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Any Large organization that holds more responsibility than most is susceptible to overreaching. It’s kinda necessary to actually under and overreach time to time in order to locate a balance that works. So yes ! One could choose to attack them with words of disdain to help them find balance, but does this style provide long term benefits for both parties ? ….. IMHO with the proliferation of communication, world wide through social media, Increasing our game could be beneficial. Respectful communication generally triggers the opposition to do the same and could provide much needed sanity in this increasing world of complexity. In other words, try to disagree as you would want them to try to disagree with you 😎

we are all family here and everywhere and part of that relationship allows us to speak openly with occasional venting and that’s all good, but ! I believe it’s like alcohol, if we have or share too many at one time all over the world, it’s going to get ugly 🤮 😜 …. Let’s sober up a little more, by giving individual and organization some much needed understanding.
Kumbaya my Lord Kumbaya

The CDC is a communist organization that is part of the circle of Demons that make up Facebook, FDA , FBI, NIH, CIA and probably the AMA too I’m sure I don’t know just how deep but if you look you’ll see that 90% of the executives from those agencies have worked at multiple agencies including “Twitter” they’re all part of censorship campaigns and disinformation campaigns .
My take on Twitter is this: the CIA started twitter based off of the success of operation Mockingbird it’s real look it up.
They got busted . The twitter files show MASSIVE information manipulation from the FBI through social media just tip of the iceberg.
Instead of washing the whole project away, they took the largest government DoD contractor , Leon musk , and said , hey Leon , you’ve been the “face “ of our massive surveillance system , “ Starlink “ AND our space program that we think the public is onto our shenanigans (the twitter files were exposed BEFORE Leon “bought “ it. ) so the public for some reason thinks Musk has built Starlink, Neurolink, Tesla and the solar panel company and the battery company AND had billions left over to buy Twitter ALL from the money he made selling his half of PayPal.
Musk must’ve secretly sold fifty million Teslas to Mars

Then musk just magically givesFREE internet to Ukraine lol

My point is these things are not “relative” or “contextual “ they’re not just coincidental either.
We are being lied to , the guvamint doesn’t give a shit about your sexual preference but they’ll use that to stir people up and keep them from unifying and throwing this communist crap out
The CDC is a communist organization that is part of the circle of Demons that make up Facebook, FDA , FBI, NIH, CIA and probably the AMA too I’m sure I don’t know just how deep but if you look you’ll see that 90% of the executives from those agencies have worked at multiple agencies including “Twitter” they’re all part of censorship campaigns and disinformation campaigns .
I guess it’s naive to think that these organizations are clean of corruption, but is it as you say ? Communistic or is it Democracy gone rogue.

That was a very impressive take you gave there, ( seriously ! ) and a wonderful attempt for Rightness, but I would be remiss not to point out that the biggest American distraction since Raquel Welsh IMHO IS The GOP NOMINEE 😜 …..
I guess it’s naive to think that these organizations are clean of corruption, but is it as you say ? Communistic or is it Democracy gone rogue.

That was a very impressive take you gave there, ( seriously ! ) and a wonderful attempt for Rightness, but I would be remiss not to point out that the biggest American distraction since Raquel Welsh IMHO IS The GOP NOMINEE 😜 …..
So your admitting that he's pretty hot too. 😁 The clouds are parting and you're beginning to see the light. 🤣
I guess it’s naive to think that these organizations are clean of corruption, but is it as you say ? Communistic or is it Democracy gone rogue.

That was a very impressive take you gave there, ( seriously ! ) and a wonderful attempt for Rightness, but I would be remiss not to point out that the biggest American distraction since Raquel Welsh IMHO IS The GOP NOMINEE 😜 …..
I’m literally shocked at the liberals in this country I used to be one , I thought. I voted for Jimmy Carter and sat in gas lines when he tried controls and told everyone to put thermostat on 78.

I was a ron Paul guy in 08 and 12 and they literally played the public with John McCain and Romney .

