What did you do today?

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That is a liberal attitutde-changing wrench. One smack in the head, it adjusts attitude.
So, so strange you said that. 😱
I got the liberal crap beat out of my head today. Changing out my water heater, at one point I had two "Crescent Wrenches" resting 8 feet up on an aluminum ladder.
Stupid me, moved the ladder and had 2 Crescent Wrenches fall a few feet onto my head. 🤯
No blood, just lumps.
Note to self...... don't leave **** on ladders. 🤧
Please tell me that's a not a sign of 'liberalization' coming my way.
....gimme Alzheimer's over that because I don't want to know when I'm going into the abyss.
Changed out my 28 year old water heater today. I replaced the anode in my new (free to me 2008 50 gallon water heater)
I did a total interior clean out last week and spent $225 on the new anode, new flex lines, new copper pipe, a new solder on lever style ball shutoff valve, new copper fittings, some flux, inside and outside cleaning brushes and misc.
For some reason I had plenty of solder. Crap, that's $39 now 😱
Fortunately, I had me $80 worth of lead free solder in my drawer of crap.
A new heater is $500 and most of what I did was $200 in parts.
I guess I done good, but "free" cost me $200. 😁
Hey, better than $750, so I'm not really bitchin..... just surprised a bit at what free costs.
I'm gonna call the lady that gave it to me and say thanks.
It's literally a 12 year old heater that wasn't used for 20 years.
Highup. Ouch. Hate when stuff falls on the head. Not fun at all. My brother was dicking around with a ladder one day and it came apart and the part that came off fell on my head.

Today I got my friend over and he broke out my new compressor (new bc I had to replace my stolen one). Set up my pneumatic staple gun (Surebond brand), got out my aviator snips, and cut some metal mesh to staple over holes in the pantry ceiling. Only one of the holes had been breached so my friend stuffed steel wool into it before putting metal sheet up. I also had him cover spots that they could chew through in the future. Hopefully that will keep them out. Then he added screws to the pantry door hinges. The hinges on the door only had 2 screws each. Hinges on the wall only had one screw. Got my new drill out with LED on it and a hammer/impact attachment. Got the screws driven right in. I had the tools and stuff he needed set out (except for compressor and aviator snips bc we thought wirecutters would do but they weren't cutting it). He helped me get my end table into the living room (I carried it from my room and got to living room door and passed it off to him and he set it near where it got put eventually. He also hauled out a heavy trash bag I had trouble lifting.

Afterward we went to the grocery store and I bought him some groceries to hold over until he gets his food stamps. Helped him unload them at his house. The toddler was super happy to see me and rushed over for a hug and wouldn't let go. He always wants me to pick him up. Held him for a couple minutes and set him down, hugged my friend, and then headed home. Picked up my RX and frozen stuff while at the store so had to get back. Fed mom, ate a salad, and then moved old end table out of the way, picked up a ton of trash mom dumped under and around it, and got the new one slid into place. Cleaned up the clear plastic sheet that sits over the new end table and put it on. Got her stuff that had been on top of the old table transferred over and now she can put stuff inside of the new one because it has doors.

I still have more cleaning to do but I'm exhausted and need a nap. Got cats sitting on me now.

This is my pantry ceiling where it was patched. It's actually white but light in the pantry makes it look yellow.

I wonder if I can spackle over the mesh and paint in there.
Highup, the mesh is all metal. Old metal windowscreen material and the thicker stuff is stainless steel. I was surprised the mice were able to chew through the metal. The whole purpose was to keep mice out.

Cleared everything off the bathroom floor, swept, vacuumed, lifted corners and vacuumed under them. Adjusted the position of the vinyl as best as I could. Had to do a relief cut where it goes into the doorjamb so I could get to adjust better. I't moves too easily with the insulation stuff underneath but trying to get that stuff out would be a royal pain. I'm going to trim it back and do a perimeter tape. If I can't find the flooring tape I got I wonder if I can just use gorilla tape or T-Rex tape. I discovered some mouse holes in the walls that I need to fill in. Don't want those buggers getting behind my baseboard. They've already chewed the edges of the vinyl in a couple spots. Shopvac got clogged from a styrofoam peanut and I don't know how to dislodge it without making a mess. Not sure where in the hose its stuck.

