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Any perks above the casino's hourly rate?
He should be able to get the Casino's medical insurance that gives free medicine and clinic visits. They cover some meds that his current insurance will not cover that had really been helping him. I believe the job also gives PTO.

Rained and thundered all day. Princess again identified as a chicken. I went for curbside pickup. Met with my friend in town so we went into Walmart together. His kidney stones were really hurting him. He checked the engine in my truck to make sure motor mounts are not loose or broken-- no movement so the mystery noises under the hood are still unidentified. He told me that the co-worker who effed up and let the kid out had tried to do an end run around her boss to try to get the blame put on my brother and that she was really trying to get my brother in trouble to take the heat off of herself. Apparently she was trying hard to get my brother fired or something and the boss took away his keys thinking it would protect him from the wrath of corporate even though he did nothing wrong.

It was like an oven inside the truck when I opened the door at first-- had to let the heat out before I could get in. Got home, unloaded stuff, and went straight back to bed for a nap. The heat really got to me. Fed kitties and doggies. Cooked for Mom. I brought Ginger into the living room to give her some special treats. I was holding her and Fippy started losing his mind. He was standing on his hind legs, whining, and wagging his tail. I set her down on an end table and he jumped up to touch noses with her while wagging his tail. I didn't realize he actually likes her. He normally dislikes other animals. But for whatever reason he really wanted to see her. I gave her treats and she squeaked at me so I held her again. Mom asked for an orange so I pretended I was handing her Ginger. She rolled her eyes so I handed her an actual orange.
I bought some new blades for cutting LVP. The tool place didn't have the Lennox blades I've used since Pergo came on the scene 30 years ago. The had these Diablo blades..... You gotta get some. These are fantastic.


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I splurged on this one while I was there. It's a really heavy (thick) blade. I bought a straight carbide blade a couple years ago and it wasn't sharp at all. This one feels REALLY nice.
I might play with it a little bit today.


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.....with zero mistakes. 🫣
Must not have to deal with doctors' handwriting then. :p
Flooring looks great! That's a huge place!

So, my brother was unaware that the co-worker was trying to backstab him & that she really seemed to have it in for him, but he did note that she's been unusually rude to him ever since the incident and he has never once been rude to her. Turns out the president of the company they work for called out her BS and shut down any arguments she had trying to blame my brother. He said where my brother was at the time the kid escaped was irrelevant because his arcade side was not responsible for the children from the kid's arcade side. End of argument. Brother is still leaving though. Other employee is mad bc she is being treated like a new employee when she's got a manager's position. She's still getting manager pay but her responsibilities have been reduced until she can prove she's reliable. She somehow thinks its unfair even though she screwed up multiple times.

Last night (well Saturday night), Mom went to get ice cream out of the freezer and didn't bring her cane. She fell and faceplanted on the floor right in front of the door to the living room. This was right when my brother got home. I heard a thunk and then she was screaming. I got out there as fast as I could and she was in Muslim prayer position on the floor shouting at me. Brother came in and I called to him that she fell and I needed help getting her up. Brother stepped over her and got into the living room in front of her while I grabbed a dining chair. He got her to grab his hands and then picked her up and set her in the chair. Her knees are bruised up but she's OK. She stayed up all night and so did I. Kept checking on her, asking her if she was nauseous, how many fingers I was holding up, etc. She was hungry in the morning so I got her breakfast and then we both racked out for the day after noon. I did get up a few times to check on her.

She's back up again and I just got her some food. As soon as I sat back down, the kitties piled on me. LOL.
I cleaned the cat's waterer and changed the filter. Fed kitties. Fed doggies. Fed Mom. Went to Walmart for curbside pickup. They didn't give me $40 worth of stuff so I've requested a refund because they either forgot to pull it or they gave it to the wrong person somehow. All I know is, we didn't get it and I doublechecked the truck, the front room, the kitchen, etc and it didn't make it home with us. Took trash out. Changed the insulin cartridge on Mom's insulin pump. It's a convoluted process. I have to put the needle in the cartridge to draw any air out of it. Then I take the needle out and draw more air in to the syringe, I then jab the needle into the insulin vial (which is held upsiidedown) and push all of the air into the bottle. This forces insulin to fill the syringe. I draw as much insulin as will go into the syringe and then push a drop out to get rid of any air bubbles-- I also tap the syringe to bring bubbles to the top. Then I fill the cartridge from the syringe. Then I have to take the old cartridge off the pump, put new tubing on the cartridge, put new cartridge into the pump, remove old tubing from canula, hold new tubing straight up and tell the pump to fill it until 3 drops come out, connect the tubing to the canula, fill canula, and then tell the pump to resume normal function. Oh yeah, I have to tell it to stop pumping while I do cartridge change.

