Elaborate on that idea a little more I’m slightly confused of the intended message. Thanks.
If I blame Newsome for his failures, like saving a non native fish and removing dams that could assist during wildfires and provide water to farmers and recreational uses simply so he feels good and "projects" himself as a warm and comforting human being...... Then smack him with any blame it takes to toss him out of office. Blame and ridicule can stop people from being reelected...... or like Trudeau, to announce his early departure.
Nobody from the governor to the mayor to the head of the fire department has bragged about reducing fire damage by replacing antiquated water lines, adding more pumping capacity, more fire hydrants, more water towers or reservoirs. They don't brag about more and better fire trucks or hiring more firefighters. They've bragged about cutting 17 mil from the fire budget. How about cutting 100 million from housing illegal immigrants in hotels an motels and INCREASING money budgeted for the fire department?
......ooops, now I'm a racist.

They brag about diversity equity and inclusion. They brag about saving that smolt or smelt fishy. Have they even seen one in the past 10 years?
They tore down perfectly functioning dams that provides water for farmers, tourism, recreation including fisherman, plus water control and especially important a water supply for fire suppression.
LA was a near uninhabitable desert converted into something it was never meant to be. Water and firefighting ought to be the number one priority.
I think the fire department was paying their DEI head $399,000 per year?
They want the right percentage of colors for employees, the right number of women. A certain percentage of gay, lesbian and trans..... and the rest of the alphabet.
Tell ya what. I could easily cut $399,000 from their budget and replace that department with a few thousand signs throughout the other departments that say:
"Be nice to each other or we'll fire your sorry ass"
Now, hire 10,000 weight lifters, soccer players and require all new enlistees be able to bench press 250 lbs, walk 5 miles in the blazing sun with a 100 lb bag of rocks in a gunnysack and push a hook and ladder truck up one city block at a 6% grade.
If you're gay, trans, or a 5 foot tall Cambodian-American woman and can pass the test, then by all means..... You qualify just like anyone else. I hire by quality, not by quota.
The fire department could have inacted programs to entice or require some changes to people's home landscaping into non combustibles like in Arizona.... rocks and

And like Trump told Newsome a few years back....... Clean up the forest "floors"....that applies to residential areas also.
Like CJ mentioned, it's nearly impossible to totally stop devastation in this windy scenario, but what policies could have been changed to have at least helped?
.....well, I guess they have a clean slate now up on which to regulate the landscaping, home construction materials, maybe even the number of homes... the width of roads in residential areas.
.......you know that stuff is being talked about as we speak.
I'll let the Californians do the blaming and name calling. I'm an outsider lookin in.
I'm sorry, but you asked.