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My grandson was out running around with friends last night when his mother called and told him to come home. 30 minutes later, 3 of the 4 he had been with died in a car wreck.
Devine Intervention or Motherly Awareness or both . Grandpa give him an extra hug from me.

That type of tragedy is happening all over and it could have been anyone of us in our youth. Life is so precious, live with Love in as many present moments as you can. ✌️
Devine Intervention or Motherly Awareness or both . Grandpa give him an extra hug from me.

That type of tragedy is happening all over and it could have been anyone of us in our youth. Life is so precious, live with Love in as many present moments as you can. ✌️
Yeah, I don't know how I made it through those years.
Devine Intervention or Motherly Awareness or both . Grandpa give him an extra hug from me.

That type of tragedy is happening all over and it could have been anyone of us in our youth. Life is so precious, live with Love in as many present moments as you can. ✌️
The kid ran a stop sign and T boned a semi so hard, he knocked it off the hiway.
My grandson was out running around with friends last night when his mother called and told him to come home. 30 minutes later, 3 of the 4 he had been with died in a car wreck.So sad. I never lost a friend during my school years.
That's so sad Rusty. Hope everyone finds ways to get through this.
Sounds more like repair contractors appreciation day 🤗 Fantastic Job Highup

My sister ( customer rep. ) would pass on customer compliments and that’s nice 🙂, but A CARD WITH 💰 that’s the 🐝 knees….. buy yourself something special !

When a flooring contractor has YOU ! On his side, it almost makes sense to purposely botch a job and then send Super Randy to save the day 🤗
No help necessary. Stuff magically keeps appearing. I still have a trap door on a different job to re-do.
I got my second of three shots in my back for this round of shots. The nest one will be a ablsion where the burn off the nerve on the right side. Had the left done already. That lasts for maybe 6 months. Wish they had done the surgery when all this started, but now I'm kind of high risk as it is a 7 hour surgery, if my heart can taje it and I'm 78 yrs. old.
I got my second of three shots in my back for this round of shots. The nest one will be a ablsion where the burn off the nerve on the right side. Had the left done already. That lasts for maybe 6 months. Wish they had done the surgery when all this started, but now I'm kind of high risk as it is a 7 hour surgery, if my heart can taje it and I'm 78 yrs. old.
I wonder if they could do that for my foot? It hurts and keeps me awake. Pain killers don't help.
You can always look into it Rusty. Sorry the infusions make you sick at first. Also sorry you need all the back treatments and surgery, Daris.

Got some laundry done yesterday. I use deep clean sanitize mode so it takes 1hr58min for the wash cycle and I dry on low heat so it takes 2hrs30min to dry. I do timed dry which only goes up to 1hr15min but I have to run it twice to get my stuff dry. I put my socks in a mesh bag with compartments. I put a pair n each compartment of the mesh bag and zipped it up. Keeps my socks together and prevents them from getting eaten by the washing machine & dryer. I think the bag was designed for washing bras and delicate items but I saw it and decided it could save my socks. LOL.

I really need to give the washing machine a good cleaning with some vinegar and a toothbrush. Lots of hair and crud gets stuck in that front gasket. Cleaned the lint out of the dryer and it was almost a full cat. LOL.

Been lazy today and just resting. Need to go to the grocery store but not feeling like going. I don't want to change out of my freshly cleaned pajamas. Although, I could just throw on a cardigan and go to Walmart anyway. Not like I haven't before. I'm one of those people who doesn't care what other people think about how I'm dressed when I go out.

One of the cats peed all over me the other night (not the same one who peed on my pillow). It smells funky so I think he may have a UTI and was trying to tell me. Soaked my sheets, shirt, blanket, knee pillow, roll pillow, etc. I'm so glad I have a high capacity washer. I stuffed all my sheets, some pillowcases, the roll pillow, and a bunch of clothes in there. I'm surprised it was able to move it was so full. LOL. I should do laundry more often but I trip and slip trying to get to the machine while carrying stuff bc of all the crap my brother has piled up.

