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I think “they” got overwhelmed in 2016. I think 2020 brought “Covid” and lockdowns and shady dealings with mail in ballots and honestly there are entire documentaries I’ll gladly post here that pretty much explains in blatant terms how it’s pretty much impossible for Trump to have lost yet , in the middle of the night six counties played “broken toilet” games and swung the election it wouldn’t be the first time an election was stolen . Why does the left now fight like dogs to not have anything examined.?
Today, either you are a person who knows it was stolen or you’re a part of the propaganda arm that pushes to make sure no one ever finds out the truth.
To anyone that says Biden won I say you mean more blacks voted for Joe Biden than voted for Obama either time ? I say BS
It’s funny how we all know that phones can be pinged and located from outerfriggin space and from towers, the police have that capability and you can even buy the data regarding geo location, yet when Gregg Phillips and Katherine Englebrecht purchase and prove there were miles that stuffed ballots all over different towns and cities suddenly phone geo location data isn’t trustworthy at all lol 😂
Why did the majority of Trumps appointed
Inner cabinet resign and throw him under the bus, and say he lost fair and square 🤷🏻‍♂️
THAT is your basis for election integrity ? To say he made bad choices in cabinet members is an understatement and he wasn’t the first to do so. What’s more troubling about cabinet members is it appears Biden’s cabinet chose him not the other way around.

Trump won more counties than any other president ever in 2020.
Trump won all the bell weather states.
There is a lot more I don’t recall off the top of my head, but every one knows what happened you do too.
On election night during a bullshit plandemic that was probably a frickin bio weapon released on purpose, six counties ALL had a spike in “Biden only” votes enough to give Biden a “win” and now he is miraculously so inept the party has pushed him literally almost off a cliff like a democrat pushing a Medicare recipient instead of voting another 81 million BUT hey you keep pushing that on YOURSELF and others .

I didn’t fall for it then and I don’t now.

I have generation after generation of dead relatives who have given their lives for this dirt called USA , actually going back long before the USA existed .

I care about election integrity I care if people cheat. They should be hanged.
I have generation after generation of dead relatives who have given their lives for this dirt called USA , actually going back long before the USA existed .
Just think what that generational trauma has caused us all….north, south, east and west, And how it could have been if negotiators stayed behind the table, rather than giving into fight instinctual behavior ? …. How about we maybe dig deeper into learning from those mistakes, because it takes two to tango and that means responsibility falls upon both parties shoulder, never just one side. Give and Take, just like a marriage on a bigger scale ……. “ We see what you have done and we see where it’s going, but we are determined to Understand, Forgive and negotiate a direction that takes into consideration both parties needs and wants…… This is not rocket science, so ask yourself, will vengeance heal, or will lessons learned win the day. ?

PS> Your Ancestors did what they felt was necessary and it wasn’t wrong, but could it have been done differently.
Improvement doesn’t cost it pays 👍
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I just commented on Trump suing CNN.
The news channel had a guy commenting that this is going to be a difficult lawsuit, because the rules are different for celebrities, famous or known public personalities.
This wasn't simple defamation, teasing or satire.
They're reporting negatively on Trump day in, day out for years was intentional and it was done to make him loose the election.
....and it succeeded.
A paltry $475 million?
I'd consider it straight out election interference. How about starting at two billion, then going for jail time for all that participated.
The media made people hate Trump with such intensity.
It's one thing to hate his bragging....... But the lies about who he is created a scenario that almost killed him.

My comments may not show up on the order I typed them. I couldn't copy and paste, so these are just screenshots.
The media could have easily given Trump a literal landslide. They intentionally did the opposite.
....the last of these three is my initial comment on Trump's lawsuit.


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Just think what that generational trauma has caused us all….north, south, east and west, And how it could have been if negotiators stayed behind the table, rather than giving into fight instinctual behavior ? …. How about we maybe dig deeper into learning from those mistakes, because it takes two to tango and that means responsibility falls upon both parties shoulder, never just one side. Give and Take, just like a marriage on a bigger scale ……. “ We see what you have done and we see where it’s going, but we are determined to Understand, Forgive and negotiate a direction that takes into consideration both parties needs and wants…… This is not rocket science, so ask yourself, will vengeance heal, or will lessons learned win the day. ?

