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And that is all that’s needed to create the conditions towards peace. If it is to be it is up to me. When our neighbors are stuck in frustration, only one side is required to snap them back…… Assertiveness over provocation for the responsible win opportunity.
Both sides need to want peace or one needs to give up. We could have had peace in WW2 if we did not mind giving up our country. And that is usually what it boils down to. The Germans and Japanese had one objective, to control the world. How many Americans would Hitler have killed just because, if we had given up to just to have peace. Remember he killed 6 million Jews just because they were Jews. I guess you would have been willing to let him take over and let him start with killing all American Jews. Then he could have killed anyone else he did not like. Just so we could keep peace. You know, many times you are just plain wrong.
Let’s use a straight edge 😜 If I was the president back then, I would have been over there Long before we did.
Rusty, We are all guilty of misinterpreting each other time to time, and this is one of those times 😢 …. I’m embarrassed that Rosevelt did not act sooner to save lives, and if I was born back then, ( WW2 ) I would have enlisted and literally fought against all Aggressors.
The problem is wishing world leaders would operate on a polite or congenial level. They operate out of power. Biggest nation, largest economy, largest military and largest pit bull.
It stops rogue nations from doing bad things and stirring up trouble.
.... it's always has been that way, and will always stay that way. Thinking otherwise is still just "wishing", which accomplishes pretty much nothing.
Nations having leaders with similar and more civil views get along better than leaders that feed their critics to the dogs or shoot them with 50 cal machine guns until you can't tell if the remains are two or 4 legged.
Philosophy does not work on that level. Wishing and hoping does not work on that level.
Back here on earth and getting back to elections and civility.... Trump wouldn't need to be so "mean" when he speaks of people weren't that way to him.
They have absolutely demonized him since he was elected president. If he's polite. If he speaks highly, nicely, politely about his opposition, do you think they will respond in the same way?
Listen to to Colorado's governor spewing lies and diatribe.

The media ganged up to attack Trump a month or more ago attaching him to project 2025. There is no connection whatsoever.
That's an extreme right wing group and Trump has actually compared them to the far left because of their extreme views. He added he hasn't read much of their agenda or their writings and said some of it is or may be good, but that's where he mention or compared them and their extremism to the far left.
There is ZERO connection or coordination between Donald Trump and this "Think tank", project 2025.
It's that organizations ultra conservative wish list.
"Wish"......where have I heard that before 🤔 🤣🤣🤣
......you wouldn't think that if you believe Governor Jarhead Polis in this speech.
I bet 95% of Democrats suck this BS up like a new unwrapped sponge. They don't investigate this BS. He says it, they believe it. Total idiots. That's as polite as I'll get.
Listen to a few minutes of 100% lies and assertions.
This is who Trump is supposed to be civil and polite to. 🙄

It's war. They've attacked Trump since day one in office and his retaliation will be election day.
...or week
........or month
.............or whenever. 🤧
With Trump in office, both house and Senate under patriotic rules, we will once again have election DAY.
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The problem is wishing world leaders would operate on a polite or congenial level.
When you paint Liberals as ‘ Wishers and Hopers’ what you see is weakness, but is that a correct view ?
Nations having leaders with similar and more civil views get along better than leaders that feed their critics to the dogs or shoot them
That sounds good to me, what are you trying to say here ?
Trump wouldn't need to be so "mean" when he speaks of people weren't that way to him.
Sorry ! Gotta call that one out as being Passive Aggressive and not assertive.
Stand in the batters box and stop complaining about the Umpire.
. They've attacked Trump since day one in office and his retaliation will be election day.
...or week
........or month
.............or whenever.
I understand the need and want for his supporters to get a win. Both sides have strong conviction for their Candidates and that’s admirable, but has it gone to far ? And who is the leader of making it ‘ Go To Far ‘ ? …..His win would be a great symbol of retaliation from all the hate he’s received and will continue to receive, but once that emotion hits us, it will leave us, and then what substance is left behind ?

Sorry ! I got to ask you guys at this point, Isn’t it time to take the medicine and leave him and his ways behind ? To reluctantly and wisely get on board for bigger and better convictions, until next time. You can do it 😜

When you paint Liberals as ‘ Wishers and Hopers’ what you see is weakness, but is that a correct view ?

That sounds good to me, what are you trying to say here ?

Sorry ! Gotta call that one out as being Passive Aggressive and not assertive.
Stand in the batters box and stop complaining about the Umpire.

