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So, what happens when those 20% of unjabbed folks spread it to the 80% of jabbed folks? Seems you would be back to square one. The best way out is to all get the vid virus, which gives everyone a temporary immunity, for what I hear is up to 8 months, right? I don't know. I'm just brainstorming. I got the ***, but now hear this will become an annual *** if we want some protection, since people still get it with the ***, correct? I heard on the internet recently that in about 5 years, will the 7 time jabbers will blame the only 4-5 time jabbers for giving them the covid?

Oh, it is also recommended that pregnant women should not get the ***. Why? Now, they are jabbing the 10-18 year olds? Do they need parental permission? Seems eerily similar to the Jewish prisoners being marched to the "showers" loaded with cyanide by the Nazi's.

I certainly don't know the answer, but they try locking Americans down with police roadblocks surrounding our neighborhoods, they will be met with a resistance more armed than the police. It will not work.
hav we are nice to our police :)
I understand what you are saying but most NZers think we have a chance of getting rid of the virus if everybody plays the game There has been 15 new gases today mainly from people in the "poorer" area along with a couple of gang members. People here will pot people in if they arent playing the game
If we can get it down to no covid in the community like last year and for about a year, along with most people getting the *** and the quarantine hotels dont make any mistakes by letting the people coming from overseas with the virus wander around mixing with "clean" people we might be be covid free :)
Same here people are jumping on people who are giving out wrong information
Trouble is that we don't know what the right information is.
I read that the vaccine is causing the virus to morph into something more dangerous than the original it's able to survive the vaccine.
It's also been reported that getting covid can get you 13 to 22 times more resistance to the disease then getting the shot. ....yet even if you have had covered the government still want you to get a shot. 😱
The problem is everything is not known about this covid thing. The people that have deemed themselves the emperors have decided what information they will allow. ....but they don't know everything yet. Their guessing at this late stage in the game. The mask was supposed to stop the spread then two masks and how to even I think at one point said three.
Initially he said a mask won't help much so from the very beginning everybody has been confused.
I personally believe unless you have a fancy surgical mask and eye protection that the simple blue mask that everybody wears is not doing much but make people feel good because they're wearing one. I have a beard, and a large percentage of males have a beard so there's almost no benefit in wearing a mask for a large percentage of people..... males anyway..
The shot was supposed to stop covid. Initially it seemed like it was helping. Now the original covid has changed into another version and the vaccine doesn't be working all that swift. I don't know how it's doing with the third variant and there's probably bound to be more of them until this thing goes away.
The only way for this virus to go away is if every single person on the planet Earth hunkered down in their homes for a month and never left their home. Never went to the store, never want to work, never went anywhere.
That point anyone left alive would probably not pass covered on to another person.
That is not going to happen. Biden just made a stupid comment that he thinks 97 or 98% of the people being vaccinated will be what it takes to get rid of this virus.
The man is insane, there is no way in living hell that's going to happen.
This thing is going to have to run its course unless you can get every person on Earth to quarantine for a month.
In the meantime just drags out people are getting stressed out kids are going crazy if they can't go back to school and the economy is tanking, and governments are paying fortunes in money they don't have to keep people at home. Landlords are hurting businesses hurting.
You just got to get realistic and life needs to get back to normal, or as normal as it can get. Do The logical stuff by washing your hands and not standing face to face with people you don't know and get on with your life. There is no fix for this problem other than time.
hav we are nice to our police :)
I understand what you are saying but most NZers think we have a chance of getting rid of the virus if everybody plays the game There has been 15 new gases today mainly from people in the "poorer" area along with a couple of gang members. People here will pot people in if they arent playing the game
If we can get it down to no covid in the community like last year and for about a year, along with most people getting the *** and the quarantine hotels dont make any mistakes by letting the people coming from overseas with the virus wander around mixing with "clean" people we might be be covid free :)
With the strict rules set up in New Zealand, the place should have been covid free for the last year or more. With all the restrictions and all the lockdowns it still happens. Yes on a small scale but it still happens. It doesn't matter if it's because someone breaks the rules. It doesn't matter why. The fact is it's still going to happen.
Since the rest of the world isn't on lockdown New Zealand is going to have to lock visitors out of your country for the next two years. How is everyone going to survive not just monetarily but mentally.
If I lived in New Zealand I would be in jail multiple times and have a buttload of fines that I could not pay. No way am I going to be locked up like a bird in a cage because the government told me to.
No way am I saying it's not possible for me to contract Covid. On average since covid began I make a absolute minimum of four stops every single day and I've done that every single day. I'm sure I made as many as 15 stops on some days. Gas station, bank, hardware store, the other hardware store, and they didn't have it so the third hardware store and they didn't have it so Walmart. Then I stopped at the customer's house, then I stopped at 7-eleven, then I stopped at the grocery store on the way home. If the police don't want me leaving my house they're going to have to shoot me. I have to earn a living.
Pregnant people?

