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Warm one yesterday, a high of 87. This morning was 46, but by 10:15 this morning it was 89. It's just before noon and 93. On the bright side depending on which barometer I look at it's either 31 or 36 %
I didn't watch the weather forecast last night so I'm a bit surprised. I doubt if we hit 100.


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Stay on top of the joists. You can lay down strips of plywood, or fence boards, across the tops of the joists while you’re up there doing your thing. Bring them down when you’re done or leave them up there for next time.
That's what I figured. I didn't feel like it would be safe to walk on the boards. There is a piece of plywood up there. I should bring more up there too when my body is cooperating. For some reason my whole body hurts today for no apparent reason.

I suspect the leak is some kind of condensation from the HVAC system but haven't gotten motivation to go up there. It's been too hot.

Yesterday the water wasn't working. I discovered the geniuses who fixed the pump don't know how to solvent weld fittings properly. I did note they were only putting the solvent on the fitting and not the other piece on something and they told me it would be fine when I said something about it. They told me they were going to replace a compression fitting with permanent fittings. Well, they attempted to solvent weld the compression fitting with medium strength pvc cement-- not intended for use on wet pipes-- and they only put it on the fitting and not the pipes. I'm surprised it held as long as it did. Blew apart yesterday. I went to put it back together after shutting the pump off and didn't think about the heat. I grabbed the stainless steel elbow with my bare hand nad cooked my palm a bit. Then tried to run water over it to cool it off but the water coming out was hot too. Managed to get the fitting back on and waited an hour while the cistern refilled. Then tried again. It was working until the fitting blew apart again and soaked me. I was trying in vain to push the fitting back together with water pushing it apart and blasting me in the face--- at least that water was only warm and not hot. I had to pour cool bottled water over my hand for awhile. It's still a little sore but visibly looks fine.

Changed Mom's canula for her infusion set last night but the canula bent. She woke me up screaming at me at almost 4am about her blood sugar being high. I went and changed to a different canula and this time she said she felt the insulin go in when the canula filled but her blood sugar has remained over 400. So, either her sensor is borked or something isn't working right. I'm going to have to do a finger stick.

Meanwhile, I did curbside pickup order from Samsclub and HD-- had to get some fittings. I'm going to build a bag holder/opener for the trash bags out of pvc pipe. Found plans online for it and its cheaper than buying one of the actual holders. On my way back I paid very careful attention to all of the signs going through the town where I got pulled over and ticketed. I confirmed the cop lied to me. The area that he said was a 50mph area was a 65mph area-- which is probably why he lied and said he would give me a ticket for seatbelt instead. The speed and area could be verified with dashcam and such-- I was going with the flow of traffic and slowed to 50mph when it went down to 50. He even acknowledged that I was wearing a seatbelt but said seatbelt ticket was cheaper than saying I was going 64 in a 50. It's still over $200 and its bs. Sadly, there is no way to contest the ticket as the town has no court and the address they give you for "court" is the police station and your only options are to pay or have your license suspended. Gotta love that Louisiana corruption. Cop had no bodycam so the seatbelt thing would be his word against mine anyway and that town makes most of its revenue from tickets. It's one of the towns notorious for speed traps. They once ticketed my brother for rolling through a stop-- when it wasn't a stop. it was a yield. And we have the google earth images to prove it. But there was no court to contest it so he had to pay.
Warm one yesterday, a high of 87. This morning was 46, but by 10:15 this morning it was 89. It's just before noon and 93. On the bright side depending on which barometer I look at it's either 31 or 36 %
I didn't watch the weather forecast last night so I'm a bit surprised. I doubt if we hit 100.
I was right. We only got up to 98. 🙄
I should be a meteorologist.
Tomorrow ....the same or warmer.
It will be warmer tonight than tomorrow, so the upstairs in the house will start off warm.
....I do t move fast, do tomorrow will be en slower.
I did however get more than 1/2 bathroom done today. 👍 I called the owner and told him he can install the vanity tomorrow morning.
I don't show up till noon and he leaves about 12:30.
....we work well together. 😂
He's a great guy and I think he appreciates me making his new flooring flat enough to not fail.
Even tho it gonna cost him $2000 more that he expected, I'm making chump change. I don't care a bit because my measuring has slowed a LOT in the past month. Sumpin' is better than nothin'


