Ok ! Let’s give this a try, why not ! … It won’t be as good as the teacher John Anthony Bochnowicz, but I’ll try.
So, if only black lives Matter, does that make white lives less desirable, and are white people less lovable ? ….of course, the answer is no, but if we are still sad about that, then we must apply the tools from the safe program to heal that wound, otherwise, we keep bumping into that wound, and we could turn that sadness into the secondary emotion of anger. If it was my sadness, I would probably go to the tool ‘ respect ‘ …. Read it out loud to
Myself and see what it is I’m doing that’s giving my power to the other person.
this is the meaning of the word respect from the safe program:
don’t do anything you don’t want to do or allow someone else to do something to you that you don’t want done to you. This is how we show ourselves respect.
In other words, when we judge someone, we are allowing them to do something to us, and we are giving our power away. Now, in order to regain that power, we blame them rather than see what we are doing, that’s causing the power struggle.
Remember ! They are talking about blacks, and that Black Lives Matter, which is a true statement for them and for everyone. All we have to do is connect internally with our own understanding of the world, and of ourselves, then we are able to gift that understanding to others. If we give them that understanding, then we eliminate the judgment

and the power struggle too…..now ! If they became aggressive and say white lives, do not matter, then that would be a different tool from the program to utilize And that’s called the three stages of directing. If any of this is intriguing, the podcast doesn’t have any commercial interruptions and if you’re like me, I dislike commercials with a passion. So you have nothing to lose and maybe something to gain. I believe he has nine separate podcasts. Why not give some of them a try.
Tucker Carlson interviews on his podcast have very few advertisements. He is one of the best and most fair interviewers out there. Instead of drawing the guest down path to a predetermined outcome, he'll ask a question, then instead of interrupting ....... he'll let the guest talk, and talk and talk. He's conservative of course, but he doesn't push that on his guests.
.....he wants to know their point of view and why they think that way.
To anyone that only watched tucker on FOX...... That was the FOX Tucker.... He could be quite annoying.
Now that there is no pressure from a thumb pushing down on him..... he's actually a very different guy. If you haven't seen one of his interviews on his podcasts, you are missing out
I also love Chris Plante. Crass, sarcastic, conservative, oh yeah...... But he's sharp as a tack, especially on anything , US history related stuff.
I listen to these guys and others because I like listening to human to human reality.
When people discuss a subject, they speak their feelings and compassion. They don't analyze why they think the way they do ...they just blurt out their thoughts. There is no way to converse in real time, while at the same time analyzing and "correcting" improper thoughts before they are said.
The teachings of John Anthony from what little I listened to, come across as if everyone in the world was born at the same moment, born to the same parents and went to church every Sunday and he was the preacher. We'd all be on the same page and everyone would have the same understandings as everyone else..... we'd all have a familiar platform for discussion.
Now, in reality, set side by side in a room, a Rabbi, the Bishop from Trump's inauguration prayer ceremony, the head of ISIS, Kim Jong Ill, Dr Phil, Liz Cheney, Chelsea Handler, Joe Rogan, my next door neighbor, my brother and Mr. Beast.
Start up a conversation on any subject under the sun and try to get them all into agreement.
All of these people will then give their 2 cents, or express their thoughts, but not one will pre-analyze their wording to benefit the conversation.
....they will say what's on their mind without reservation. People just don't analyze and rationalize their thoughts before saying them.
What I'm saying is...I'm set in my ways. I'm betting that 98 % of adults are too. I'll never change my views of men playing in women's sports. It's wrong.... discussion ended. There is no rationalization to be discussed. Yeah, its that simple.
There is no man made climate change.
If there is any, it's immeasurable.
There is no discussion even if Gretta gets mad at me. She's a pond being played and used by others. I don't care one bit about her feelings...... She wouldn't care about mine, right?
There are 8 billion people on earth. How many will hear Johns words, understand them, then practice them so the world can live in harmony?
John's thoughts or preachings might affect and work in a small church congregation.... Or with a family member, a friend. That's about it.
If his words could ever have a real affect, then there wouldn't be 500+ murders happening every year in just one US city every year.
I'd place a bet, that being who you are can have a stronger affect than listening to that podcast. Listening to the podcast only reinforces your own mindset.
Being who you are affects everyone you shake hands with, every cashier, every client, every relative and coworker.
If you're a calm, cool, relaxed, pleasant, kind, soft spoken person, just being "you" will have a more profound effect on those people in your circle than this John guy know body has ever heard of.
Nice guy, good vibes, good advice.... I won't take that away from him, but you as an individual will probably affect more people than he will.
I'm thinking you're channeling his message, so that's not a bad thing at all.
I'll listen to you, not him. I don't know him.
.....but I'll still listen to Tucker and Chris too. Chris is my replacement fix for Rush. I miss that loveable little fuzzball every single day. They broke the mold when he was born.