Mom informed me that her priority for things for me to fix is the back door. She has no idea what it involves and that I can't just pop the door in and be done. I have to get all my brother's junk cleaned up out of the way, the dog crap that is all over his junk cleaned up, the floor fixed, a proper header put in, etc. I might start working on that tomorrow if I can get myself motivated.
Damn, Z. I had a house like yours once. Everything was more work than you thought it would be. Even trying to hang a picture sucked because someone sheet rocked over the original brick chimney. It was a flip house so I suppose that is to be expected but still, I hated that house because of that.
CJ, this one was built out in the woods and I don't think there were permits pulled. I was told that the uncle of the AC guy (not the one in jail) and the guy we sold the tractor to used to live here. The original house burned down from what I was told. Current house was built with one bedroom, one bahroom, kitchen, pantry, and a porch. Sometime in the 20s to 40s. A hallway, two bedrooms, & two bathrooms were added circa 1947 (according to a beam under the house which had a date on it-- I think it was 2-22-47 FAT written on the beam). Bathrooms were renovated sometime in the 70s. Porch was turned into a living room and then a side room was added. Original back door was a steel one 78" high. When we came back it was gone and tenants had put in an interior wood door 80" and cut down into the floor as well as trimmed the bottom of the door. We painted it but it delaminated from the bottom. What passes for a sill is completely rotted. Same with sill for the sliding glass door.

When we had the AC replaced the worker (I think son or nephew of the business owner) said he'd never seen an internal AC unit so old before. The old man said that he believed his uncle had it put in during the 40s and the company that made it went out of business in 1973.

I went to the store, got groceries, got home and cooked, stuffed my face (overstuffed really so my belly is too full), and am about to take a nap.
I went to harbor freight and bought a tarp to tarp off the end of the carport. The old blue tarp started desinigrating. In the winter, the south winds blow water 1/2 way inside, soaking everything.
Got a silver one this time because it's stronger and it looks more upscale 😁
La st few times I visited HF, they had these remote control battery powered led micro lights. I think the string is 20 feet long.
Not sure what to use it for.....
....it's a guy thing. Cordless, LEDs, REMOTE CONTROL 😲
I had to. 😁
So here's the strange part.
I bought a $130 space heater at Goodwill a couple years back. Cost me $15. I've never seen a better space heater. It has digital settings in one degree increments and has 3 heat settings and it's whisper quiet........ It even has a small air filter.
Anyway, back to my remote control lights. I have them on my lap, still coiled up, and I'm playing with the remote to see all it's lovely features.
I noticed my bedroom light was still on from this morning. I got up to turn it off and noticed my space heater was running. Asked my brother when he turned it on.....
....he said he didn't 😲
I'm not good at math, but I can put one and two together. 😉
I sat down, pointed my new $6 HF remote towards the heater and I'll be damned. It turned the space heater off. 😱
It's getting closer to that time of year when we'll start having to use the heater, so now I'm not going to have to get up and walk 15 feet to turn the heat on.
Now, for your enjoyment or seizure entertainment.
.....The prancing HF light show. 👍


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Oh yes you can turn the lights on without having them blink. That's much more to my liking. I'll have to uncoil them and see if they have any use that I can think of.
It's a better impulse buy than a new car right? 😁
Ah, serendipity! I wonder if I can get a different remote to work with the lights I got for the bathrooms. The remote is black and doesn't look right if I mount it on the wall. And there's another light that came with 1 remote but I want 2 for it. Might be able to find an extra. That is so funny that the remote worked for the heater though. Too bad there is no remote control to clean up my junk and find other places for it.
At least the laundry cart came in handy (although the spaces between the wires for the baskets is too large so I will need some sort of lining). Last pic is my current setup with newly installed toilet seat. Hinge arrived so I picked it up from the post office. Watched a video on how to get the old hinge off and new one on. Cleaned up crud between the crevices once old hinge was off, tossed it in the garbage, got new one on, got new seat bolts with rubber bungs to protect the insides of the holes on the toilet base, tried to attach seat but it kept popping off the brackets. Bottom plate of hinge fell off a few times. Twice into the toilet. Finally realized they had put the brackets in upsidedown when they slapped it together and got it on.

Screwdriver dropped into toilet: 1x
Bottom plate dropped into toilet: 2x
Bolts/brackets dropped into toilet: 3x
F-bombs dropped: >10x
Getting that bathroom completed has got to make you feel good.
I've been putting off replacing my water heater for almost a year.
Getting that done took a load off my shoulders. I installed new copper lines, new flex lines and a 1/4 turn solder type shuttoff valve.
....labor day weekend was laborious. 😉

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