Cooked for Mom again awhile ago. And battled my dumb orange cat who does not take a hint. He slept on my head the night before and kept making me overheat. Then he kept climbing on me the entire time I was home-- following me into the bathroom, following me around the kitchen, zerging into the living room. He clawed up my arm trying to cling to me when I pushed him off of me because I was trying to eat or use my keyboard. He stomped all over my keyboard repeatedly. He's so dumb he just won't learn or understand that I didn't want him on me. He also kept trying to climb under my covers-- which involved digging with his claws. Then he rammed me in the leg and tripped me when I was on my way to the bathroom. After that he ran into the living room and knocked stuff down. He just gets so desperate for attention sometimes it gets so aggravating. LOL.
I cleaned the cat's waterer and changed the filter. Fed kitties. Fed doggies. Fed Mom. Went to Walmart for curbside pickup. They didn't give me $40 worth of stuff so I've requested a refund because they either forgot to pull it or they gave it to the wrong person somehow. All I know is, we didn't get it and I doublechecked the truck, the front room, the kitchen, etc and it didn't make it home with us. Took trash out. Changed the insulin cartridge on Mom's insulin pump. It's a convoluted process. I have to put the needle in the cartridge to draw any air out of it. Then I take the needle out and draw more air in to the syringe, I then jab the needle into the insulin vial (which is held upsiidedown) and push all of the air into the bottle. This forces insulin to fill the syringe. I draw as much insulin as will go into the syringe and then push a drop out to get rid of any air bubbles-- I also tap the syringe to bring bubbles to the top. Then I fill the cartridge from the syringe. Then I have to take the old cartridge off the pump, put new tubing on the cartridge, put new cartridge into the pump, remove old tubing from canula, hold new tubing straight up and tell the pump to fill it until 3 drops come out, connect the tubing to the canula, fill canula, and then tell the pump to resume normal function. Oh yeah, I have to tell it to stop pumping while I do cartridge change.

Cooked for Mom again awhile ago. And battled my dumb orange cat who does not take a hint. He slept on my head the night before and kept making me overheat. Then he kept climbing on me the entire time I was home-- following me into the bathroom, following me around the kitchen, zerging into the living room. He clawed up my arm trying to cling to me when I pushed him off of me because I was trying to eat or use my keyboard. He stomped all over my keyboard repeatedly. He's so dumb he just won't learn or understand that I didn't want him on me. He also kept trying to climb under my covers-- which involved digging with his claws. Then he rammed me in the leg and tripped me when I was on my way to the bathroom. After that he ran into the living room and knocked stuff down. He just gets so desperate for attention sometimes it gets so aggravating. LOL.
My first wife was like that.
Got to my Coretec-like, Mohawk LVP job at the rental and discovered the base is all back on ..... and then caulked afterwards with clear something 🫣
...acrylic I think. I guess when our 9.0+ tsunami hits this second story apartment (200' elevation) will be fine....... just fine. 😁
He caulked the bath and kitchen with silicone and that fine. Bath is 5x5 and kitchen mostly 4x14.
I'm supposing he'll be ok with the 500 sq feet of flooring he caulked to the baseboards in this area....... Buy why? 🤔. Renters don own mops 😁


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I had a king bed frame that I didn’t have a need for. Could t throw it away and it was too good for the Goodwill. Looking at just how much solid wood (cherry) there is, I’m keeping this baby and making something with it. I ran the pieces through the planer and will rip them down for gluing tomorrow, need a new table saw blade for that. I’ll let you know what I come up with.

Got to my Coretec-like, Mohawk LVP job at the rental and discovered the base is all back on ..... and then caulked afterwards with clear something 🫣
...acrylic I think. I guess when our 9.0+ tsunami hits this second story apartment (200' elevation) will be fine....... just fine. 😁
He caulked the bath and kitchen with silicone and that fine. Bath is 5x5 and kitchen mostly 4x14.
I'm supposing he'll be ok with the 500 sq feet of flooring he caulked to the baseboards in this area....... Buy why? 🤔. Renters don own mops 😁
I think it will be fine. These clicks are pretty stable. There's a renter in the lower level of the home insuring stability. Living near the coast means relatively stable wood moisture content year round..... So I think he'll be good. 🤞
I put a new saw blade on this morning, cuts like butter. Got a few used ones I’ll have to have sharpened so they can be on standby.


Playing with some Wilsonart Formica today. Do you tape your corners???

I took Fippy to the vet to get his claws trimmed, allergy shot, and heartworm shot. Went to the post office and grabbe McDonalds on the way home. Fippy was very excited when I asked him if he wanted "a burger sandwich". Mom wanted a fillet of fish and a coffee.

I'm still feeling slightly cruddy so I rested most of the day. Or at least, I can't even remember what I did most of the day other than the vet visit and cooking for Mom later on.
Must not have to deal with doctors' handwriting then. :p
Flooring looks great! That's a huge place!

So, my brother was unaware that the co-worker was trying to backstab him & that she really seemed to have it in for him, but he did note that she's been unusually rude to him ever since the incident and he has never once been rude to her. Turns out the president of the company they work for called out her BS and shut down any arguments she had trying to blame my brother. He said where my brother was at the time the kid escaped was irrelevant because his arcade side was not responsible for the children from the kid's arcade side. End of argument. Brother is still leaving though. Other employee is mad bc she is being treated like a new employee when she's got a manager's position. She's still getting manager pay but her responsibilities have been reduced until she can prove she's reliable. She somehow thinks its unfair even though she screwed up multiple times.

Last night (well Saturday night), Mom went to get ice cream out of the freezer and didn't bring her cane. She fell and faceplanted on the floor right in front of the door to the living room. This was right when my brother got home. I heard a thunk and then she was screaming. I got out there as fast as I could and she was in Muslim prayer position on the floor shouting at me. Brother came in and I called to him that she fell and I needed help getting her up. Brother stepped over her and got into the living room in front of her while I grabbed a dining chair. He got her to grab his hands and then picked her up and set her in the chair. Her knees are bruised up but she's OK. She stayed up all night and so did I. Kept checking on her, asking her if she was nauseous, how many fingers I was holding up, etc. She was hungry in the morning so I got her breakfast and then we both racked out for the day after noon. I did get up a few times to check on her.

She's back up again and I just got her some food. As soon as I sat back down, the kitties piled on me. LOL.
Glad mom is ok. Falling isn't good at any stage of life.
Funny thought came to mind when your brother came to help.....
....I thought you were going to say that he picked up the ice cream. 😁

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