Heartland Institute may or may not have integrity. PBS / Frontline may or may not have integrity. What’s a person to do when there’s such dichotomy all around us ?

and How do we discern and trust ? ?

when both, impressively, claim trustworthiness.
What we (I mean sheep) do is assume the government is always correct.
Reality is that their agenda is rule of the land even if it's made up crap. They do so to force electric cars on us.
You must have read the letter that Mark Zuckerberg ......OF ALL PEOPLE....... recently sent to Jim Jordan, describing how the Biden administration, INCLUDING THE FBI, duped him into thinking it was his civic duty to delete "non conforming" comments about COVID.
Upon being told what to "allow" to be said about COVID, Facebook deleted comments that didn't flow with the government montra.
It now became "disinformation"
Hunters laptop and it's contents were obviously well known to the FBI after the shop owner gave that to them.
The Biden administration wrote a letter and sent it out to 60 or so "high ranking" security heads and 51 of them agreed to sign the laptop information off as "Russian disinformation"
Once again,they warned Zuckerberg of this laptop "disinformation", so once again, anyone commenting on the laptop was at risk of having their comment deleted or being labeled as "disinformation"
People were banned from Facebook so they could not comment!
You worry about the heartland institute?
Listen to them. Not one episode. They have many groups....meteorologists and scientists .
They are extremely level headed and have absolutely no agenda but opening people's eyes.
They, unlike most, use actual data..... available to everyone.... To form an opinion.
If the powers that be (government), don't like what these kind of groups say........ They squish em like bugs.
Gestapo will win all arguments, one way or the other.

Elon didn't vote Trump.
Zuckerberg spent over $300 million of his own money on the 2020 election. Most all of that was Democrat influence and installing voting drop off areas populated by Democrat voters...... To make it easier for them to vote.
...he didn't care if it was easier for Republicans to vote.
Zuckerberg immediately displayed his admiration for Trump after Trump's near assassination. He was quite impressed by Trump's reaction as he was helped off of the platform shaking his fist.
Mark finally had a realistic vision of who Trump is.
Marks said that he will not make ANY donations this election year.
.........he realized at some recent point, his power to influence an election.
He admitted, without saying so, that he helped Joe win, sucked up and cooperated to ban free speech about COVID and hunters laptop.
The government was "disinformation" and it was Intentional and political.
Never Trumpers have drunk the Jim Jones Cool aid and there is no recovery.
We have two choices.
A man who loves our country or a political party that will control everything you do.
.....sorry, back to climate.
Zero evidence of impending doom, just a 10,000 year graph showing random odd spots now and then.
NASA provides a lot of information used by the Heartland institute. They use actual data to prove trends. They are fact based, not agenda based.
People today have lost the ability to think.. ....if they hear it somewhere, it's obviously true

Wake up and dig for the truth.
It's not the major news feeds.