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9 pm and it's still 82 in the house, but cooled to 70 outside.
It's gonna be clear tonight, so I'm putting my game cam outside pointed at the sky to check out the bat population. Hot weather means lotsa bugs...... so in theory, lotsa bats.
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Most of it is forested, and they went out over sand dunes and the ocean.
I check in on flight radar daily at some point. I've seen patterns over areas with forest fires, but locally, nothing remotely close to this. I should have done a screen shot of the plane.
Check out monkeywerx he is a dude that has military flight controls exp and has a YouTube channel where he covers flight patterns very enlightening.
Personally I think they’re flying illegals everywhere that’s why all the flight delays and cancellations. Plus they’re housing illegals without vaccines and without DHS clearance AT the airports
We are pretty far along on 220 yards of Tarkett welded cove and cap for Publix pharmacy compounding . This is a processing area for packing an area off camera is going to be six inch cove inside a clean room. This area is 4” .
Changed out Mom's insulin cartridge and tubing last night but her sugar would not come down. Was stuck on high. It finally went down to 100 after she ate. It's like the insulin just wasn't going in and I was thinking the canula needed to be changed again. I'm going to get a different type of canula next time, if I can. I want the autosoft XC instead of the 90 since it is easier to remove tubing.

I rewatched Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (saw some clips and didn't remember some of the scenes so watched the whole movie). It had been over 20yrs since I last watched it. Went to HD to swap out the FIP fitting that was supposed to be SLIP. I explained to them that I know it was an easy mistake to make when pulling products. When I went to go get the right one I found more of the FIP ones in the SLIP bin. Forgot to check my other fittings in my bag and found one that was also wrong. It was a tee that was supposed to be all slip but it was 2 slip and 1 fip. I'll find another use for it I suppose. Can easily replace that one locally bc I'm not driving an hour each way to swap it out.

Stopped at TSC to get sweet feed. Got home, fed moocows, fed mom, went to glue pipes back together only to discover the PVC cement was dried up (friend crossthreaded the lid and didn't close it right). He was overheated and exhausted so I don't blame him. Had to run back to TSC to grab a 4oz jar. It was the only place locally that had any. Had to use my phone to read the directions and see cure time. 2hrs. After 2hrs I went back and found the stupid lever to fill the cistern jammed again and had to trigger it. Currently filling it and opened the shutoff to let the pump get primed. Will check on it in a few minutes.

Once I get the water running again I need to give Fippy a bath.
LOL. Fippy can be very sweet but he is a grumpy little dog. I was trying to cuddle him and he was growling at me until Mom started petting him He didn't growl at me as much before he got cataracts.

Mom misread her pump thinking her blood sugar was down to 100 but it wasn't. It was still reading "high". I checked it with a separate fingerstick one and it said High. I changed the canula for the 3rd time in 24hrs (these things are supposed to last 3 days each) and this time she said she felt the insulin going in when it filled the canula. Hopefully it will continue working. I've contacted the supply place and asked them to send the autosoft xc (which is easier to dismantle for tube filling). This pump has been a royal pain thus far.

The union I installed leaked-- well, leak is putting it mildly. It sprayed everywhere. I tightened it as much as I could and the sucker was turning another fitting (which is threaded) but my wrench kept slipping. I finally contacted my friend and he came out and tightened the begeesus out of it. Compressed that O-ring well so it seems to be holding. *knock on wood*

Tried to show my friend how the sliding glass door was jamming, but of course it opened perfectly without any issues when he was there. He said "It's because I'm here-- it won't misbehave if I'm watching". Same with the truck. It only makes a bunch of noises when he's not near/in it to hear them. LOL.

Gave kitties some water but the water is still showing some sediment. I may hold off until tomorrow on Fippy's bath so he can dry off better in the day when it is warmer. My shoulders and ribs are hurting for no apparent reason.
LOL. Fippy can be very sweet but he is a grumpy little dog. I was trying to cuddle him and he was growling at me until Mom started petting him He didn't growl at me as much before he got cataracts.

Mom misread her pump thinking her blood sugar was down to 100 but it wasn't. It was still reading "high". I checked it with a separate fingerstick one and it said High. I changed the canula for the 3rd time in 24hrs (these things are supposed to last 3 days each) and this time she said she felt the insulin going in when it filled the canula. Hopefully it will continue working. I've contacted the supply place and asked them to send the autosoft xc (which is easier to dismantle for tube filling). This pump has been a royal pain thus far.

The union I installed leaked-- well, leak is putting it mildly. It sprayed everywhere. I tightened it as much as I could and the sucker was turning another fitting (which is threaded) but my wrench kept slipping. I finally contacted my friend and he came out and tightened the begeesus out of it. Compressed that O-ring well so it seems to be holding. *knock on wood*

Tried to show my friend how the sliding glass door was jamming, but of course it opened perfectly without any issues when he was there. He said "It's because I'm here-- it won't misbehave if I'm watching". Same with the truck. It only makes a bunch of noises when he's not near/in it to hear them. LOL.