Woke up to one of my older cats pissing on my pillow. He'd been cuddling with me and suddenly got up. I think he just had to go very badly. He also pissed on my head a bit but it didn't get in my hair. Washed the pillow and will do some laundry later. Pillow is hand-wash only but at least I can wash the pillowcase.
That's good news, Rusty.
I tried to get the dummy knob on to the door but didn't have the right hardware. I did get a wooden backplate screwed on that will keep mice out. Wish I could hae found just a wooden plug that was drilled out of a door but I looked and couldn't find any. Watch me find some later. (I really need to sweep that floor again).
I went to some stores and post office. First TSC where I found locknuts and got sweet feed for the cows. Then local hardware store for bolts (TSC didn't have them), then Walmart for eggs, pork chops, and floor cleaner. Dropped by the post office for mail. Had to get the clerk to go get one of my mail pieces out of the box from the back because it wouldn't come out the front. Too much of a lip on the front inside.
Back home and resting now.
Ugh. I hope you get done with infusions soon and won't need more.

I ate a salad and cooked for Mom. I'm about to take a nap because I'm exhausted.

Planning out what to do with the bathroom in the next few days. Any suggestions on which corner/side to start taping? I'm thinking maybe near the toilet first but I'm open to suggestions. Still need to unclog the vacuum and plug mouse holes, but I want to plan ahead.
I'm awake early. Body doesn't like me. I'm out of water in my room (I always keep a bottle of water on my nightstand to take meds). Left ankle is being particularly hateful today so I'll need some naprosyn to get the swelling down. I went to bed fairly early last night. I want to get more stuff done today but hope my body will keep up.
I know the topic has a different title but how about what did you do yesterday.
Okay how about yesteryear.
I just started watching but I suppose I need to mosey on and get some work done today. I'll watch them when I get home.
Ugh. I hope you get done with infusions soon and won't need more.

I ate a salad and cooked for Mom. I'm about to take a nap because I'm exhausted.

Planning out what to do with the bathroom in the next few days. Any suggestions on which corner/side to start taping? I'm thinking maybe near the toilet first but I'm open to suggestions. Still need to unclog the vacuum and plug mouse holes, but I want to plan ahead.
The infusions make me feel great for a few months.
Rusty, if they make you feel better then that is good. I just wish you didn't need them to feel good.

Got up early, went down to the workshop to look for scrap wood. Was hoping for some door borehole cutouts but no such luck. Found some triangles and other stuff but not what I was looking for. Looked around and realized I don't even know what a lot of the tools do or are for. I need to learn. Found a plywood/sheetrock carrying handle thingy. Forgot to bring it up, but it will come in handy. Found the hinge pins for the door I painted (wasn't sure where they were and was afraid they were lost, but know where they are now so I don't have to worry).

Went back to the house and napped for a few hours. Body was needing the rest. Got up again and went to the post office for mail-- my Worx battery came in. Picked up prescriptions at Walmart. Tomorrow I have to pick up the battery charger at Lowes (just got notified it came in) and grab some stuff from Samsclub. My brother wasn't up for going today. He helped unload stuff from the truck-- although I discovered he pisses directly behind the truck where I walk to get stuff out the back. He should at least go out to the burn pile to do that. If I hadn't been out there he would have just pissed from the porch.

Got the shopvac brought back inside but need to put the hose stuff back together and vacuum in the bathroom some more. Still forgot to buy tack cloth.

I just had some ribs and am letting my stomach settle. I'll nap again and go vacuum the bathroom.
Well I've got five more stairs with a turned edge in a small landing to finish on my carpet redo job. That's the one where I'm reseaming and restretching the entire upstairs of the house because the installation looked so crappy.
Before the upstairs was penciled into the shops schedule, I told the customer that I mostly do smaller jobs. That said they still wanted me to do the stairs. So that's going to end my week and then I have to decide which job is most important to tackle next. I think three jobs that need measuring.
Sounds like you're keeping busy, highup.

I played a sea shanty song on youtube to help myself wake up. Went to Lowes to pickup an online order, then to samsclub. While there my brother got messaged that our friend's lazy useless co-worker quit so bro put in his application and boss said he's as good as hired. Job is easier than my brother's current job but has better pay. He can sit and put his feet up in the office until something breaks and then go fix it or fix ticket machines (which he already does). He was already doing half the lazy guy's job already. In the over 6 months the dude was there he never once fixed a broken machine (which was what he was hired to do). He lied on his resume about his skills/experience. Anyway, bro is excited about getting that job and the higher pay. Friend said he'll need a tool bag and some tools (for which the job will reimburse him for buying).

