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I have redneck news! The continuing saga of my friend and his crazy (now ex) gf. He caught her cheating in the most hilarious way. But first, she physically assaulted him again. Jumped on him, spit in his face, and threw her soda on him. He recorded it with his phone and she didn't know it. He went to the store after cleaning himself up so he could get medicine. She apparently went to her boyfriend's house with the baby. The baby picked up her phone and called my friend. It was on speakerphone so he could hear her lying to the boyfriend saying my friend had attacked her and beat her up and the guy was trying to get her to press charges and call the police and saying he was going to call the cops on my friend. So, my friend recorded the conversation and then called the police to show them the recordings and let them know what she's up to. Four cops listened to the recordings, asked if he wanted to press charges (he declined) and watched him pack her stuff and put it on the porch.

She came back and plans to go move in with her boyfriend but she wants my friend to still financially support her. He told her she's not getting the baby and she's not getting $ from him. The other guy is unstable and has overdosed on meds before. Baby isn't safe with either of them. If cps knew she was off her meds, they would come take the baby away.

So, now he has to figure out who can watch the baby (not gonna be me).
So, now he has to figure out who can watch the baby (not gonna be me).
. That was quite the story !
‘ who can watch the Baby’ sounds like a good Country Western song title 😜.....sorry to make light of this serious situation, But if your friend plays guitar and puts that story to song lyrics, the extra money goes towards a Nanny 😃 😜
LOL. Friend could probably make a novel out of his life. It's been one weird trip. I picked up some medicine he couldn't afford and got him some groceries. He tested positive for Covid again so he's not going out again until he tests negative. He's still sick though, so I'm not surprised. I put stuff on his porch and he called out that he could see me through the peephole. When he's better my brother and I are going over to give him bear hugs. My brother is even willing to spend the night over there to help him out if he needs. He doesn't like being alone.

I got food for mom and am currently under the covers using my laptop. Cats and dog shave piled on as usual. 20 seconds after I climb in they pile on.
So, the Werebitch came back to steal all of the diapers and wipes and is whining that my friend can't keep the baby from her and he's just trying to control her. She only interacts with the baby when someone is watching. She ignores the baby when he cries. Doesn't change his diapers on time. Screams at him that she hates him and yanks him up by his arms violently bc she gets mad that he needs a diaper change. Any little sound he makes pisses her off.
Another friend dropped off more diapers. I've told him to call CPS and make them aware of her mental status-- off her meds, a danger to others, etc and make sure she can't see the baby without supervision. He may have to get a protective order against her since she's violent. Then if she wants to see her baby, she can have a social worker or cop present.
I think once my friend no longer has Covid, the girl who brought him diapers might help with babysitting. She's got a few kids and he helped her out by watching them for her sometimes and she drives him to work when he can't drive at night.
Sounds like a ****** situation. Any time there's kids involved is a ****** situation.
I feel like calling cps and getting that baby somewhere safe is priority number one.
Yeah, I'll keep on him about calling CPS. He doesn't want to file for child support from her bc he doesn't want to "admit" that he "needs anything from her". But she caused him to have blood clots and a stroke and he's disabled because of it. She owes him. He could be making more $ to support the baby if she hadn't hit him in the head and caused the clots. Another mutual friend got on her case about the diapers and wipes and how wrong it was to take them and how that's a way to guarantee she can't get custody. So she brought them back hours later.
Yeah, I'll keep on him about calling CPS. He doesn't want to file for child support from her bc he doesn't want to "admit" that he "needs anything from her". But she caused him to have blood clots and a stroke and he's disabled because of it. She owes him. He could be making more $ to support the baby if she hadn't hit him in the head and caused the clots. Another mutual friend got on her case about the diapers and wipes and how wrong it was to take them and how that's a way to guarantee she can't get custody. So she brought them back hours later.

With him not pressing charges on the dumb broad or going after her for child support is enabling her. He's just as responsible for the whole **** show as she is if he won't take any action.

You think she wouldn't stick it to him if it was turned around....
Sounds like she already was planning on it when she was crying wolf to her other boyfriend. ****, that is the kind of situation you see on the news where some crazy bitch involved in a love triangle talks one boyfriend into killing the other.
Sounds like your boy is addicted to crazy bitch pussy, lol. If that's the case then forget it, you can give him all the advice in the world & he won't heed any of it. Some guys are too scared to give up what they have (low self esteem?) even know it's a disaster. He literally herd her trying to set him up and didn't do anything about it (chump/cuckold?).

Like Chris said, makes me grateful for my old lady. She's a pain in my ass but there's NEVER any drama in our house. I can't do that ****.

Hope you can break through to your boy..... If not, sit back and watch the **** show. 😂
Tom, he has low self esteem. Neither one of his parents had time for him growing up. Both were busy doing drugs. His mom abused him and allowed her boyfriends/husbands to abuse him and his sisters. He was mostly raised by his narcissist grandfather and his enabling grandmother. The grandfather was abusive to his sons and wife. No one ever made my friend the priority. When he had a daughter his father stepped up a bit more to watch her and she spent most of her time with him and the grandmother. Unfortunately, his father died and his grandmother followed a few months later. The grandfather pretty much harangued them both to death.

He was in a wreck a few years back that messed up his teeth and the abusive cheating girlfriend he had then convinced him he was ugly and no woman would want him. Sadly, one of the reasons good women don't want him is because he lets himself be a doormat. We've teased him about liking them stupid and bitchy. Everyone he's dated has been overly dramatic, crazy, and/or bitchy. He's got a crush on a woman who is not as dumb but she still has the lying and drama thing going on.

I truly hope he learned his lesson his time and will stay away from the crazies. But, only time will tell.

I tried to sleep at a decent hour last night but my arrhythmia was acting up. Was really bad last night and is still going but is much milder right now. It's very annoying. I'm hoping it will go away so I can get some better sleep in before I have to get up and start cooking.
Z, sounds like your friend could use a cake to help cheer him up right about now. ****, I’m not even feelin bad and I could go for some cake. Now I want some ice cream cake. Mmmm.

Again, what a ****** situation... Hopefully you and other friends can help him or get him the help he desperately needs. At the very least get that kid out of that situation.

I can do some cake 🎂....
LOL. We could send that cake to his ex. I might just get him some cupcakes next time I'm at samsclub. He likes cupcakes. But now I want cake, damnit! LOL.

Last time I was at Sam's by myself I got a bunch of chocolate stuff. Mom looked at all of it and I said "It's called 'shopping while fat'". I was hungry. LOL.

Friend is feeling crappy today, but he's still sick. At least he's laughing at some jokes though. I went into town to get mail and then grabbed some sweet feed for my cows. They were giving me pitiful looks when I was leaving. They still haven't learned to back up and let me cut the bag open once I get it out of the truck though. Red cow keeps getting her horns in my way.

I'm going to search the house for anything resembling cake now bc I'm hungry...
Nice! What material is that floor? And why is part of it so faded? From stuff sitting over the darker spots and the rest fading in light/use?

Or did they spray paint in there? Looks like it has paint on it.

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