PS> Your Ancestors did what they felt was necessary and it wasn’t wrong, but could it have been done differently.
Improvement doesn’t cost it pays 👍
Let me get this straight. You think we should have just given up instead of fighting in WW2. So you are a pacifist.
Why did the majority of Trumps appointed
Inner cabinet resign and throw him under the bus, and say he lost fair and square 🤷🏻‍♂️
I'm going out on a limb and saying you and Carson are both wrong.
Around 40,000 votes would have flipped electors and Trump would have become president.
My previous comment explains it.
The media bias elected Joe. They elected him because their negative bias was taken by many to be the truth.
There have been studies and it's like 98 to 2, negative stories or comments by the media about Trump to two negative comments against Biden.
They successfully told people Trump was dangerous. He is not. He's the one wanting to get our military out of harms way. Out of countries where we don't belong. He tried to make some sort of peace agreement with Kim Jong un to get him to stop his nuclear weapons program.
What did the media do?
Did they praise Trump for trying?
........of course not. 🤧
Just think what that generational trauma has caused us all….north, south, east and west, And how it could have been if negotiators stayed behind the table, rather than giving into fight instinctual behavior ? …. How about we maybe dig deeper into learning from those mistakes, because it takes two to tango and that means responsibility falls upon both parties shoulder, never just one side. Give and Take, just like a marriage on a bigger scale ……. “ We see what you have done and we see where it’s going, but we are determined to Understand, Forgive and negotiate a direction that takes into consideration both parties needs and wants…… This is not rocket science, so ask yourself, will vengeance heal, or will lessons learned win the day. ?

PS> Your Ancestors did what they felt was necessary and it wasn’t wrong, but could it have been done differently.
Improvement doesn’t cost it pays 👍
King George didn’t send negotiators he packed the cannons with chain
Hitler wasn’t interested in negotiations

Harris is a worn out bimbo a great choice for demon rats
Let me get this straight. You think we should have just given up instead of fighting in WW2. So you are a pacifist.
Let’s use a straight edge 😜 If I was the president back then, I would have been over there Long before we did.

What created the war ? Could it have been an attitude of SHOULD’S ?🤔

….Should !! Is a word that limits our choices to just ONE ACTION ONLY and if I want corn and you want wheat, and neither one of us has assertiveness skills
( respecting each other’s needs and wants) then it could lead to war.
This skill used consistently over time has exponential benefits, of the like’s never ever seen before 😜 …… War is in our DNA, yours and mine……all I’m saying is maybe 🤔 we can slow it down if we try to improve upon yesterdays mistakes 🤷🏻‍♂️

Pacifist or Pass on using your fist 😜 is the opposite of Warmonger and IMHO those words only describe the extreme few, but could provoke the many into a situation. I choose to use them on a limited basis and encourage others to do the same.
......and people still think Trump is in Putin's back pocket and they're buddies. Brainwashed people can't be fixed.
Why do we use the suffix ’ washed ‘ In front of brain ? When a better description would be ‘ Dirty ‘ 😜

IMHO even braindirty people have hope changing tomorrow from today’s disfunction, but ONLY ! if they choose to stop ‘ Shoulding ‘ and ‘ Can’ting 😜 themselves and others….. Change actually requires less effort than we think 🤔 But I understand the frustration. By the way, frustration either gets healed internally or acted out externally. I recommend, on a societal basis, that we have a 911 crash course immediately, before our Social Media egos could lead us towards a literal crash course 😉
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King George didn’t send negotiators he packed the cannons with chain
Hitler wasn’t interested in negotiations

Harris is a worn out bimbo a great choice for demon rats
Both of those guys probably didn’t believe that respecting other people’s needs and wants was an important internal responsibility to maintain ?

We have three choices when it comes to trying to heal Frustration ( an internal job ) and we can help each other identify which way was used and if it was done effectively. Listen to the thoughts, words and attitude, that can influence actions. Two out of the three choices are on the extreme side of behavior. Number one is Passive, where you respect the other persons needs and wants, over your needs and wants. Number two is Aggressive , where you respect your needs and wants, over the other persons needs and wants. ……. Wait for it, wait for it ! The third and Balanced Behavior is called Assertive, where both internal and external needs and wants are honored….. This is the preventative approach that could yield amazing results and potentially
ward off the need for violent attacks. 🤷🏻‍♂️
Both of those guys probably didn’t believe that respecting other people’s needs and wants was an important internal responsibility to maintain ?

We have three choices when it comes to trying to heal Frustration ( an internal job ) and we can help each other identify which way was used and if it was done effectively. Listen to the thoughts, words and attitude, that can influence actions. Two out of the three choices are on the extreme side of behavior. Number one is Passive, where you respect the other persons needs and wants, over your needs and wants. Number two is Aggressive , where you respect your needs and wants, over the other persons needs and wants. ……. Wait for it, wait for it ! The third and Balanced Behavior is called Assertive, where both internal and external needs and wants are honored….. This is the preventative approach that could yield amazing results and potentially
ward off the need for violent attacks. 🤷🏻‍♂️
Most times only one side wants peace.

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