pregnant people.jpeg
The real problem that we have here in the U.S. is that people don't know where to find the real information and most of them are too ignorant (I won't go into a rant about our educational system) to understand what they are reading even if they find the correct information. Instead they listen to the news channels which all (right and left) have a political agenda to promote. News today is not about reporting accurate information it's about driving clicks and promoting sensationalism to increase ad revenue. They have to fill that 24 hour a day schedule with something even if it's mostly made up.

Go to the Journal of American Medicine, or any peer reviewed scientific publication, and you're going to get the information without all the political spin. If you don't have access online, many public libraries carry these journals and access is typically free.

Covid is a virus. Viruses are passed to the fetus via the blood oxygen connection via the umbilical cord. If the mother is infected and can't breath due to Covid, what do you think happens to the blood oxygen level of the fetus? Answer - it drops. Low blood oxygen means that the fetus isn't getting the oxygen it needs to develop correctly. This can lead to multiple problematic outcomes with the pregnancy including maternal death and fetal death. A fetus's lungs are one of the last things to develop and as a result they are one of the least developed at birth. Being born with Covid would essentially mean that the child is fighting against a virus that is attacking one of it's least developed and most vulnerable systems.

Not sure what your question is regarding the information in the image you posted, but thought I might be able to help you understand.

The real thing that gets me is that it seems everyone has forgotten that for decades now we have required immunization shots to attend public school. Nobody said a word.

When I was a nurse I would go into a patient and hand them multiple medications that they would immediately take. I don't recall in my entire experience as a nurse anyone every questioning what I was giving them. Not once.

What really really pisses me off is to see healthcare professionals who are dealing with and complaining about the overwhelming surges refuse to take a necessary immunization to do their job. When I was a nurse we would not be allowed to work if we didn't have a current immunization record and that record was reviewed every six months along with a blood test to insure that none of the titers had fallen below levels necessary for immunity (yes you can loose immunity). I had the chicken pox when I was a child (before the vaccine was out) and when I would be tested nearly every time I was tested I would have to get a booster because my titer would drop below immunity. A titer is the level of antibodies needed in the blood to sustain immunity. I don't know when or how this changed or if some people are just now realizing the consequences of the contracts that they signed when they took their job but that's the way it was when I was practicing. Hell I had to go get a MMR update just to be allowed to do clinicals in school because my Dr. forgot to note the date when he wrote it on my immunization card which meant it couldn't be accepted as a valid immunization.

What used to take so long to develop these vaccines in the past is the fact that we didn't fully understand the human genome. DNA hadn't been mapped yet so as a result we had to rely much more heavily on blind testing to understand what possible outcomes might exist. With a much greater understanding of the human genome and the light year advances since I was a nurse 26+ years ago (the difference is incredible) I'm fine with how quickly the vaccines were developed and I feel comfortable that for the vast majority of people that these vaccines and the necessary boosters (see paragraph above as to why they are necessary) are safe and effective long term. The computer models that exist today make it so much faster to work out these unknowns it's just hard to fathom unless you work or understand the healthcare.

