The problem is wishing world leaders would operate on a polite or congenial level. They operate out of power. Biggest nation, largest economy, largest military and largest pit bull.
It stops rogue nations from doing bad things and stirring up trouble.
.... it's always has been that way, and will always stay that way. Thinking otherwise is still just "wishing", which accomplishes pretty much nothing.
Nations having leaders with similar and more civil views get along better than leaders that feed their critics to the dogs or shoot them with 50 cal machine guns until you can't tell if the remains are two or 4 legged.
Philosophy does not work on that level. Wishing and hoping does not work on that level.
Back here on earth and getting back to elections and civility.... Trump wouldn't need to be so "mean" when he speaks of people weren't that way to him.
They have absolutely demonized him since he was elected president. If he's polite. If he speaks highly, nicely, politely about his opposition, do you think they will respond in the same way?
Listen to to Colorado's governor spewing lies and diatribe.
The media ganged up to attack Trump a month or more ago attaching him to project 2025. There is no connection whatsoever.
That's an extreme right wing group and Trump has actually compared them to the far left because of their extreme views. He added he hasn't read much of their agenda or their writings and said some of it is or may be good, but that's where he mention or compared them and their extremism to the far left.
There is ZERO connection or coordination between Donald Trump and this "Think tank", project 2025.
It's that organizations ultra conservative wish list.
"Wish"......where have I heard that before wouldn't think that if you believe Governor Jarhead Polis in this speech.
I bet 95% of Democrats suck this BS up like a new unwrapped sponge. They don't investigate this BS. He says it, they believe it. Total idiots. That's as polite as I'll get.
Listen to a few minutes of 100% lies and assertions.
This is who Trump is supposed to be civil and polite to.
It's war. They've attacked Trump since day one in office and his retaliation will be election day.
...or week
........or month
.............or whenever.

With Trump in office, both house and Senate under patriotic rules, we will once again have election DAY.