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At least it didn't get taken over by Tapatalk. I was on a forum that got taken over by Tapatalk (used to be Zetaboards) and now no one wants to go there anymore.
You do know that tapatalk is based in mainland China. I won't use it.
I wasn't aware of that. I probably need to find a new site or just find another way to connect with the people from it. Facebook is rather insidious & may get shut down (plus it's really slow) so I need to find something else that is reliable but that doesn't sell private data to companies.
I wrote my senators and representatives today. Oregon has a Democrat majority and for the second time, the have voted to pass a "climate bill".... I mean a carbon tax.
Last time, to prevent a vote by the people, they deemed the bill an emergency climate bill. If they deem something an emergency, they can make it happen regardless of what the voters want.
Just like last time, the Republicans have left the state so the vote cannot take place.
Thank God someone is looking after us.
Oregon walkout redux: State GOP leaves to prevent climate bill from advancing

Virginia also passed the Equal Rights Amendment-- 30 years too late. But Congress can still reset the deadline if they want and put the amendment through now that they have enough states signed on for it to become part of the Constitution.

Yesterday I helped my friend with his roofing. I couldn't do too much but I took him to the store to get the bolts/screws, drivers for them, stepstool & stepladder, etc. I maneuvered some of the panels up to sit on the edge of the roof so my friends could pull the panels up (another mutual friend came over to help). While I was over there, I brought my computer to download a 60Gb patch. It took 12 hours and my computer shut down once during the process for no apparent reason. It happened after my friend updated my graphics card drivers, but I don't know if it's related. My side fan wasn't spinning one of my top fans wasn't either. I can get my side fan to spin if I nudge it with tweezers to get it going. My friend suggested getting new fans and a better cooling system.

I had to make another trip to the hardware store to grab a roof boot because my friend didn't have one (although he thought he did). There was only one in stock. We still need to pick up the rake trim but the store owner wasn't there & the employees said he would have to be the one to show it to us.

I've been having some trouble with the plumbing & houserepairtalk forums. Keep getting a 405 gateway timeout error. Not sure what the problem is or if it's on my end or not.

Tomorrow (ok, later today since I am still awake and it's after 4am) I'm going to help my friend work on his bathroom. Hopefully sometime this week he'll be able to help me with my computer to figure out what to order to update the cooling system. I absolutely need to clean out the cat fur that got in to it.

He just got his tax returns and, as I suspected, they garnished them to pay his ex child support that he didn't actually owe, but since she lied to the court & they didn't even ask for any proof or give him an opportunity to defend himself in court (they just took her word for it without going to court). But the state took $4k from his taxes for "usage" tax. The ex had the gall to call him up yesterday trying to get all up in his business & talking about money. Somehow she got it in her head that he was giving money to the friend who came over to help him with the roof & she demanded $700 from his returns. He couldn't give it to her even if he wanted to because he needs every dime to fix up his house and pay his bills. I'm not a violent person, but I want to throat-punch her. She's getting literally half of his paycheck every month plus she gets child support form her ex-husband and she is fully supported by her boyfriend. Three separate incomes supporting her fat lazy behind. The courts still haven't looked at his complaint filings of her child support fraud. I don't know if he has any recourse if they gave her some of his tax return $ based on fraud. I'm going to press him to call a judge or prosecutor to bring it up & get his payments reduced to a reasonable rate and deduct the overpayments he made and get his tax $ back. Unfortunately, he'd probably just have to sue her in small claims court & he's not going to do that. Not that he would see a dime of it because she is unemployed and she spends every dime as soon as she gets it. When they were together, he couldn't keep change lying around or even locked in his desk drawer bc she would steal all of it. She stole his debit card, opened up 3 different credit cards in his name without his knowledge, maxed them out, ruined his credit, and would actually get physically violent with him when he refused to buy her stuff or give her money. I have no idea why he was dumb enough to stay with her for so long. Sorry, venting. LOL.
I hope Daris & Karen will get well soon. The flu these days is nothing to sneeze at (no pun intended).
I'm still waiting for my friend to call to see if he needs anything today but I think we're both tired & he had other stuff to do. Tomorrow will have to be the day to get stuff done, I hope. It's supposed to get to 29° tonight.
My brother is extremely pissed off at his workplace's HR and supervisors right now. He had only missed maybe 2 days of work before he was told he had 8 points on his record. They used to clear all points every 6 months but now they only clear 1 point ever 3 months. He talked to HR to find out how he could have so many points and found out they gave him 2 points for being sent home when they were "high on labor" and for being late on days when they didn't have the schedule up in time for him to see they had switched his days & he was scheduled to work on days he normally has off. He can't transfer to the kitchen he wants to go to until he gets the points cleared so he's stuck there indefinitely. We all think whoever put him in for the points did it on purpose to prevent him from transferring because he's the only one they have who can run the back fryer solo (it is a 2 person job but they are understaffed). He's thinking of quitting and then reapplying (he'd have to wait 2 months minimum to get hired back) because it would clear his points. But there's no guarantee he'd get re-hired.
I'm worried about the respiratory ailments going around because he has COPD & he's exposed to a lot of people who come in contact with tourists.
My phone started ringing around 6am-- robocalls. Same number called about 7 times- 5x before 10am. Picked it up twice and it was some political poll robo crap. I went to the post office and then to Walmart to grab some hamburger helper stroganoff to cook tonight. I'm going to cook it after I get more rest and hopefully have better coordination. I had trouble getting my key in the lock at the post office and had trouble getting my card in the slot at the store so my coordination is off.
My daughter is babysitting for a 4 year old girl who calls me "old papa" So
I made her something.

That's an awesome rocking chair! Looks like something my late friend Cordell would have made.
My friend found out some bad news about his new car-- turns out the seller hid the fact that the K-member support frame thingy was broken. It let the engine move so it could knock the belt off the power steering. The seller had to have known about it and the mechanic we went to had to have known and was in on it (he was the one who put the warranty on the belt) & didn't tell us. Friend was upset bc he was looking up and it was $560+ online (not including shipping). I found it for $220.22 & free shipping. I sort of suspected the guy wasn't telling us something but wasn't sure & didn't trust my instincts & my friend really wanted the car. But I didn't have a terrible vibe about it. Too bad he can't demand back the $200 extra it's going to cost to fix it. That's if the part can't be welded by his friend (who happens to be nicknamed Rusty).

I was thinking of your granddaughter doing gymnastics when I saw this:
She really stuck those landings.