After loosing friends to this and seeing more friends with long term effects there is no doubt in my mind do anything you can to protect your health, your families health, and the health of those around you is the right course of action.

These are only my thoughts and if you don't agree please understand that that's ok. We can still be friends.

Just like in flooring installation - there are good mechanics and there are bad mechanics. So too in healthcare. Not everyone graduated at the top of their class. Just keep that in mind when you choose what sources your relying on and do your own research in fact based science. Don't let someone give you their opinion and assume it's correct.
If you ever have an abundance of auditory attention that you want to donate to anything, the Massey Lecture series has some very good stuff. A lot of it is very social/liberal type stuff, but there is a lot to listen to at the least even if one is not inclined to agree.
The real problem that we have here in the U.S. is that people don't know where to find the real information and most of them are too ignorant (I won't go into a rant about our educational system) to understand what they are reading even if they find the correct information. Instead they listen to the news channels which all (right and left) have a political agenda to promote. News today is not about reporting accurate information it's about driving clicks and promoting sensationalism to increase ad revenue. They have to fill that 24 hour a day schedule with something even if it's mostly made up.

Go to the Journal of American Medicine, or any peer reviewed scientific publication, and you're going to get the information without all the political spin. If you don't have access online, many public libraries carry these journals and access is typically free.

Covid is a virus. Viruses are passed to the fetus via the blood oxygen connection via the umbilical cord. If the mother is infected and can't breath due to Covid, what do you think happens to the blood oxygen level of the fetus? Answer - it drops. Low blood oxygen means that the fetus isn't getting the oxygen it needs to develop correctly. This can lead to multiple problematic outcomes with the pregnancy including maternal death and fetal death. A fetus's lungs are one of the last things to develop and as a result they are one of the least developed at birth. Being born with Covid would essentially mean that the child is fighting against a virus that is attacking one of it's least developed and most vulnerable systems.

Not sure what your question is regarding the information in the image you posted, but thought I might be able to help you understand.

The real thing that gets me is that it seems everyone has forgotten that for decades now we have required immunization shots to attend public school. Nobody said a word.

When I was a nurse I would go into a patient and hand them multiple medications that they would immediately take. I don't recall in my entire experience as a nurse anyone every questioning what I was giving them. Not once.

What really really pisses me off is to see healthcare professionals who are dealing with and complaining about the overwhelming surges refuse to take a necessary immunization to do their job. When I was a nurse we would not be allowed to work if we didn't have a current immunization record and that record was reviewed every six months along with a blood test to insure that none of the titers had fallen below levels necessary for immunity (yes you can loose immunity). I had the chicken pox when I was a child (before the vaccine was out) and when I would be tested nearly every time I was tested I would have to get a booster because my titer would drop below immunity. A titer is the level of antibodies needed in the blood to sustain immunity. I don't know when or how this changed or if some people are just now realizing the consequences of the contracts that they signed when they took their job but that's the way it was when I was practicing. Hell I had to go get a MMR update just to be allowed to do clinicals in school because my Dr. forgot to note the date when he wrote it on my immunization card which meant it couldn't be accepted as a valid immunization.

What used to take so long to develop these vaccines in the past is the fact that we didn't fully understand the human genome. DNA hadn't been mapped yet so as a result we had to rely much more heavily on blind testing to understand what possible outcomes might exist. With a much greater understanding of the human genome and the light year advances since I was a nurse 26+ years ago (the difference is incredible) I'm fine with how quickly the vaccines were developed and I feel comfortable that for the vast majority of people that these vaccines and the necessary boosters (see paragraph above as to why they are necessary) are safe and effective long term. The computer models that exist today make it so much faster to work out these unknowns it's just hard to fathom unless you work or understand the healthcare.

After loosing friends to this and seeing more friends with long term effects there is no doubt in my mind do anything you can to protect your health, your families health, and the health of those around you is the right course of action.

These are only my thoughts and if you don't agree please understand that that's ok. We can still be friends.

