When we lived in California I used to walk to school until my parents suddenly started making me ride the bus or get rides from them. Turns out some Iranian terrorists my father had his people tailing were tailing him & started calling and making death threats to him and our family. He didn't tell us at the time, but we were no longer allowed to go run off to friends and had to have friends come over. We moved down here not too long after that.
I got up and mopped the bathroom floor but it still wasn't getting the grime up (I used the floor cleaner for vinyl). So I got down on a kneeling pad and scrubbed the **** out of every individual square. Then I discovered somehow a small screw had gotten under the vinyl right in the damn middle of the floor. I had to figure out where to pull the vinyl up to get to it. Managed to get it out, but it had put a small puncture in the vinyl. You can't see it though. I moved the toilet base into my room and cleaned it up. Cats had shredded the box so it was covered in cardboard flakes and cat vomit. Set it on a large piece of paper on the floor (the kind of paper they use under products at Samsclub (employee practically begged me to take them so he didn't have to deal with them). I drew around the toilet base to get the shape for when I make a platform later on. I can use it as a template for both my toilet and my brother's toilet since they are the same one. Got the tank moved in, got my tools set up, & had stuff ready for my friend. He was at an appointment for his gf. Her fetus is "high risk" bc it is low weight-- probably because she's been smoking and vaping constantly. I went to the store to get some more stuff (could not for the life of me find the waxless seal at home and I know I had one). Had a 3-bag laundry hamper I didn't want (still in box unassembled) so I brought it along. Let myself into his house (he gave me the code so I can come in whenever I want) & assembled the hamper. I give it maybe 2 days before it breaks. It was crappier than I thought, but maybe the bags will come in handy. I also brought over a rake and told him to tell the crackhead who broke my previous rake that if he breaks this one I will throat punch him. Friend got back just as I was pulling the last corner of the last bag over the nub.
Got back my my house with him and he was surprised to see stuff was ready. I had the bolts in the flange, put the waxless seal on, put straws on the bolts to help line it up. He got it put on and then trimmed the water supply line (I had marked with tape where I wanted it cut). He then said "Where's the toilet supply line". I knew I forgot something. And I knew I had one somewhere. Looked all around for it and then said "I'll go buy one and put it on later". So I had him put the knew ball catch in the door and get the dummy knob on. I couldn't get the screws to line up and was having trouble. He needed a socket wrench (I had bolts with locknuts instead of screws to hold it on) and found my supply line in the tool bag with the socket wrench. LOL. I said "Hey, guess what I just found?" "Toilet supply line?" "Yup!". So he put that on as well. I tried but my monkey hands kept crossthreading it. So, now my toilet works!
Dropped him off at home after he gave Mom a hug and went back to Walmart (per mom's request). Got myself a better laundry hamper (to be assembled) made out of metal and cleaned up a bit on my bathroom and put in my new trash can. Ate a salad and a chicken drumstick, got food for mom, and then went and glued the broken piece off the toilet seat that is needed to secure it to the toilet. It will take 24 hours to cure. I used the sticker from my trash can to lay over where I wanted to attach the piece and then attached it and the sticker helped it stay in place. Held it for 45 seconds (it said 15 to 30 but I wanted to err on the side of caution). Got some TP and wet wipes in there so the bathroom can be used.
Need to clean up the vanity, get the door back on it, and get my tp holder up. I'll post pics in my thread about my bathroom floor project.