I understand the need and want for his supporters to get a win. Both sides have strong conviction for their Candidates and that’s admirable, but has it gone to far ? And who is the leader of making it ‘ Go To Far ‘ ? …..His win would be a great symbol of retaliation from all the hate he’s received and will continue to receive, but once that emotion hits us, it will leave us, and then what substance is left behind ?

Sorry ! I got to ask you guys at this point, Isn’t it time to take the medicine and leave him and his ways behind ? To reluctantly and wisely get on board for bigger and better convictions, until next time. You can do it 😜

Kamala has the IQ of a rock. She scares me. Just go read some of her ideas. Like, $25,000 to illegals to make a down payment on a house.
Why isn't she concerned with the citizens who were born and raised in this country first? She is buying votes from wetbacks, plain and simple. Any person not smart enough to realize this is either real dumb, or wants this glorious country to fail.
Kamala has the IQ of a rock. She scares me. Just go read some of her ideas. Like, $25,000 to illegals to make a down payment on a house.
Got any bigger convictions than that ?
I see more continued conflict with social issues and infighting, that it makes us vulnerable from the outside. He may be better at demonstrating strength that wards off potential outside aggression, but this continuation of extreme inside divide, could place brother against brother. Do we really want to bring the same hatred that Israel and Iran have for each other to our Dirt Pile ? ….. Am I over reacting or is this anyone else’s Bigger Concern to ?
Why isn't she concerned with the citizens who were born and raised in this country first? She is buying votes from wetbacks, plain and simple. Any person not smart enough to realize this is either real dumb, or wants this glorious country to fail.
Well common sense tells us that it’s not
‘ Wanting this Country to Fail ‘ …. That’s just a legitimate emotional frustration
response that we like to do when we are into our understanding of the world a little more than we give others the same understanding. Don’t feel bad about that, it’s a skill not taught. Some of us naturally shift into that way of thinking, but IMHO most of us, like me ! Want others to see the world like I / we do. To give me / us in return what we give them 🤔 But guess what, they will not ! WHY ! Because we instinctively hate Passive Weak Behavior and we look upon ‘ Helpers ‘ as Weaklings 😢 ……That’s why we have that phrase, that we laugh about on a daily basis, but never give it intellectual thought ( no good deed goes unpunished 😜 ) ….. The fact of the matter is ! That instinct is not off by much.
When we help someone for the purposes to get something back in return, it’s called living life Passively ( waiting for an expected outcome) and when it comes 👍 it reinforces the behavior, but when that expectation doesn’t come back, we go directly into Judgment mode and it feels as real and true as the air we breathe for life. But guess what, it’s not real, it’s conditional ! ! And what does that condition do to us ? It causes us to be hyper inflated, and hyper sensitive from how our brothers and sisters treat us. And ain’t nobody has time for that deep wound. But here’s the good news, ITS SELF INFLICTED and can be turned off almost instantly……. Learn how to become more Assertive, so we jump less back and forth from Passive to Aggressive mode.
✌️. ( thepeacecenter.org ) The SAFE PROGRAM INTRODUCTION

Why isn't she concerned with the citizens who were born and raised in this country first? She is buying votes from wetbacks, plain and simple. Any person not smart enough to realize this is either real dumb, or wants this glorious country to fail.
Sorry havasu for using your response to demonstrate assertiveness, but here goes nothing. The following statement is how we could look at others through the lens of assertiveness.

I feel that it’s important for leaders to acknowledge the legal citizens needs first before proposing assistance to outsiders.
This concern of mine is making me feel like votes are being purchased, and if this concern is not addressed, I will have no choice but to vote accordingly.

See how assertive language empowers you, rather than everyone else ? That’s
Assertive behavior and if we use it daily, chances are it could multiply, but no expectations my friends 😜 ✌️
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Why do you think that Democrats get the black vote even though they were the party of slavery?
Robert Byrd was a Democratic senator and a Grand Wyzard in the KK in the 70s. It is the free housing and all the other freebies that more blacks get than whites. Some black families have several generations who have not had a job. Are they really doing them a favor in the long run? But it gets votes. And it needs to stop.
For those who **** on the Mexicans, what are you going to do when there is no one left here to pick your lettuce or process your meat? Hell, why stop there, what are you going to do when there is no one left to build your houses, mow your lawns, serve you your hamburgers, work in our factories… You get the idea, right. Nobody wants to work is all I hear yet there’s a flood of people coming to this country that want to do exactly that, work. Let em. They’re not taking my job.

