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MIne was linked to my phone also which was kinda nice except when it went off in a restraunt i was eatting at. Evidently didn't like what I was eatting. My fault I set the parameters to low. I figured when it failed 5 out of 6 times enough was enough. There are better types out there.
My wife had Libre Freestyle for a while and it was not accurate.
Rusty's version and my version of the rockers I made.

Stepson bought my wife a 3D printer for Mother's Day. Our daughter called, she passed nursing classes for the semester. The biggest hospital in Joplin has offered her a job as a full time phlebotomist.
Looks good, Daris!

I went to Walmart for curbside pickup. My guts feel awful today so I didn't go anywhere else. Was supposed to go to the post office but wasn't feeling up to it. Came straight home and had to run to the bathroom. Pepto finally kicked in afterward. I'm probably going to nap. Just not feeling great today. I'm hoping to get stuff organized when my guts aren't hating on me.
Guts are still feeling awful. Rained all day. Went to post office. Wanted to pick up RX but pharmacy was closed. Grabbed some groceries, and came straight home. The stand for my miter saw arrived and was on the porch. I almost hurt myself dragging it in. Weighs about 50lbs. The miter saw is still stuck in Georgia somewhere. Something else I ordered was not delivered due to weather. Fedex doesn't like the rain.

Mom is sore but feeling better. My sister called to encourage her to see the doctor.

Currently trying to get myself to sleep and am surrounded by cats. I have to be careful when getting into bed so I don't squish any of them. Trying to avoid having the dog lick my face because she ate a dead mouse earlier.
What are the chances of that? 😱
How's the rest of the tree? Is it an old one that needs to come down?
If it is, you'd have some free wood to make stuff out of. With a tree though, you might have to do the Roy Underhill type of projects. 😁
I'm glad it missed them! Tree damage to cars sucks!

Picked up my RX and grabbed some salads. Cooked for Mom and made her some pudding (she told me yesterday she wanted it today). Getting bloodwork tomorrow.

Fedex delivered my package to the wrong house & then told the sender (Home Depot) that they do not retrieve misdelivered packages. I told HD associate that's absolute BS and quoted their policy in the FAQ that says they will go get it and deliver it properly. I said I did not want to cancel and re-order bc it was something I got on a sale and its not the discounted price anymore. Fedex posted a pic of where they delivered it and I don't recognize it. Might be the people down the street that I'm not friendly with. I told HD associate I am not on speaking terms with the people down the road bc they stole from me & I don't know their phone number and I don't want to go in their yard snooping around. Said I'd made Fedex retrieve packages before. Associate spent a long time on the phone with Fedex and finally got to a live person and told them the delivery instructions I gave and said that they would "investigate" to figure out where the hell the driver dropped my package. I described my house so the driver would know they had the right place. Said it was too late for them to call UPS about my other package that is lost somewhere in Georgia. They said it hasn't been received by the UPS place there. Associate told me they would gladly have me come back tomorrow (on the chat) so they could call UPS for me. I wish I could just go pick the saw up from the store and tell them that the one that was shipped got lost.

I'm a bit nervous about bloodwork tomorrow. I hate needles and while it wasn't bad the last time, it took a very long time for the nurse to find a vein (not with needles but with poking my arm). I have a bit of a needle phobia so the waiting is always the worst.
I'm currently in an online chat with HD so they can find out if UPS lost my package or not. Next will ask them to check on Fedex again to see if they are going to retrieve my package from wherever they misdelivered it. Then I will go get blood drawn for my appointment next week. Then I'm going to organize my bathroom, find all my tools/supplies, and try to do the mortar on the walls. If my stomach behaves. I want to have it done before Sunday.
Calling for record heat in Oregon. Be careful Randy.
Thanks Rusty. Sunday is supposed to be 90, probably not high for you. It doesn't usually get nearly as hot on the coast as it does inland. I checked a couple other forecasts out and even inland it's only supposed to be 90 or a little over but that's plenty too hot for this wimp. One benefit is we don't have hot streaks that last for a week or two or more. It usually comes and goes rather quickly. Also, when it gets hot inland that can draws cooler ocean air towards us, so the day after it gets hot it can cool off quite a bit.


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Amazon had a bad habit of delivering my packages to the neighbors house. She wasn’t home very often so waiting a day to get the package from her wasn’t always an option. I would report it as undelivered and let them figure out the problem whether they go and get the original one or send me a new one. Don’t care, not my problem.
I've seen you get hotter than that for weeks or longer. When we do get heat it can come with a little bit of humidity but probably nothing like what you get. Whether it's hot or cold, humidity can be the determining factor for comfort level.
Amazon had a bad habit of delivering my packages to the neighbors house. She wasn’t home very often so waiting a day to get the package from her wasn’t always an option. I would report it as undelivered and let them figure out the problem whether they go and get the original one or send me a new one. Don’t care, not my problem.
Maybe you should order a pry bar or a lock pick 😁

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