Just like in flooring installation - there are good mechanics and there are bad mechanics. So too in healthcare. Not everyone graduated at the top of their class. Just keep that in mind when you choose what sources your relying on and do your own research in fact based science. Don't let someone give you their opinion and assume it's correct.
I posted it because they can no longer say pregnant women" It is "pregnant people" .
I got vaccinated in March of this year. The next day I had one of my co-workers, who I dearly love, tell me in the middle of my office that she was terribly upset because she cares a great deal for me and now I have the "Mark of the Beast" I will go to hell when I die. This is someone that I spend 8-10 hours a day sitting right next to and who I know cares for me as much as I care for her and she was dead serious.

I couldn't do anything but laugh and say "Well the good news is I won't be dying of Covid anytime soon, so I got that going for me". I just can't believe how intelligent human beings have let themselves be misled and caught up with the emotional and political viewpoints on something that literally has nothing to do with either. Viruses have existed for millions of years. They have killed uncountable numbers of living creatures over those millions of years. The virus doesn't care what religion, political, party, sexual orientation or any other viewpoint you may have. The virus isn't a living thing. The virus is merely a mutated piece of RNA that wants to transfer from host to host and implant itself in the DNA of your healthy cells and replicate. That's it's only job and function. It has no idea that's even killing you. It's a string of proteins (chemicals). That's it. So anything else around this virus or any other virus doesn't matter. You're only job as a living being of a higher order is to do everything you can to survive this unfortunate event of being infected and whatever that entails. You do it so you can live and continue to love and care for the people around you. Even the ones who think that you're going to go to hell when you die.

I know that everything is pretty open here and I'm pretty much among friends, but I don't like to espouse my viewpoints in such a public way. It's not that I'm embarrassed about my views it's because I never want to isolate or offend someone who I may learn something valuable someday. If we close ourselves off to thinking our views are the only ones or the only right ones we may miss an opportunity to learn something from someone that can make us grow, make us better. And if we don't grow then what's the point. I'm also not infallible and I've been wrong many times. It's another way we grow. Most of the important things I've learned in this industry have not come from a seminar or a sales meeting on a new product. They've come from making mistakes and learning how to correct them and what caused them in the first place.

All I can say is at the end of the day I hope that each and every person that I know and meet can look past all the silly and ridiculous information that's out there and take care of yourself so that you're safe and your family is safe and your friends are safe. Know that there are a lot of "trolls" in the world who just want to see the world burn so try not to fall into their game because the best way to defeat a troll is to not react to their troll bait.
I just want to congratulate everyone here for this great discussion. On most of the other forums I help administrate, within 10 posts people are calling the others a holes. RiNO's, Libtards, idiots, etc. Yes, many are getting banned. Many forums could leard alot by following the example lead by the members here, and I applaud you all!
Knee jerk reactions in most cases are never the right answer. Those men and women have one of the toughest jobs on earth and no amount of training can fully prepare them for the horrible things they have to deal with daily. Military, police, firefighters, and first responders are the greatest heroes living today. There will always be a certain percentage of bad eggs when the numbers are that high, it's just a complete shame that the bad ones seem to get all the media attention. It goes back to what I said about the media. They don't report anything anymore. You have 27 idiots who, in most cases, have done nothing greater with their lives than earn a college degree, commenting and giving their opinion about what happened. Mostly in complete opposite of the facts of the story. The only things I look at the news any more for is to see what the weather is going to do and it's about as accurate as the news reporting.

My uncle was a sheriff's officer for 20+ years. He was the head of their training department when he retired. I remember how over those years his personality changed. He went from being a person who would have helped anybody to someone who thought that everybody in the world was a "goof" who had some ulterior motive. It was sad to see.
I'm still just trying to figure out when we started seeking medical advice from professional athletes. Many of whom barely made it through high school and most never finished college. Every time I see one of them I just start laughing. And then of course there's Nikki Minaj and her cousin with the testicle issue. Dear Lord help us all! :D :D :D :rolleyes::rolleyes:

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