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six year old boys. My grandson told his older brother, talking about reaching 16 "Dude, that's old". When he dies, he wants to come back as a zombie shark.

About that same age, one of my nephews asked me "when you die, can I have your truck?"
...30 years has passed here on the coast, and he wouldn't like it as much now.:D
LOL. I think when my Mom was about 5 she asked "Mom, when you die can I have your ring?" (talking about her engagement ring)
Her other sisters asked later, but she said "Suzie asked first". She actually put it in her will. Mom wears the ring every day.

I've been having fun with playing Dungeons & Dragons with some friends. The Dungeon Master is a sweet kid about half my age. He likes my cooking-- I don't cook much, but I decided to attempt sauteed mushrooms on the NuWave induction cooker and he loved them. I brought some over and they didn't last long. When we have gaming nights we usually bring granola bars, halos, and water.

Meanwhile, I loaded a bunch of pictures of stuff I want to get and photos of the house and stuff that needs to be fixed on to my Pinterest page and then showed it to Mom on the tablet. I actually got her excited about renovating. She liked the shower I've picked out for her bathroom and she went to the store with me to register for military discounts. There was a memorial day sale plus her discount so we got some doors-- replacement back door and a storm door (no idea why she wanted a storm door for the front door, but she did). It would have made more sense for the back door but it would block the cat door.

I was looking at the damage on the door sill and the wood right under the threshold. I kept thinking it was a strip of wood that rotted but now I'm wondering if it's actually the subfloor that has swollen and split.

(The computer chassis is there because I use it to prop up against the door to hold it shut since it won't stay closed-- just keeps popping open)




Would door sills fall under the umbrella of flooring?

I have a thread going at houserepairtalk trying to figure out the best way to prevent further moisture damage when I install a new door (and how to make it so the door will have something solid to sit on first).

If the rain will stop long enough for the humidity to clear a little, I plan to go paint the new doors (that are currently stored in the workshop). Good thing I brought along a tarp when I went to pick the doors up because it rained very hard on the way home. The employees at Lowes wrapped them up and tied them down very well. Doors are prehung and primed.

I'm debating whether I should replace the whole subfloor in the area where I plan to renovate or if I should focus on the part near the door first. And I'm debating if I should use plywood I already have in my workshop (if it is thick enough) or go buy new stuff designed specifically for floors that can interlock and maybe is treated. I just don't know the right search term for the stuff for floors.

Although, I also need to make a note to myself to get new shop lights. Fluorescent ones stopped working. Even put in new bulbs. I saw some really cool LED ones that can link together. Just need to get the right sizes and haul a ladder down there. Then maybe I can get pictures of the interior for the garageretreat forums.

Also, I just noticed the barfing smiley and I think I want to use it for some sites I frequent. Is it new or did I just not notice it before?

Sorry for the random babbling. I'm exhausted but can't seem to sleep.
I was heading out the front door to take Mom to a doctor's appointment when my brother's dog ran up and started tripping me. I tried to catch myself and stepped wrong-- on the side of my foot instead of the bottom. Torqued my ankle and fell and pulled my back a little. Had to drag myself backwards, open the door and shout for my brother to come get his dog off me and help me up. Wasn't able to drive since it's my right ankle. Fortunately we were going to a doctor. So, when I got in I asked if they could sell me an ice pack and ace bandage or something. They didn't have any ice packs, but they sent the nurse practitioner out to wrap my ankle. I remembered "RICE" (Rest Ice Compression Elevation) from my First Responder course so I kept it elevated. The doctor told me to keep flexing the foot so the Achilles tendon won't tighten up. I had to use Mom's cane to get in to the office, but the wrapping and elevation helped enough that I was able to limp out to the truck. We had to go to the store to buy some groceries and an ice pack (last one I had ruptured). I used a riding cart and propped my foot up on the basket. By the time I got out to the car I was able to stand enough to put groceries in the trunk and was able to unload them at home. Been lying here with my foot up for awhile. I had to put the ice pack back in the freezer because it got too warm again.

I still need to give the dogs their heartworm meds but that involves going back outside. LOL.

At least this time I didn't dislocate my ankle. I dislocated the left one years ago and it still gives me trouble from time to time.
Went to our yearly town festival. In the middle of the country band's set, they played the Star Spangled Banner. Reminds you that this county is like no other. Several hundred people suddenly got quiet, stood, and put their hands over their hearts. Lots of republicans and Democrats mixed. Party did not matter at that moment.
Nick, I've been lucky that it hasn't been worse. I've seen and heard people with a lot worse things going on. I do have some bad luck, but I'm glad I'm not out on the streets unable to afford food and being victimized by scumbags.

Floorist, sounds like a cool festival!
Went to our yearly town festival. In the middle of the country band's set, they played the Star Spangled Banner. Reminds you that this county is like no other. Several hundred people suddenly got quiet, stood, and put their hands over their hearts. Lots of republicans and Democrats mixed. Party did not matter at that moment.
As it should be.
I'm trying to keep my foot elevated, but I still have to feed Mom and take care of the animals.

