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An early attempt (last fall) at composition...leading lines, reflections, and symmetry all in the same shot... 🤣 🤣 🤣
PS, I think the brickee that did the pavers could have used a little help in substrate prep...;);)🤣
Rose Garden Walkway sm wWM.jpg
An early attempt (last fall) at composition...leading lines, reflections, and symmetry all in the same shot... 🤣 🤣 🤣
PS, I think the brickee that did the pavers could have used a little help in substrate prep...;);)🤣
View attachment 19482

You know they laid all the pavers first then went back and cut out for the water feature. The brickee was pissed because he had to go back, prep up to the concrete and to tie ins as part of punch work. 😂
Was actually only about two feet tall...I think it was just the angle I was shooting from that makes it look bigger. Not really much to give a comparative sense of size in the photo either.

My wife and I are volunteering to monitor and track Monarch butterflies in the marsh this summer. We have assigned trails and go out once per week and count the milkweed plants and check them for Monarch eggs, instars (caterpillar stages), and butterflies. It's pretty cool actually. We had to go through a training course and we turn in reports that are used by the University of Minnesota's Monarch butterfly program. We see lots of these little guys on the milkweed plants - Red Milkweed Beetles. I love their antennae!

View attachment 19441
Training definitely required. I wouldn't have clue what I was looking for or how to tell what eggs belong to who.
Cool little bug.
What lens are you using for the butterflys?
I carry 2 camera bodies with me on a walk. Most often it’s my Nikon D810 with a Nikon Nikkor 200-500 f5.6 on it and my Nikon D7500 with a Nikon Nikkor 105mm f/2.8 macro lens. I use the longer lens for further distance and the shorter set up when I’m within a few feet of what I’m shooting . Sometimes if I want to carry less weight I will use my OM-1 mirrorless with a 100-400mm Olympus lens & a 1.4X extender to give me a max focal length of 640mm and my Lumix G95 with an Olympus 60mm macro lens for close range. Both of those are micro four thirds and weigh less than half of my Nikon gear.

I will sometimes switch the 200-500 Nikon lens for my Tamron 150-600 if I know I’ll be shooting a lot of long shots. It’s not as sharp as the Nikon but it still takes good photos.

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