highup dont you read anything from any other country?
You say the rest of the world isnt in lock down or have restrictions
All over our news here is about American 2 basketball players who refuse to get vaccinated so they are losing 40 games of which they wont get paid
here are a couple of links for you
I am pretty sure I cant just fly into the States without being vaccinated and having negative tests in the last couple of days
My biggest issue is where the police drive around looking for people that should not be driving anywhere. Sounds like they are literally on the hunt.
Lockdowns are not going to make this go away worldwide. For that to work the entire population of the world would need to be in lockdown and that's not going to happen.
In a country the size of New Zealand where the virus never got very big because it didn't arrive there first, like it did to New York, one of the most popular landing zones in the world, it is absolutely possible that the lockdowns you guys are use it can eliminate it from your country.
Since the rest of the countries in the world are not going to get to that point what is your plan of protecting your populace? The United States has twice the vaccination rate that New Zealand has. It seems like in addition to the lockdown the vaccination rate in NZ should be the same as most other countries, or even higher since very few people there have gained natural immunity from the virus itself.
Because of the low initial infection rate and the quick lockdown of the New Zealand society you guys have been able to keep it relatively under control.
When it came into New York it spread like a shotgun to the rest of the country before we even knew we had it. It was instantly too late with people arriving in New York from overseas and taking the next plane back from New York to their hometown. It literally spread like a sneeze. Kind of a point of no return.
The next question was how to deal with it. I still don't figure that's been figured out
The vaccine worked on the initial covid-19 but is not prevented infections from the second and third versions. I don't even know how useful the vaccine isn't this point. Have her various doctors on the radio explaining how ineffective masks are, meaning unless you don't have a beard and you are a hospital grade mask the regular blue mask isn't all that beneficial.....
.... Not just that people constantly touch it and readjust it and then wipe their eyes. It seems a bit of a waste of time.
For me, I just live my life and I do pay attention to how close I am to other people when I'm in a store or elsewhere. I don't pretend it's not a problem but I'm quite realistic about the non ability to get this under control via rules regulations and fines and firings.
My life has always been stressed enough and I don't need to stress over something that I don't have total control over.