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I took one of my cats to the vet for her monthly shots (she's got feline leukemia and needs b12 & steroids), fed an abandoned dog on the side of the road on my way in, and then went out to measure my windows on the outside of the house and take pictures of them.

Also uploaded some pics I took the other day of the subfloor under my house. Looks like I have some rotted plywood. What section would I post in to show pics and discuss repairing rotted subfloor and notched joists?

Meanwhile, continuing to have human plumbing issues and if they don't clear up by Monday I'm going to have to call the doctor. Bleh.

Havasu, those are gorgeous pictures. Looks like a great place to stay. Too bad you couldn't stay there longer.
Thanks, Nick.
Floorist, those kids are good. And seeing the judges made me miss Singapore. They remind me of some friends from there.

That reminds me, one of my friends from high school (who lives in Israel) just visited Singapore and sent me photos of it. He went to where my apartment building used to be and took some photos. My building was torn down and replaced years ago. He said he was going to go to more of our former hangouts and take pictures of how they look now. I forgot to ask him to check out the zoo where I used to work.
Day 19 of a 51 room nursing home-ripping up vct and installing glue down lvp----all occupied---must be completed between 8 and 4----never been this busy this time of year
Got two hours of sleep. Yesterday I had to do major grocery shopping and then waited for my bro to get home so we could take his dog over to a friend's house. Friends will be watching the dog while he's away. We were going to stay over until it was time to leave for the airport, but our friends wanted to sleep. The dog did not want to cooperate. As soon as he saw the chain, he started trying to fight to get away. I had to catch him and drag him over while my brother held the chain and then I handed him off to my brother. Tossed and turned trying to get some sleep and then at 6:25am the phone rang-- it was my brother using his cell to call my mother (who was in the same room with him) as a joke, but it woke me up. So then my brother decided that I shouldn't go back to sleep-- even though we didn't need to be at the airport til 9am.

But I couldn't get back to sleep so we left and went to IHOP so my bro could eat before getting on his plane. Got to the airport around 8:40am. Ticket people told him his flight was running behind by an hour. I sat with him for a little over an hour and then headed out.

Stopped at HD to pick up some stuff and ask about windows and doors-- saw a trail of blood and some concerned employees-- door & window guy had cut his finger on something on a door (apparently he was the 3rd person to cut himself on it). I waited for him to get back & discussed custom orders of windows with tempered glass, got the pricing, and headed out.

Post office was closed for lunch so I decided to just go home and sleep-- only I got halfway down my road and discovered it was closed. They were putting in new culverts and had it blocked off. I sat a few minutes and then turned around to go back into town and hang with some friends. My brother's dog had managed to tangle himself up on something in the mud. I walked over to untangle him and the muddy s.o.b. jumped up and tightly hugged my leg and wouldn't let go. Finally dislodged him and went inside. Texted my bro to find out that his plane was an hour and a half late and that he'd bee sitting on the plane over an hour waiting. Eventually they had everyone get off the plane. There was some mechanical problem and it made him miss his connecting flight. He didn't get to leave until 2pm (2 hours after his connecting flight left). So, he had to wait for them to find him another flight but he has a long layover in LAX-- it said ETA would be 31 hours. I'm still waiting to hear more news from him.

Cooked mom some burgers for dinner and now I'm trying to get my brain to settle down enough so I can nap.
Rugaddict, must be quite a job. I hope the nursing home doesn't have that "c.diff" smell. I have a friend who used to work in a nursing home and she said it was pretty nasty-- so many things got spilled on the floors.

Don, that sounds like a ton of work! And it sounds like someone wanted to make sure stuff stayed in place for a long time. I hope the job goes smoothly.

Jon, at least thus far I've been luckier than my friend. In the past few years he's had a tree fall on his house, was nearly killed in a wreck bc the tie rod came off his S10, and had his house burn. He's had multiple problems with vehicles he bought (a couple of them just broke down and weren't worth fixing-- last one was another S10 that had the tie rod break). People have ripped him off and stolen from him. He broke up with his gf that he has a kid with (he finally dumped her after years of her being a complete twunt-- but the most egregious was letting her 6-year-old set the house on fire and she abandoned their 3-year-old daughter in the burning house-- fortunately my friend got the kid out but she has respiratory problems now). He's still being manipulated by her. And he recently found out he has a bone spur in one of his vertebrae that is poking in to his spinal cord. If it continues to grow, it can paralyze him but the doctor's won't try to operate bc they said the surgery could paralyze him. For now it is causing him a lot of pain, but he's still trying to truck on. And yesterday he got a notice in the mail that the jerk neighbor who almost ran him over the day before is a registered sex offender (crime involved juveniles) and the jerk just moved in to an area with several children right next door to him. So, my friend is concerned about that, since his now 4-year-old daughter is there.

On to my brother's situation-- American Airlines had to pay for him to stay in the crappiest hotel they could find. He said the phone didn't work and neither did any of the power outlets. He couldn't charge his phone. He also got a tiny sandwich that cost $12 but the airline had to pay for it. They arranged his next flight for noon the next day (even though there were some earlier flights). I haven't heard from him to find out if he got on the plane ok. It's a long flight so he probably hasn't landed yet (if he got on the flight to begin with).

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