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One thing we should all realize is there really are no “accidents “ in the handling of dangerous pathogens. Think about it, at places like Ft Dietrich you have to pass through several sally rooms with full decontamination services running and they simply don’t allow mistakes . Part of the rules are you may lose your life if they have to flash the room with you in it. This isn’t news we all know this yet we stood there like deer in the headlights as they claim some odd new virus (and vaccines) were suddenly just *here* .

This virus circled the globe in just a few days not months there is no 14 days to shorten anything when a virus is concerned or they would do it every year with the flu and again, we ALL know and have known viruses are super microscopic and pass through anything.
One viral spec can float in a closed room for over 50 days.
These agencies turned physics and well known practices on their ear to control people plain and simple .
I have a full face respirator 3m double filter and completely useless against virus
So we now have to root out a bunch of dishonesty and disinformation to get our lives back
One thing we should all realize is there really are no “accidents “ in the handling of dangerous pathogens. Think about it, at places like Ft Dietrich you have to pass through several sally rooms with full decontamination services running and they simply don’t allow mistakes . Part of the rules are you may lose your life if they have to flash the room with you in it. This isn’t news we all know this yet we stood there like deer in the headlights as they claim some odd new virus (and vaccines) were suddenly just *here* .

This virus circled the globe in just a few days not months there is no 14 days to shorten anything when a virus is concerned or they would do it every year with the flu and again, we ALL know and have known viruses are super microscopic and pass through anything.
One viral spec can float in a closed room for over 50 days.
These agencies turned physics and well known practices on their ear to control people plain and simple .
I have a full face respirator 3m double filter and completely useless against virus
So we now have to root out a bunch of dishonesty and disinformation to get our lives back

Our country has been sold out right in front of our faces. If there is money to be made then the science and policies will change to justify the new narrative. Doesn’t matter what side, the entire system has been corrupted. I can’t say the system is broken because the system is operating exactly as intended. It’s not a flaw, it’s a feature.
Heart felt condolences for the many years of struggles and loss of your daughter. The way you met that challenge with no hesitation is admirable. 🙇‍♂️ My apologies for any insensitive remarks I made and I’ll work harder to be more considerate, when attempting a point of view.

I agree big pharma and other influential industries need more scrutiny by trusted agencies or independent experts.

I find it perplexing when so called experts (Doctors and Scientist ) don’t agree with each other. So, How can us regular people and educated healthcare workers, like you Csason, expect to get it with any real confidence.

Supposedly certain blood types are less likely to contract Covid or show signs of illness. That makes it very confusing and imho difficult to monitor properly with confident precautionary methods. And if the experts are not in agreement or confident, the feeling of Guinea pigs 😡 is understandable.
‘ seeing is believing’ But with this pathogen, how are we expected to believe when what we see doesn’t fit what we are being told to believe ? It’s a tall order and understandable that we are divided over it all.

Let’s be patient with ourselves and others
as we negotiate Guinea Pig Syndrome. 😢
I agree that it's confusing when a lot of experts disagree. The government, our self described Lord and Savior decided to tip the scales and force people to get the questionable vax.
The government can recommend, but shouldn't be in a position to tell people "put this in your body or get fired"
I hope they learned something from this.
On a lighter note.
Any Harley riders out there?

HD’s customer base is aging out. They gotta do something if they want the next generations to buy their product. I don’t ride motorcycles anymore but even I know all HD has going for them is their name. You can get a better metric bike with more power for less money, and they don’t rattle apart on you.
All the other deaths from flu and heart attacks and cancer plummeted when Covid was “around” the lying ass communist CDC claims there are large amounts of Covid in the wastewater. Did they check for polio and HIV too ? Funny how Covid is a subject during election season . I’ll bet thousands of morons are still afraid - I see Fauci is reinfected after six boosters and hundreds of dead Beagles
Any Large organization that holds more responsibility than most is susceptible to overreaching. It’s kinda necessary to actually under and overreach time to time in order to locate a balance that works. So yes ! One could choose to attack them with words of disdain to help them find balance, but does this style provide long term benefits for both parties ? ….. IMHO with the proliferation of communication, world wide through social media, Increasing our game could be beneficial. Respectful communication generally triggers the opposition to do the same and could provide much needed sanity in this increasing world of complexity. In other words, try to disagree as you would want them to try to disagree with you 😎

we are all family here and everywhere and part of that relationship allows us to speak openly with occasional venting and that’s all good, but ! I believe it’s like alcohol, if we have or share too many at one time all over the world, it’s going to get ugly 🤮 😜 …. Let’s sober up a little more, by giving individual and organization some much needed understanding.
I'm completely sober. I've had Harley's for the last 40 years. So far, I've owned 6 of them. I've even belonging to motorcycle groups where it is necessary to own a Harley to join this group. I've even owned hundreds of shares of Harley stock. All my stock is sold, all my Harley's are sold, and I've quit the groups. You go woke, you go broke!
I'm completely sober. I've had Harley's for the last 40 years. So far, I've owned 6 of them. I've even belonging to motorcycle groups where it is necessary to own a Harley to join this group. I've even owned hundreds of shares of Harley stock. All my stock is sold, all my Harley's are sold, and I've quit the groups. You go woke, you go broke!
Correct me if I’m not being accurate, but didn’t the Woke movement start the whole Cancel Culture behavior, and among all the other goofy stuff 😡 .And how’s that working out for them ? Not so good ! maybe one day they will realize that internal satisfaction with who you are is an inside job, and no amount of validation from others or community’s will provide them with the satisfaction they are seeking but themselves .