You guys think stuff is expensive now, shut the border and send all the illegal brown people back down South. You’ll see just how expensive everything will get if you have to pay everybody white people wages. Or even worse yet is those products and services will disappear altogether because it’s just not profitable to continue providing them anymore. Then what? You’ll be crying for social programs because you can’t afford to live anymore.
For those who **** on the Mexicans, what are you going to do when there is no one left here to pick your lettuce or process your meat? Hell, why stop there, what are you going to do when there is no one left to build your houses, mow your lawns, serve you your hamburgers, work in our factories… You get the idea, right. Nobody wants to work is all I hear yet there’s a flood of people coming to this country that want to do exactly that, work. Let em. They’re not taking my job.

You guys think stuff is expensive now, shut the border and send all the illegal brown people back down South. You’ll see just how expensive everything will get if you have to pay everybody white people wages. Or even worse yet is those products and services will disappear altogether because it’s just not profitable to continue providing them anymore. Then what? You’ll be crying for social programs because you can’t afford to live anymore.
Much of them coming here, is our fault. Our CIA overthrew the democratically elected governments in Guatemala and Honduras. They also kept the dictator in El Salvador in power, because it helped their cocaine trade. This led to the murder of over 100,000 Mayans, simply because they were Mayan. People left to keep from dying. Mexicans don't like central Americans because of the Mexican heritage of being Aztec and most central Americans are Mayan. They have hated each other forever. So they are not welcome in Mexico.
The problem is, many are not working, the women especially are having kids and going on welfare. Any baby born here is a citizen and entitled to welfare and food stamps.
KOMRADE KAMALA Wants to Raise Taxes by $5 Trillion

Corporate Tax Rate to 28%

Capital Gains Tax More Than Double China

"Under the Harris plan, the combined federal-state capital gains tax exceeds 50% in many states. California will face a combined federal-state rate of 59%, New Jersey 55.3%, Oregon at 54.5%, Minnesota at 54.4%, and New York state at 53.4%."

Having small business owners pay taxes on their individual tax returns, up to 39.6 percent from the current 37 percent
Imposing a second “death tax” — a mandatory capital gains tax at death — in addition to the current death tax
Imposing a 21 percent global minimum corporate tax rate, which goes beyond the Organization for Economic Development’s (OECD) current 15 percent global minimum tax rate
Quadrupling the tax on stock buybacks, which would impact Americans’ 401(k)s and other retirement accounts
A 30 percent federal excise tax on electricity used in cryptocurrency mining
A $37 billion tax on American energy
A 32 percent increase in Medicare taxes
The problem is, many are not working, the women especially are having kids and going on welfare. Any baby born here is a citizen and entitled to welfare and food stamps.

You could also apply that statement equally to any number of American citizens,. That tells me that that’s not the real problem.
You could also apply that statement equally to any number of American citizens,. That tells me that that’s not the real problem.
But we can't afford any more on welfare. First make it illegal for illegals and then tighten the rules for Americans. And fix the economy. It makes many get SNAP because food prices are so high.
KOMRADE KAMALA Wants to Raise Taxes by $5 Trillion
Number 1 : Rusty ! you could be on his committee because that was said very assertively and almost believable. But # 2 trumps # 1 😜 ( cheesy) # 2 is : We generally don’t vote according to technical policy numbers, because the general public is not typically educated enough to understand. So where does that realization leave us ? It leaves us to evaluate Personality and Trust worthiness ? ….. He definitely did not get that memo, but somehow he still has a chance and all he has to do is call the humane society and get a few lessons 😜

The presidency is there for the taking, and if he loses it will be from a self inflicted wound, not from any Tom Foolery or Media bashing. He has had ample opportunity to demonstrate good character to counter balance….. But that’s what IMHO passive aggressive behavior does to us all. If we’re not open to new ideas 💡 of living, we stay stuck with old ones and don’t even know it’s dysfunctional. That’s why he keeps doubling down rather than admitting mistakes and learning. The key that gets us through that door, is more humility and less arrogance.

I am by no means defending or delighted by the Liberal Party’s campaign strategy to do unto others as they do unto you, but when the **** hits the fan, like it has for us in the past 12 years, one has no other choice but to vote from the heart and the liberals IMHO have demonstrated more. We just have to keep our fingers 🤞on all that other confusing stuff, but thanks for planting that seed because we never know when tomorrow could be the day we improve from yesterday. It all depends on the messengers style, because the burden of communication is on the speaker.
But we can't afford any more on welfare. First make it illegal for illegals and then tighten the rules for Americans. And fix the economy. It makes many get SNAP because food prices are so high.
That makes sense to me and in my area, we have food pantries that I believe are donations not welfare. Maybe it’s time to cut the cord 🤷🏻‍♂️
I hear this "pick lettuce" crap for years. Believe it or not, 90% of fruits and veggies are already purchased out of the country. If you aren't part of the solution, you are part of the problem.
Like hunting? Remember the Democrats gun promises through the years.