My point is Trump isn’t the ideal candidate for libertarian people like me BUT what shocks me about todays neocommie liberal is how they espouse change but select from the very old wood that has placed us in 35 trillion dollar wars. George Bush 2 is now a liberal favorite boy it’s amazing .

Trump should be the perfection of ideal for liberals who want to clean up DC ! Kamala is now campaigning like the last four years was someone else when she cast the deciding vote for the spending and war mongering which has us spinning out of control .
Only the well funded and guvamint recipients are enjoying today’s economy.
The rest of us are trying to avoid foreclosure, and liberals are serious about keeping us on this path like giant morons with sawdust for brains

You know exactly what I’m talking about.
I’m literally shocked at the liberals in this country I used to be one , I thought. I voted for Jimmy Carter and sat in gas lines when he tried controls and told everyone to put thermostat on 78.

I was a ron Paul guy in 08 and 12 and they literally played the public with John McCain and Romney .

My point is Trump isn’t the ideal candidate for libertarian people like me BUT what shocks me about todays neocommie liberal is how they espouse change but select from the very old wood that has placed us in 35 trillion dollar wars. George Bush 2 is now a liberal favorite boy it’s amazing .

Trump should be the perfection of ideal for liberals who want to clean up DC ! Kamala is now campaigning like the last four years was someone else when she cast the deciding vote for the spending and war mongering which has us spinning out of control .
Only the well funded and guvamint recipients are enjoying today’s economy.
The rest of us are trying to avoid foreclosure, and liberals are serious about keeping us on this path like giant morons with sawdust for brains

You know exactly what I’m talking about.
Because of insurance raises, my house payment has doubled over the last 4 years. Bidennomics is the cause, because lumber, etc, has doubled in cost.
Because of insurance raises, my house payment has doubled over the last 4 years. Bidennomics is the cause, because lumber, etc, has doubled in cost.
If you’re floating thru like it’s a Sunday drive I applaud that but like me there are millions who are drowning .
Because of my skin color I have never qualified for guaranteed financing or special Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac deals so we’ve had to pay out the nose for financing. After a lifetime of hospital bills and a sick kid , (we didnt qualify for a bunch of stuff, I pulled a wheelchair lift out of a school bus paid 300 bucks for it too, and installed it in a van I bought no guvamint help ) my mortgage is a balloon and it has gone from 1200 to 1600 thanks to the criminal Joe Biden, and his tie breaking vote casting veep, Kamala (half Jamaican slave owner half Indian, pretending to be black) like every one else my vehicle and homeowners has gone through the roof .
Meanwhile on Easter this year was “trans day of visibility” as deemed so by the Biden administration

You watch they will cheat this pos in just like they did with Biden and probably start a damn war and put MAGA in prison camps.
Then if I survive I get to watch the commies eat all the worms that put them in power
You watch they will cheat this pos in just like they did with Biden and probably start a damn war and put MAGA in prison camps.
Then if I survive I get to watch the commies eat all the worms that put them in power
So why did Hillary loose ? I’m not saying that they didn’t cheat or are not going to cheat this election. All I’m saying, is the fact that he won in 2016, doesn’t that throw off the accuracy by a certain percentage amount ? And if it does, then are the MAGA members actually creating
( propagandizing) a higher percentage of certainty that may not exist ? And ! could that cause an unreasonable percentage of situations over phantom accusation 🤷🏻‍♂️

Accusation of that magnitude IMHO need to be 100 percent rock solid. 🤷🏻‍♂️
If you’re floating thru like it’s a Sunday drive I applaud that but like me there are millions who are drowning .
Because of my skin color I have never qualified for guaranteed financing or special Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac deals so we’ve had to pay out the nose for financing. After a lifetime of hospital bills and a sick kid , (we didnt qualify for a bunch of stuff, I pulled a wheelchair lift out of a school bus paid 300 bucks for it too, and installed it in a van I bought no guvamint help ) my mortgage is a balloon and it has gone from 1200 to 1600 thanks to the criminal Joe Biden, and his tie breaking vote casting veep, Kamala (half Jamaican slave owner half Indian, pretending to be black) like every one else my vehicle and homeowners has gone through the roof .
Meanwhile on Easter this year was “trans day of visibility” as deemed so by the Biden administration

