My 12 year old grandson got his 12 year old girlfriend a singing Valentine's day. For a fee, some of the high school choir go to the door and sing to the girl and give her a box of candy.
We have a huge storm coming in Fri, Sat and Sunday, and we are suppose to get another 7-8 inches of rain. Wanna buy some water?
Rusty, take a look at the Metwrench set. My son got the set for his birthday. They are really made well.
Love to take a bumper sticker with "Trans Species" and place it over a "Mens" or "Ladies" restroom door in a large box store...With all this trans talk and using the restroom you feel you should use, well today I felt trans-species. Decided I was a cat. Went into a Walmart bathroom and was I disappointed......No litter box
Sears, Lowes, Home Depot