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I'm calling my state representative.
......to ask him to introduce legislation to make possession of a carpet tacker a felony unless an installer can produce a state permit that authorizes him or her to own such a destructive device. Possession of, or attempt to purchase more than 1 box of 5000 staples within a 6 month period would mean a life ban on stapler use and 14 days hard labor on a highway cleanup crew.

I can just see your Mr. Trumps next Tweet replying to you high :)
What happened? You have a take up that had so many staples in it that it looked like a drive by shooting. :machine gun: :machine gun:

"L" shaped loft area of a '70's "A" frame sorta place. It was 32' by 18' at the longest and widest points.
(a 12'X51' roll of carpet)
No doorways or other interior walls, just one room which composed the entire upstairs of this cabin.
The carpet was a nice looking nylon berber. Staples were every 6 inches along the edges and no stretcher was on site said the owner. I'm guessing/hoping that at least a kicker was used. (doubtful) :rolleyes: It was some heavy goods too.
Seams were layed out the wrong direction to the windows and gaps in the seams. Upstairs lighting in this place was non existent and the carpet was dark green. Add to the mix, dark rainy skies and huge trees blocking the daylight................... just some sad working conditions and 30 minutes from town.

Pulling up this (brand new) carpet meant pulling up the tackstrip in many places too, because it was so well adhered with staples. Tackstrip was over OSB and not double nailed. In no places was it double stripped. Some small pieces of tackstrip were stapled down.
I offered to help the original installer learn how it's supposed to be done. He seemed to accept the offer. I have no clue where he disappeared to. I was hoping for an opportunity to help a nice guy that needed some basics. Darn. :(
I installed a nylon cut pile carpet in it's place.
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I was going to go outside but it just started raining.
I've been researching random stuff on the 'net-- from plumbing fixtures to glucose meters.
Mom's glucose meter broke and she needs a new one but can't figure out what to get. Medicare requires her to get a very specific prescription that names the exact machine so I'm trying to figure out what to get. She had a One-Touch Ultra. She wants it to track her blood sugar levels, use just a little blood, have low maintenance, and possibly have a rechargeable battery. the Ultra 2 had some bad reviews so I'm wondering if the Verio IQ would be ok-- but I'm worried it will be too complicated for her. She called me the other day completely freaking out because of some popup on her computer saying there was a virus but it was just scareware on a website. I had to explain to her 10 times to click the x on the box in the middle of her screen to close it. She couldn't seem to do it, so I did it for her and immediately got AdBlockPlus for her browser. I need to get PopUpBlocker and Adguard too..
I just got the Prodigy auto code . Very little blood . talks to you .

None of them are really accurate . they can be 25 points up , or down.

My Endocrinologist said to take the reading two hrs after you eat .
200 sq. ft. of grouted LVT with new underlayment. Gutted kitchen, basically a square room with 3 doorways.
$700 in 5 hours by myself.
Nice job for a Friday !
About 2 weeks ago, I miscalculated the ending point of a yet to be installed transition. The customer was going to cut and install this new piece of transition after matching the stain to the existing transitions.
Anyhow, I mocked up a temporary end point for the carpet and somehow left the gap about 1/4 inch too wide. (the tucked in carpet thickness) :rolleyes:
It's foolproof installing carpet to a transition that's already in place, but finishing the carpet to a non existent edge bit me for some reason.
Anyway, the new, slightly wider trim arrived today, so I delivered it to the customer so she could hand finish it to match the laminate flooring. She hand finished it when the laminate was originally installed 10 years ago and has some sort of a 'system' to make it match like she did the first time. I'll go back to help install the pieces of trim when
Next on the agenda was installing a new master brake cylinder on the van, then an oil change in the S10. The sun was a shining, so I took advantage of the weather and got some important stuff done............. It's been wet and soggy for a couple of months straight and this weather is getting really old. The sun felt good even tho we only brushed by at 55 degrees. More rain is on the way, but not sure about tomorrow.
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About 2 weeks ago, I miscalculated the ending point of a yet to be installed transition. I mocked up a temporary end point for the carpet and left the gap about 1/4 inch too wide. :rolleyes: It's foolproof installing carpet to a transition that's already in place, but finishing the carpet to a non existent edge bit me for some reason.
Anyway, the new, slightly wider trim arrived today, so I delivered it to the customer so she could hand finish it to match the laminate flooring. She hand finished it when the laminate was originally installed 10 years ago and has some sort of a 'system' to make it match like she did the first time. I'll go back to help install the pieces of trim when
Next on the agenda was installing a new master brake cylinder on the van, then an oil change in the S10. The sun was a shining, so I took advantage of the weather and got some important stuff done............. It's been wet and soggy for a couple of months straight and this weather is getting really old. The sun felt good even tho we only brushed by at 55 degrees. More rain is on the way, but not sure about tomorrow.

I have been trying to work on my work van, but it is either cold, raining, hailing or something.
I have been trying to work on my work van, but it is either cold, raining, hailing or something.
Sunday will be good for you. :D
My front brake pads went south a couple weeks ago. I replace the pads and calipers between rain showers. Winds were 10 to 30 that day. It sucked, but at least it was rain free long enough to getter done.
Water pump went out about that same time, the weather was the same.
Oh well, now when the weather gets better I have a lot of this crappola done already.
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