You watch they will cheat this pos in just like they did with Biden and probably start a damn war and put MAGA in prison camps.
Then if I survive I get to watch the commies eat all the worms that put them in power
We are living on soc sec, so we lose ground every year. It took me 5 years to get my disability after the doctors told me not to work any more. I did a lot of damage to my body trying to work until I just could not do it. At one time, I had a $1 million dollar credit line with American Express. Lived on credit cards. I now have no credit. Luckily my wife was not on my credit so she still could buy this house. Our other house was paid off but the neighborhood went to hell in the 26 years we lived there. Could not sell it. Finally gave it to our daughter and she traded it for an old car. I am 76. My wife is just 63. I don't know how her and our handicapped son will make it when I am gone. They both get disability, but it won't be enough. We have 3 vehicles. 2007 Nissan with 240,000, 2000 Chrysler with 140,000 and my old 1994 Ford E 150 with 240,000.
Perfection is not attainable especially when politicians stand in the way to what is fair and just, but what is fair and just to one group is not to the other and this yo-yo relationship will in fact hit us all at one point or another. The chances for perfection are nil and that’s why Understanding is the key ingredient for societal function……. Ask yourself, how lucky are we to actually be having these disagreements ? We turn the right knobs and out comes reliable water, electricity, etc etc. Sure maybe they could leave out the Red Die that’s causing issues and all the other crap that’s going on, But are children are not dying of famine, or war.
May this understanding bring us a different perspective towards unity over division.
My dream of the Rio Grande.

rio grande.jpg
Dreams rarely come true, but one can wish upon a star 😜 ….. So here’s mine, ever time a candidate hits below the belt with personal attacks, rather than talking about their position on issues , they must drop their pants as they speak. If they refuse, then they must enter Rusty’s dream and swim the Rio Grande 😜
So why did Hillary loose ? I’m not saying that they didn’t cheat or are not going to cheat this election. All I’m saying, is the fact that he won in 2016, doesn’t that throw off the accuracy by a certain percentage amount ? And if it does, then are the MAGA members actually creating
( propagandizing) a higher percentage of certainty that may not exist ? And ! could that cause an unreasonable percentage of situations over phantom accusation 🤷🏻‍♂️

Accusation of that magnitude IMHO need to be 100 percent rock solid. 🤷🏻‍♂️
I think like the 2016 election, the news and polling organizations reported numbers that they wanted, hoping to sway the election. If so, it didn't work, surprising many.
Kamala has won zero electors, even counting the 2020 election.
They were handed to her.
If polling was done over and she had to actually earn those electors, how do you think she'd have done running against Joe?
I'm thinking she still wouldn't get any of them.
I don't trust polling very much. I look at crowd numbers, excitement and enthusiasm.
Has Kamala held one single rally?
Dreams rarely come true, but one can wish upon a star 😜 ….. So here’s mine, ever time a candidate hits below the belt with personal attacks, rather than talking about their position on issues , they must drop their pants as they speak. If they refuse, then they must enter Rusty’s dream and swim the Rio Grande 😜
Makes me wonder if you recall Kamala comparing Trump's remarks on "immigrants" (illegal aliens), similar to remarks made by Hitler.
When voting, there should be one question on the top of ones checklist.
Who are Putin, Chi and Kim more fearful of?
This is not America's got talent. This is who is best at keeping America safe and it's borders secure so that those that will do us harm will be stopped from entering out country.
......it's way to late to talk about border security. We haven't had any for almost 4 years. I can't begin to imagine the number of terrorists and spies sent here.
I fear 911 will one day in the near future look like chicken scratch because of Joe, Kamala And Mayorkus.
Similar to riding a motorcycle... it is not IF you go down, it is WHEN you go down. With these ridiculous open borders, it is not IF an attack will happen, but WHEN an attack will happen. And my concern is this will make what happened on 09/11/01 look like an amateur hit, and I think this next attack will bring us to our knees.

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