Gave kitties some water but the water is still showing some sediment. I may hold off until tomorrow on Fippy's bath so he can dry off better in the day when it is warmer. My shoulders and ribs are hurting for no apparent reason.
My wife has an omnlpod. They are junk. The battery can drop from 80% to 0 in an hour. 2nd one she has had and both were junk. The sensor don't stick good and must be taped on.
Check out monkeywerx he is a dude that has military flight controls exp and has a YouTube channel where he covers flight patterns very enlightening.
Personally I think they’re flying illegals everywhere that’s why all the flight delays and cancellations. Plus they’re housing illegals without vaccines and without DHS clearance AT the airports
How do I become an illegal? I'm sure those hotels have pools.
My wife has an omnlpod. They are junk. The battery can drop from 80% to 0 in an hour. 2nd one she has had and both were junk. The sensor don't stick good and must be taped on.
Most likely a lithium battery. I use those in my game cam. $26 for an 8 pack of AA's, but they work excellent in cold temperatures. The battery reads 100% right till the end. If I see it hits 80%, I know it's gonna kick the bucket that night. Pricey until you see his much longer they last.
I'm betting the longevity of the battery is why they use them. If you switch to a different brand on omnipod and it has a lithium battery, it won't last longer than the unit you have now.
We are pretty far along on 220 yards of Tarkett welded cove and cap for Publix pharmacy compounding . This is a processing area for packing an area off camera is going to be six inch cove inside a clean room. This area is 4” .
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Better for you than me.😁
Better for them too...
......because I wouldn't show up. 😂
I tip my hat to guys like you that can not just do this, but do large jobs like this one. 👍
Warm one yesterday, a high of 87. This morning was 46, but by 10:15 this morning it was 89. It's just before noon and 93. On the bright side depending on which barometer I look at it's either 31 or 36 %
I didn't watch the weather forecast last night so I'm a bit surprised. I doubt if we hit 100.
We hit 98 yesterday and 100 at noon today .
it was 83 till 8:15 and it's finally dropping
well be 73 by 9 pm.
We're not used to this here on the coast. It's still 83 indoors...... Doors open and fans runnin'
Lost a bearing while routing some butcher block. Luckily I caught it and stopped before I did enough damage that I couldn’t save it. Cleaning up my mess and I found the bearing and the screw. Thought for sure the bearing disintegrated. Nope. It was just fine. The darn screw was all stripped. First time I’ve seen that. Put a new screw and the old bearing back on the bit and finished the job. Almost thought I was going to have to add another bit to the collection.


Trimming out the trailer today. Don’t pay no attention to my crumpled nail. Clearly it showed me.😳 The floor has a coastal color to it with wispy streaks of grey. I made some 1/4 round out of pine and then gently made some random wispy streaks with grey stain before hitting it with some natural. Almost makes me think of beetle kill pine with its bluish grey wisps.

The Tandem is apparently considered one of the better insulin pumps and is one of the few that pairs with the dexcom g7. I discovered that when it unsyncs it is a pita and half of the menu options go away. Mom thought her bg was high but I did a fingerstick and found out it was only 52 and her pump was still trying to dispense insulin and I had to tell it to stop and it didn't want to and argued with me kept saying it wanted to resume pumping and I kept telling it no. Had to replace her dexcom sensor. Apparently it straight up died for some reason. It still had 3 days left. Pump started working better after that, but her bg was down to 60 Monday morning.

Sunday was pretty much a total wash for me. I felt awful all day. Like I couldn't get enough oxygen, had no energy, sinus pressure, etc. Had thunderstorms all day. Princess decided she identifies as a chicken and was whining, climbing into my arms, hiding under the covers, etc. Mom stayed in bed pretty much all day and I had to bring her food in bed.

Monday (and I say this bc it's almost Tuesday now) I managed to take a much needed shower and took Mom for her appointment with the diabetes specialist. Showed her the blood sugar readings, explained all the troubles we had. She said she was going to call in a refill for the autosoft XC because I have too much trouble with the autosoft 90s.

We went to the Mexican place afterward. Waitress doesn't speak English well and misunterstood Mom and got her order wrong, but Mom wasn't mad about it. She was disappointed, but she ate some of it and got the rest to go. I reheated it for her later. Still need to give Fippy his bath, clean litterboxes, spread diatomaceous earth, etc.
We went to the Mexican place afterward. Waitress doesn't speak English well

When they don’t speak good English is when I know I’m in a real Mexican restaurant👍. Still haven’t figured out whether the red or the green salsa is the hot one. I think they try and trick me and the red and green salsas are both hot so I usually avoid the salsa altogether.

Went to a Hunan restaurant with my buddy a few years ago, we were the only white people in the whole place. Good food, right? Nope, that shit was so spicy that I couldn’t eat it. Now when we go out to eat and there is an option for how spicy you want your food I tell people I only want my food white people hot. One waiter laughed cus he knew exactly what I meant. A jalapeño is about the top of my hotness scale and I don’t even mess with the crazy little Asian peppers. Those things will mess you up.

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