Now ! All I’m noticing is the exact same push back in behavior from the Dare I say Woke Right 😜🤷🏻‍♂️ Sure it’s ok to direct them about unreasonable OVERREACH
but it’s not ok to push back with the very same imposing overreach behavior, make sense ?

Maybe there’s a different way to handle conflict that doesn’t cancel but accepts ?
Just because you accept doesn’t mean
you are one of them and approve, all it means is that we are big enough, confident enough and dare I say wise enough not to judge, or you risk to be judged back, See how that works ! Push, push, shove, shove, yell, yell, etc etc. WHO’s going to stop the cycle ? And IMHO canceling the canceler 😜 only perpetuates the disfunction. If we want to perpetuate something in social media land, then how about it be the importance of sharing opposition respectfully, and allow other people Or Motorcycle companies to be who they want to be. What’s the alternative ? Russia 🇷🇺 🤷🏻‍♂️ Sorry ! That’s my over reach from frustration. It happens and that’s why compensatin Skills are required.

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Saw today where Michael Jordan has decided he wants nothing more to do with Nike because they have gone woke. Several big name actors are refusing to do woke movies. Money is the only way to stop this woke crap. Remember, going woke cost Bud Light millions.
Changing pedophilia to MAP (Minor Attracted Person) is the next woke agenda. Some Democrats are already calling for it. They think it is just an alternate life style. That is why they won't release the names of those who went to Epstein's island.
Any Large organization that holds more responsibility than most is susceptible to overreaching. It’s kinda necessary to actually under and overreach time to time in order to locate a balance that works. So yes ! One could choose to attack them with words of disdain to help them find balance, but does this style provide long term benefits for both parties ? ….. IMHO with the proliferation of communication, world wide through social media, Increasing our game could be beneficial. Respectful communication generally triggers the opposition to do the same and could provide much needed sanity in this increasing world of complexity. In other words, try to disagree as you would want them to try to disagree with you 😎

we are all family here and everywhere and part of that relationship allows us to speak openly with occasional venting and that’s all good, but ! I believe it’s like alcohol, if we have or share too many at one time all over the world, it’s going to get ugly 🤮 😜 …. Let’s sober up a little more, by giving individual and organization some much needed understanding.
They are off the deep end not caring about the Harley name, the history or the customer base....period.
Woke is not a Harley selling point .
They've gone green and profess to go electric. They're demise is imminent and deserved.
When new owners are woke, you know the end is near.
Harley is about sound
That ear piercing Harley thumpety thump sound is actually trademarked, patented and if you make a bike that sounds like theirs, you will be sued.
Do you think guys in leather jackets that open beers with their teeth and fight over REAL WOMEN in bars will have "pride" in their bike of choice anymore?
Not one teeny bit. I mean, look at the empty Harley venue.
Riders won't buy new bikes any longer, just maintain their old ones.
I don't own a bike, but I say good riddance to them.
No further discussion on Harley's future will happen unless it's a change in ownership.
.....who the living hell are the stockholders promoting or allowing this BS?
I honestly hope they have their life savings invested in the company.

Damn, I swear there was a verse in there about Harley.....
...my memory is fading fast. 🤣
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HD’s customer base is aging out. They gotta do something if they want the next generations to buy their product. I don’t ride motorcycles anymore but even I know all HD has going for them is their name. You can get a better metric bike with more power for less money, and they don’t rattle apart on you.
Playing cards in the spokes of electric Harley's might work for the 🌈 crowd. 😁
Earlier today, Republican Senator Cory Gardner and Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren introduced the STATES Act, a bill that would largely eliminate the federal law banning marijuana in states where it is legal under state law. The new bill states that federal law banning marijuana "shall not apply to any person acting in compliance with State law relating to the manufacture, production, possession, distribution, dispensation, administration, or delivery of marijuana." In other words, if your possession, distribution, or sale of marijuana is legal under state law, it will - if this bill passes - be legal under federal law, as well.
It's fun looking back a few years.
I was and still am in agreement with that bill.
Being against it is like outlawing sex before marriage.
IE: stop wasting money on something you can't stop. Hard drugs.... Not many will disagree on fines, jail time or community service. Marijuana is as common as beer wine and spirits. It's stupid to waste money chasing that rabbit.
Dealers for sure. Regulation and rules, for sure.
Playing cards in the spokes of electric Harley's might work for the 🌈 crowd. 😁

HD definitely needs to do something if they want to stay in business. The younger generations are different and not everyone wants a loud ass look at me bike. You gotta stay relevant, change with the times and be what your consumer base wants. Boomers won’t be around forever pounding their fists and demanding shit. When you guys finally bite the bullet, who’s gonna be left to buy Harleys? That’s who they’re marketing to.
HD definitely needs to do something if they want to stay in business. The younger generations are different and not everyone wants a loud ass look at me bike. You gotta stay relevant, change with the times and be what your consumer base wants. Boomers won’t be around forever pounding their fists and demanding shit. When you guys finally bite the bullet, who’s gonna be left to buy Harleys? That’s who they’re marketing to.
They could do like other companies have always done and have a totally different Brand name. Keep Harley Davidson relatively the same, with whatever minor mods are in fashion, turbos or electronics, and accessories.

The new division, Carlie Green Davidson could market the girlie and woke bikes with unicorn and rainbow themes. They'd market their planet saving E-bikes there too.
I think Harley needs me as a marketing and financial advisor.

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