I have to say I'm relieved that this ankle is doing so much better than the other one when I dislocated it. Other one I couldn't put any weight on for weeks. The entire foot was swollen and had big purple bruising all over. Couldn't fit any shoes on it. And the pain didn't go away for 2 years. I still have to be a little careful with that one because the tendon pops way out when I turn my foot.

This one I can already walk on, but just need to be careful not to tip it to the side at all.
I'm trying to keep my foot elevated, but I still have to feed Mom and take care of the animals.

I have to say I'm relieved that this ankle is doing so much better than the other one when I dislocated it. Other one I couldn't put any weight on for weeks. The entire foot was swollen and had big purple bruising all over. Couldn't fit any shoes on it. And the pain didn't go away for 2 years. I still have to be a little careful with that one because the tendon pops way out when I turn my foot.

This one I can already walk on, but just need to be careful not to tip it to the side at all.

No dancing for a while.
I'm trying to keep my foot elevated, but I still have to feed Mom and take care of the animals.

I have to say I'm relieved that this ankle is doing so much better than the other one when I dislocated it. Other one I couldn't put any weight on for weeks. The entire foot was swollen and had big purple bruising all over. Couldn't fit any shoes on it. And the pain didn't go away for 2 years. I still have to be a little careful with that one because the tendon pops way out when I turn my foot.

This one I can already walk on, but just need to be careful not to tip it to the side at all.

I twisted my ankle on the first tee of a tournament . swelled up like a balloon.

Ended up shooting a 82 on one leg. Seriously considered kicking myself in the ankle before each round . :D
I twisted my ankle on the first tee of a tournament . swelled up like a balloon.

Ended up shooting a 82 on one leg. Seriously considered kicking myself in the ankle before each round . :D

This one didn't swell as badly as my other ankle-- but I'm pretty sure the other one was broken. I know it was dislocated. It took me 2 years to walk without a limp. Whole foot was swollen and purple. This one had a little bit of soreness and light bruising, but I'm able to walk on it again-- but now I've got a stomach bug. Trying to keep the remains of my dinner down.
This one didn't swell as badly as my other ankle-- but I'm pretty sure the other one was broken. I know it was dislocated. It took me 2 years to walk without a limp. Whole foot was swollen and purple. This one had a little bit of soreness and light bruising, but I'm able to walk on it again-- but now I've got a stomach bug. Trying to keep the remains of my dinner down.
You need to take up golf. The distraction of the game seems to be helping him. :D
I never has a twisted or broken ankle. What's the best recovery method, walking lightly on it or not using it at all?
You need to take up golf. The distraction of the game seems to be helping him. :D
I never has a twisted or broken ankle. What's the best recovery method, walking lightly on it or not using it at all?

It depends on how badly it's injured. It could just be a sprain or lightly bruised or there could be pulled or torn tendons. With my left ankle, the tendon partially detached and now sticks out if I bend my ankle a certain way.
I've had twisted/sprained ankles numerous times before, but that one took the cake.

In general whenever you have a sprain or injury like that you need to remember RICE (Rest Ice Compression Elevation). So, stay off of it, keep it chilled with ice, wrap it up tightly, and elevate it. This should reducing the chance of ruptured blood vessels pooling in the foot and causing severe swelling. It's important not to keep it completely immobile though. Flex the foot to stretch the Achilles tendon so it doesn't lock up.

If the pain lessens and it doesn't stay swollen for too long with the RICE method, you should be able to carefully walk on it within a day or two (again, depending on the severity). If it really starts to swell and bruise up or the pain does not subside, then it is best to go to the doctor.

One of the times I sprained my right ankle, I wasn't able to walk on it for a week-- I twisted it while rappelling off of the fire station with the boy scouts (my father was teaching them how to rappel). I didn't have my foot oriented properly as I was swinging down and I landed with my full weight plus the force of inertia on the side of my foot.

I think this time it helped that I didn't have to go to classes or do anything strenuous so I was able to rest.

I hope that answer made sense. LOL.
I helped some friends begin their move a couple of weeks ago and I was given their old Coleman generator. He said, use it, sell it, whatever.
Gas had been setting in it for well over a year, maybe two. It was real stinky.
I took apart the carb and cleaned it, replaced the fuel line and filter, cleaned a lot of gunk out of the plastic tank that sets above the unit. The rubber seal on the cap was crumbling so I replaced that. The fuel shutoff valve was totally full of crud and wasn't allowing fuel through it. Took out the needle from the valve and ran a 1/8 inch drill bit through both ends by hand and 'reamed' out dry whitish crud that was in it.
I put in a new spark plug and it ran well, started on the first pull, but it ran with that "hunting" sound. ...engine revving up and down slightly. Tool a lot of googling and discovered that the "pilot jet" had a plugged orifice. The hole is about as big as the wire from a wire brush........ really tiny. The hole was totally plugged up and I didn't even see it when doing the first cleaning. Now it runs perfect.
A little early in the season........ but does anyone want to buy a 5000K generator? :D
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