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You're assuming that we need these people for jobs that would pay a liveable wage and that they would pay in enough taxes to cover their social costs. That simply is not the case. Most of these asylum seekers have made bogus claims too.

The more people there are in our country the more demands there are on housing, healthcare, schooling and on our natural and social resources. We must put the needs of Americans first and limit the number of valid asylum seekers that we allow into our country, deport illegal aliens and secure our border preventing more of them from getting into our country.
Most of the Hispanics that I know came in legally. They don't want the illegals either.
That makes good sense Rusty. We are way overdue at buttoning up that situation. Personally I believe a separate governing body needs to be given the long term responsibility and keep it away from Partisan controls.
I’m not going to argue that concept, but what I will point out is that when we only play defense, we have less chance of scoring a touchdown. My recommendation ( 2 cents 😜 ) since they will probably not play, what is being interpreted as not fair ! ….would be to get the offense on the field as quick as possible, with a counter attack that empowers the GOP .

If there’s a need for real ideas, it will cost more than 2 cents for me to share 😜😂
Let's play both defence and offence until the problem is solved.
Let's play both defence and offence until the problem is solved.
That sounds good, 👍 but do we have the wrong players on the field ?

What a Heart wrenching video and what amazing composure from her mom.

That’s why The border patrol and sheriff department need to be separate from the every 4 year Political yo-yo budget and policies bumble ‘ F#%K
Give it to the department of homeland security and tell the politicians to pound sand or go …… themselves. I’m loosing my patience 😡
That sounds good, 👍 but do we have the wrong players on the field ?

What a Heart wrenching video and what amazing composure from her mom.

That’s why The border patrol and sheriff department need to be separate from the every 4 year Political yo-yo budget and policies bumble ‘ F#%K
Give it to the department of homeland security and tell the politicians to pound sand or go …… themselves. I’m loosing my patience 😡
Homeland security has failed to do their job.
That sounds good, 👍 but do we have the wrong players on the field ?

What a Heart wrenching video and what amazing composure from her mom.

That’s why The border patrol and sheriff department need to be separate from the every 4 year Political yo-yo budget and policies bumble ‘ F#%K
Give it to the department of homeland security and tell the politicians to pound sand or go …… themselves. I’m loosing my patience 😡
We may have the wrong players, but the election is in November.
We may have the wrong players, but the election is in November.
I’m talking nonsense, because what I want has no chance of happening. I want DNC AND GOP’s dirty rotten F…..king partisan hands off the border situation forever. Put it under the Pentagons rule of law and lets be done with this GDMFBS and while I’m being an ass, who ever wins or steals the GDE, let’s keep the Jack or Jill ass in there for 10 years and give them a chance to make some improvements. Sorry ! … maybe we SHOULD ! Forget about the two party system and call them all Fu ken jerk offs.. yes I grew up in Phila. 😜 …. I thought my patience were endless but they are not. Forgive me
I hear this "pick lettuce" crap for years. Believe it or not, 90% of fruits and veggies are already purchased out of the country. If you aren't part of the solution, you are part of the problem.
Hey bud I cropped tobacco by hand for 8 dollars a day. We white peoples are capable of work.
Year 2 I got a raise to 10 bucks a day.

I look forward to splitting the country up and not like in Hunger Games where the liberals get the guns and the capital and the conservatives are dirt people living in “districts “.
I like the idea of liberals supporting liberals with great social programs where every whim is a “right” with “free everything”

I want to live in a place where inalienable rights are God given as it was recognized and men have to defend them
The cat is out of the bag.
The press (fake news) has no choice but to comment on his speech today.
When I get off work, I'm going to watch every smarmy fake news channel. It will be interesting to hear their commentary on his 100% honest and from the heart statements. The Democratic party has earned its nickname and it's being smashed in their face like a chocolate creme pie.
.............that reminds me. I Need to stop and get bread, milk and desert on the way home.
.....any suggestions? 😁
Have a glorious weekend.