After sams we grabbed Wendy's. Dropped stuff off at friend's house, unloaded our groceries at home, I ate my chicken sandwiches & then we went to the gas station in the CR-V to put gas in it. Bro still hasn't had his savings restored after the bank let someone fraudulently drain it. He's going to have to contact them about that soon.

Tried to rest but Mom wanted me to cook for her. My left knee doesn't like me, I feel winded, and the heat sapped my energy. I really need to get in better shape. I still need to vacuum but need to muster up the energy. Maybe after a nap. I want to make sure I get it done today though.

On my brother's job, the business operates out of NJ so my brother will have to pay state taxes to NJ but Louisiana will still charge him tax and he'll have to pay federal. So, he'll be having taxes withheld from 3 different groups. Not sure how my friend handles it, but there might be some exemption/deduction for having to pay NJ's taxes.
Yeah, keeping busy because I put in a days work in three days.😁
A friend called me as I was leaving work yesterday. He said, you need to stop by the casino. He said there's 3 Lamborghinis in the hotel end of the parking lot. I was working 20 miles from town but it's only 5 more miles to the casino.
Maybe 3 Lamborghinis, but supposedly 50 cars total. An Aston Martin a couple newer mid engine Corvettes, Porsche, Mercedes, Ferrari. A little bit of everything..... but no Cudas, Mustangs or Camaros.
Looked up Pinnacle Rally and it didn't tell where they started nor where they're going.
A bit out of my league. 🥴 High society Gumball Ralley?
Only a few cars I liked. The Porsche, Mercedes and Ason Martin.
A lot of the cars had the owners names painted just above the door handles, just below the window.
Be interesting to know the history of each owner to figure out how they can afford them.
You can buy a look alike used Mercedes with 500 miles on it for $269,000


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I spoke to the fellow that I'm currently working for and told him about the cars at the casino. He paused and ask me do you have a minute?
I followed him out to his garage which sets just below the house and heres his toy. 76,000 original miles and he's the fourth owner. He's owned it for quite a few years now. It has the factory tack and factory air conditioning and it's about a stock as a card gets except for the mustang cassette player. His mustang is a 1965 and the cassette player he thinks is 1969 if that's possible. I'd say that because I can't remember when cassettes came out.
Anyway the car is show quality, it's beautiful.


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Oh nice!

I finally dragged my fat ass out of bed (well, I got up earlier and fed the cats) and started working on my bathroom again. Hooked up shopvac and started trying to vacuum. Almost no suction. Checked the hose, checked the port-- no idea why it wouldn't work. Disconnected hose and flipped it around. It worked. So I was happily vacuuming away but the stupid wide suction end thingy kept sticking to the vinyl, pulling it up, and then falling off the hose. I think I need to tape that mofo on. Shopvac (which is not well-balanced and could be knocked over by a kitten) fell over and stopped suctioning. I turned it upright and still no suction. Turned it off, then back on. Still no suction. Kicked it while holding the handle & turned it back on. Worked again. Started sneezing and coughing from all the dust in the air so I'm taking a short break. Going to get my tools and start cutting and taping.

Edit: I FINALLY finished the flattening, trimming, and perimeter taping. I had to pull up some nails and remove some of the original carpet fragments that got left under some trim. Managed to get the vinyl to roll under the toekick nicely without much trimming. It runs up the underside of the toekick-- which I'm happy with. It's stiff enough that it will hold itself in place up there without tape. There is one unsightly crease I don't like but couldn't get out but that will be covered with a bath mat so I don't care. Getting the vinyl under the carpet band thingy was a bitch and a half. The flap thingy didn't want to stay up. I used a putty thingy to cram the vinyl under. Band didn't want to go back down, but I perimeter taped a few inches away so it *should* stay. Crossing my fingers. It's a total mess in there. Adhesive got stuck to my scissors. I almost couldn't get back up off the floor... It's absolutely going to need baseboards in there. Pics to come after I cool off a little. I'm sweating like crazy.
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What goes on at night right above your head?
......more than ya think. 😱
I've set my game cam on the roof my old van a number of times at night. Just wanted to check to see what's going on up there. The bats fly in incredible flight patterns .......super freak, super freak The wind in these videos is zero mph.
Most of the entertainment is just fog droplets. Looks like a blizzard is going on.
The camera shows tiny water droplets to small to see, plus bats, moths and who knows what else............ 😱
I just find it interesting that all this action straight above my head. .....probably yours too, I'm not special. 😉


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