Senator Dianne Feinstein (D – CA) does. “Banning guns addresses a fundamental right of all Americans to feel safe.” – Associated Press, 18 November, 1993. “If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them; “Mr. and Mrs. America, turn ‘em all in,” I would have done it.” – 60 Minutes on CBS, 5 February, 1995. …“The National Guard fulfills the militia mentioned in the Second amendment. Citizens no longer need to protect the states or themselves.”

Senator Frank Launtenberg (D – NJ) did. “We have other legislation that all of you are aware that I have been so active on, with my colleagues here, and that is to shut down the gun shows.”

“I will get the NRA shut down for good if I become president. If we can ban handguns we will do it.”-Hillary Clinton interview with Des Moines Register Aug. 8th, 2015

Fmr. Senator Howard Metzenbaum (D – OH) did. “No, we’re not looking at how to control criminals … we’re talking about banning the AK-47 and semi-automatic guns.” – Constitution Subcommittee, 2 February, 1989

Vice President Joe “Buckshot” Biden (D – DE) does. “Banning guns is an idea whose time has come.” – Associated Press, 11 November, 1993 Representative Jan Schakowski (D – IL) does. “I believe…..this is my final word……I believe that I’m supporting the Constitution of the United States which does not give the right for any individual to own a handgun….” – Recorded 25 June, 2000 by Matt Beauchamp

Fmr. Representative Major Owens (D – NY) did. “We have to start with a ban on the manufacturing and import of handguns. From there we register the guns which are currently owned, and follow that with additional bans and acquisitions of handguns and rifles with no sporting purpose.”

Representative Bobby Rush (D – IL) does. “My staff and I right now are working on a comprehensive gun-control bill. We don’t have all the details, but for instance, regulating the sale and purchase of bullets. Ultimately, I would like to see the manufacture and possession of handguns banned except for military and police use. But that’s the endgame. And in the meantime, there are some specific things that we can do with legislation.”

Vermont State Mary Ann Carlson (D) does. “We must be able to arrest people before they commit crimes. By registering guns and knowing who has them we can do that. If they have guns they are pretty likely to commit a crime.”

New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) does. ” …confiscation could be an option…” Sarah Brady, fmr. Chairman of Handgun Control Inc. (now The Brady Campaign) does. “…I don’t believe gun owners have rights.” – Hearst Newspapers, October 1997 “The House passage of our bill is a victory for this country! Common sense wins out. I’m just so thrilled and excited. The sale of guns must stop. Halfway measures are not enough.” – 1 July, 1988…

“Our main agenda is to have all guns banned. We must use whatever means possible. It doesn’t matter if you have to distort the facts or even lie. Our task of creating a socialist America can only succeed when those who would resist us have been totally disarmed.” – The National Educator, January 1994, pg. 3, to Fmr. Senator Howard Metzenbaum

Fmr. Chancellor of Boston University John Silber did. “I don’t believe anybody has a right to own any kind of a firearm. I believe in order to obtain a permit to own a firearm, that person should undergo an exhaustive criminal background check. In addition, an applicant should give up his right to privacy and submit his medical records for review to see if the person has ever had a problem with alcohol, drugs or mental illness . . . The Constitution doesn’t count!”

Fmr. United States Attorney General Janet “Waco” Reno does. “The most effective means of fighting crime in the United States is to outlaw the possession of any type of firearm by the civilian populace.”-- Written affidavit by Fred Diamond, 1984 B’nai B’rith meeting in Coral Gables, Florida

Deborah Prothrow-Stith, of the Office of Government and Community Programs and the Community Violence Prevention Project at the Harvard School of Public Health, does. “My own view on gun control is simple: I hate guns and I cannot imagine why anybody would want to own one. If I had my way, guns for sport would be registered, and all other guns would be banned.” The ACLU does. “We urge passage of federal legislation … to prohibit … the private ownership and possession of handguns.” ACLU #47.

“I now think the only way to control handgun use is to prohibit the guns. And the only way to do that is to change the Constitution. — M. Gartner, then President of NBC News, USA Today, January 16, 1992, pg. A9.

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