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Knee jerk reactions in most cases are never the right answer. Those men and women have one of the toughest jobs on earth and no amount of training can fully prepare them for the horrible things they have to deal with daily. Military, police, firefighters, and first responders are the greatest heroes living today. There will always be a certain percentage of bad eggs when the numbers are that high, it's just a complete shame that the bad ones seem to get all the media attention. It goes back to what I said about the media. They don't report anything anymore. You have 27 idiots who, in most cases, have done nothing greater with their lives than earn a college degree, commenting and giving their opinion about what happened. Mostly in complete opposite of the facts of the story. The only things I look at the news any more for is to see what the weather is going to do and it's about as accurate as the news reporting.

My uncle was a sheriff's officer for 20+ years. He was the head of their training department when he retired. I remember how over those years his personality changed. He went from being a person who would have helped anybody to someone who thought that everybody in the world was a "goof" who had some ulterior motive. It was sad to see.
My little brother was a cop for 20 years. He went from being a nice guy to an arrogant A hole. I installed all the carpet in his house for nothing. Last time I saw him he would not speak. He retired or get fired. No one wanted to work with him. I still have a couple friends on the force and they were honest. They could not stand him.
I'm still just trying to figure out when we started seeking medical advice from professional athletes. Many of whom barely made it through high school and most never finished college. Every time I see one of them I just start laughing. And then of course there's Nikki Minaj and her cousin with the testicle issue. Dear Lord help us all! :D :D :D :rolleyes::rolleyes:
Massey Lectures man.
But more directly to the point, I do find it amazing that there are such tendencies to follow the "advice" and "knowledge" of celebrity, yet to dismiss the sound medical advice that exists.

There was another good paper I read recently that equated peoples resistance to fear and trauma. At first I laughed and thought it nonsensical and then I read the paper and thought, Ok, this might be on to something. Seems like people lack the fundamental ability to truly comprehend so look for biases that fit their narrative and unfortunately as you have highlighted we have managed to make a market out of marketing to people.

The internet really has become a toxic environment and I do not mean trolls and the petty arguments people undertake, the whole system has become corrupt. YOU ARE THE PRODUCT!! That is the most fundamental thing I could ever explain to anyone that does not understand. Your attention is at auction 24 hours a day and will be licensed to the highest bidder and fundamentally it is changing the way humanity perceives ourselves and those around us..... but I think I would need a lectern to continue on this vein and have anyone pay attention.

I do miss a healthy debate though, so perhaps some time it will garner someone's interest enough to take up the clarion call. Such a lost art the nature of debate, somewhere along the line it just became bickering and name calling.
That's sad man. I hate to see family not get along. I've made that mistake myself before and it's a hard one to live with if the other person passes on.

I don't know what it is about that job but it really takes a long term toll on your personality when you have to deal with the worst situations in life 99% of the time and be around the worst human beings. Day after day dealing with abusers, molesters, killers. It's a testament to human endurance when people can do that for so many years but it comes out in ways the person themselves just can't see.

I loved fishing with my uncle but after awhile I just couldn't do it anymore. Every where we go he'd always be looking over his shoulder and almost looking for a fight with people. The tension just got to be too much to be around all the time. I think a lot of them suffer from undiagnosed PTSD and just never figure it out.
That's sad man. I hate to see family not get along. I've made that mistake myself before and it's a hard one to live with if the other person passes on.

I don't know what it is about that job but it really takes a long term toll on your personality when you have to deal with the worst situations in life 99% of the time and be around the worst human beings. Day after day dealing with abusers, molesters, killers. It's a testament to human endurance when people can do that for so many years but it comes out in ways the person themselves just can't see.

I loved fishing with my uncle but after awhile I just couldn't do it anymore. Every where we go he'd always be looking over his shoulder and almost looking for a fight with people. The tension just got to be too much to be around all the time. I think a lot of them suffer from undiagnosed PTSD and just never figure it out.
This is a small town. Most of the time here they write traffic tickets, There have been two murders here in the last 10 years. One armed robbery this year.
And some people are just destined to be a**holes too! :D :D

That reminds me of a study I read when I was in nursing school. A small town had almost identical crime statistics year after year for decades. All of a sudden the crime rate dropped to almost nothing and they couldn't figure out why it happened. They sent in a team to try and figure out what caused the drop and they started testing everything. The air, the soil, the water all kinds of stuff. The only thing that showed up was in one of the water tests. They picked up a higher than normal amount of lithium in the water. Not fatal health risk levels but higher ppm than allowable standards. They investigated further and found out that the water purification plant had hired someone new and when adding lithium during the purification process he had misplaced a decimal point and was adding too much to the process. They corrected the error and within a few months the crime levels came right back up to normal.