they are just censoring him
We may have the wrong players, but the election is in November.
They just want to be able to pick the “right” players . So funny how they try to make communism sound fun. And endless stream of Biden’s and Harris types.
If you compare those two it gives you an idea of who they’re looking for; someone who will say whatever is on the cue card.
I’m talking nonsense, because what I want has no chance of happening. I want DNC AND GOP’s dirty rotten F…..king partisan hands off the border situation forever. Put it under the Pentagons rule of law and lets be done with this GDMFBS and while I’m being an ass, who ever wins or steals the GDE, let’s keep the Jack or Jill ass in there for 10 years and give them a chance to make some improvements. Sorry ! … maybe we SHOULD ! Forget about the two party system and call them all Fu ken jerk offs.. yes I grew up in Phila. 😜 …. I thought my patience were endless but they are not. Forgive me
Nothing would make most Americans happier than being less partisan and getting back to the good old Republicans and Democrats of the olden days. Both wanted borders, both wanted a good economy, both loved our country.
How about a no party system and allow just the top three finalists into the general election?
Only problem I might foresee is how this might affect checks and balances.... ..that would be an unknown area.
I'd vote for you except you'd probably impose a limit on free speech and we'd all have to be polite.
.......absolutely no fun ever again. 😁
....your absolutely forgiven... Not sure what you did except be honest.
....well give you a pass, but just this one time. 😂
Politics has unfortunately become a lot more messy and partisan over the last 20ish years, the past 16 being the worst in mho.
I'm thinking Kennedy being involved now might begin a change.
He's better at talking in a manner that you'd prefer than Trump or anyone on the other side.
I recalled today mentioning a long time ago that Trump ought to ask Kennedy to be his running man.
.........maybe I was envisioning what just happened. Kennedy certainly has old school Democratic thoughts.
Trump was a Democrat....... Stay tuned. Maybe this new Trump presidency will be exactly what begins a new era of cooperation.🤔
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Hey bud I cropped tobacco by hand for 8 dollars a day. We white peoples are capable of work.
Year 2 I got a raise to 10 bucks a day.

I look forward to splitting the country up and not like in Hunger Games where the liberals get the guns and the capital and the conservatives are dirt people living in “districts “.
I like the idea of liberals supporting liberals with great social programs where every whim is a “right” with “free everything”

I want to live in a place where inalienable rights are God given as it was recognized and men have to defend them

they are just censoring him
Bucked hay and followed a corn picker
Bucked hay and followed a corn picker
Paper route here, then working for Gramps. Yup, unlike most here, I was born after the invention of paper.
I don't recall it being mentioned before if Daris was born before the creation of trees.
(to the youth of today, paper is made from trees)
If so, learning had to be a real pita. I mean, no way could i have ever remembered what I drew in the dirt at school.
If you do any X, AKA Twitter, click on a few of Kennedy's posts there.
Then, ask yourself why, when admitting reality, did he choose Trump to support. During the campaign, neither he nor Trump spoke nice things about each other. Nobody (with a brain), running for office says nice things about an opponent.
They all know how this game is played.
Once the candidate is chosen, they come together, forget the campaign war talk and fight for their candidate.
The Democrats, NOT the Republicans, threw every hurdle they could at Kennedys feet. Anything they could dream up so that he couldn't compete.
They don't like competition. They did the same with Trump, trying to eliminate him from state ballots.
Is anyone really surprised that Kennedy threw in the towel, then supported another candidate who had been treated the same way by the ruling party.
Here's Kennedy's demeanor.
If you're on X, click on a couple of Kennedy's clips. He's not the kook he's been labeled as.
If he and Trump can get a long .......well, give what I wrote some thought.
Democrats have had power 12 of the past 16 terms. How United are we, or why aren't we?
Non partisan topic this go round.
PBS tonight, tho biased a little in the q&a as per usual, had a show on previous elections, tho mainly on the 2020 election and state changes for our upcoming election.
It talked about which states allowed pre or early voting, pre counting . Automatically mailed out ballots versus having to request them. Drop boxes were mentioned because most are not monitored...... Would a ballot harvester drop off 50 ballots, then return later with 30 more if they had to drop off the ballots to an actual person monitoring the ballots..... Nobody could stop or question this practice if the ballot box is "unpersoned" and just bolted to a sidewalk at the library.
I'm close to a question. 😁
Elections used to be completed that night or by the following day.. Voting was in person and with ID.
Why is that impossible today?
My suggestion. Stop making voting so damn easy. You don't get to vote if you make no effort..... If you make an effort, you're serious and informed and allowed to vote.
How do we decide this?
It's called voting in person.

Vote by mail? Sure, but you have to request a ballot.... Each election period.

Late voting by mail? If your ballot arrives 4 days after the election..... You're lazy and it gets incinerated. Be on time.

Gotta have some form of ID. No exceptions.

Here's the big one for those that make up excuses or play the race card.

Whatcha think? We don't need elections decided a month afterwards because of computer issues or non issues. Let's go back in time.
If we can have a Juneteenth Holiday, we can have a real holiday where everyone gets their ID, proves who they are, and votes. If I need a ID to buy a fishing license, you sure as hell should need to have a license to vote!
If we can have a Juneteenth Holiday, we can have a real holiday where everyone gets their ID, proves who they are, and votes. If I need a ID to buy a fishing license, you sure as hell should need to have a license to vote!
We have to have an ID when we sign up. Most people know me here anyway.

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