 year old mom up, fixed her hair, helped her get her breakfast etc, came home and replaced a bad room light switch and plate, and further went on to finish the "floor jack rebuild project" . I have come to the conclusion this is one of those projects that half way through you question the worth of effort, parts , and time...I still think when I am done it will be worth it and it will be one less train of cheap modern products I have to throw away periodically.

Happy Labor day y'all !
Today I finally pulled down the wall in my living room that bisects my home. 15 foot span, use to be an exterior wall so it has a roof resting on it that just so happens to be roofed in with the new roof they built at some point in the last 60 years as an addition. Added some columns down in the crawlspace to beef up the existing ones which just so happened to be located exactly where I needed them. Then I built a temporary wall and got to cutting studs out.

Inserted 2 9.5x1.75 LVL sitting on one foot posts in the wall cavity. Let it down off the jacks and kissed my ass goodbye. Well I am still here to tell the tale so for the time being everything has gone according to plan which is exciting. I have never taken on any structural projects before seeing as that stuff scares the bajeebus out of me seeing as I will be the first to admit that I do not know what I am doing. Well... It turns out that I do.

For safety sake and my sanity, I have measured the distance of the bottom plate of the beam and the sill plate that is still in the floor at the center of the room and will continue to monitor it over the coming days to make sure that the beam is not sagging. I do not think that it will seeing as I did not see a lot of movement in the whole thing as I was going along. Wish me luck.

...if no one ever hears from me again, we know what happened.
Wishing you luck because you said to. 😁
Get into some electronics and figure out how to install some vibration and stress monitoring alarms. One that smacks you upside the head, even when it gets false alarms. 😁
Today I went and got my 100 year old mom up, fixed her hair, helped her get her breakfast etc, came home and replaced a bad room light switch and plate, and further went on to finish the "floor jack rebuild project" . I have come to the conclusion this is one of those projects that half way through you question the worth of effort, parts , and time...I still think when I am done it will be worth it and it will be one less train of cheap modern products I have to throw away periodically.

Happy Labor day y'all !
I labored today and I'm not happy.
.....but hope you had a fantastic day today too. 👍

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