I went to harbor freight and bought a tarp to tarp off the end of the carport. The old blue tarp started desinigrating. In the winter, the south winds blow water 1/2 way inside, soaking everything.
Got a silver one this time because it's stronger and it looks more upscale

La st few times I visited HF, they had these remote control battery powered led micro lights. I think the string is 20 feet long.
Not sure what to use it for.....
....it's a guy thing. Cordless, LEDs, REMOTE CONTROL

I had to.

So here's the strange part.
I bought a $130 space heater at Goodwill a couple years back. Cost me $15. I've never seen a better space heater. It has digital settings in one degree increments and has 3 heat settings and it's whisper quiet........ It even has a small air filter.
Anyway, back to my remote control lights. I have them on my lap, still coiled up, and I'm playing with the remote to see all it's lovely features.
I noticed my bedroom light was still on from this morning. I got up to turn it off and noticed my space heater was running. Asked my brother when he turned it on.....
....he said he didn't

I'm not good at math, but I can put one and two together.

I sat down, pointed my new $6 HF remote towards the heater and I'll be damned. It turned the space heater off.

It's getting closer to that time of year when we'll start having to use the heater, so now I'm not going to have to get up and walk 15 feet to turn the heat on.
Now, for your enjoyment or seizure entertainment.
.....The prancing HF light show.