Lithium is cheap. Maybe we should get rid of the police and just raise the lithium levels. (I'm 100% kidding) :Do_O
My town in NC had a population of right around 2500 but it had some high crime numbers. If you looked into the crime numbers a lot of it was someone got drunk and smacked their old lady, or vice versa, or family/ friend disagreements that went a step too far. The town itself was a safe little town but on paper at face value it looked pretty rough.
My town in NC had a population of right around 2500 but it had some high crime numbers. If you looked into the crime numbers a lot of it was someone got drunk and smacked their old lady, or vice versa, or family/ friend disagreements that went a step too far. The town itself was a safe little town but on paper at face value it looked pretty rough.
Most of the crime we have is drug related. Since it is legal to open/conceal carry without a permit. Most is petty theft. We eat breakfast at a truck stop out on the highway by itself. There was a guy giving a waitress a hard time. Several of us escorted him out. If he had pulled a gun, I would guess that at least 30 of the people eating would have been carrying. There has only one home invasion here that I can remember, the homeowner shot both of them and killed one.
Most of the crime we have is drug related. Since it is legal to open/conceal carry without a permit. Most is petty theft. We eat breakfast at a truck stop out on the highway by itself. There was a guy giving a waitress a hard time. Several of us escorted him out. If he had pulled a gun, I would guess that at least 30 of the people eating would have been carrying. There has only one home invasion here that I can remember, the homeowner shot both of them and killed one.

NC is open carry and AZ is constitutional carry. Sure helps to makes one think twice before acting up.
With the strict rules set up in New Zealand, the place should have been covid free for the last year or more. With all the restrictions and all the lockdowns it still happens. Yes on a small scale but it still happens. It doesn't matter if it's because someone breaks the rules. It doesn't matter why. The fact is it's still going to happen.
Since the rest of the world isn't on lockdown New Zealand is going to have to lock visitors out of your country for the next two years. How is everyone going to survive not just monetarily but mentally.
If I lived in New Zealand I would be in jail multiple times and have a buttload of fines that I could not pay. No way am I going to be locked up like a bird in a cage because the government told me to.
No way am I saying it's not possible for me to contract Covid. On average since covid began I make a absolute minimum of four stops every single day and I've done that every single day. I'm sure I made as many as 15 stops on some days. Gas station, bank, hardware store, the other hardware store, and they didn't have it so the third hardware store and they didn't have it so Walmart. Then I stopped at the customer's house, then I stopped at 7-eleven, then I stopped at the grocery store on the way home. If the police don't want me leaving my house they're going to have to shoot me. I have to earn a living.

highup dont you read anything from any other country? :)
You say the rest of the world isnt in lock down or have restrictions
All over our news here is about American 2 basketball players who refuse to get vaccinated so they are losing 40 games of which they wont get paid
here are a couple of links for you
I am pretty sure I cant just fly into the States without being vaccinated and having negative tests in the last couple of days
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highup dont you read anything from any other country? :)
You say the rest of the world isnt in lock down or have restrictions
All over our news here is about American 2 basketball players who refuse to get vaccinated so they are losing 40 games of which they wont get paid
here are a couple of links for you
I am pretty sure I cant just fly into the States without being vaccinated and having negative tests in the last couple of days
My biggest issue is where the police drive around looking for people that should not be driving anywhere. Sounds like they are literally on the hunt.
Lockdowns are not going to make this go away worldwide. For that to work the entire population of the world would need to be in lockdown and that's not going to happen.
In a country the size of New Zealand where the virus never got very big because it didn't arrive there first, like it did to New York, one of the most popular landing zones in the world, it is absolutely possible that the lockdowns you guys are use it can eliminate it from your country.
Since the rest of the countries in the world are not going to get to that point what is your plan of protecting your populace? The United States has twice the vaccination rate that New Zealand has. It seems like in addition to the lockdown the vaccination rate in NZ should be the same as most other countries, or even higher since very few people there have gained natural immunity from the virus itself.
Because of the low initial infection rate and the quick lockdown of the New Zealand society you guys have been able to keep it relatively under control.
When it came into New York it spread like a shotgun to the rest of the country before we even knew we had it. It was instantly too late with people arriving in New York from overseas and taking the next plane back from New York to their hometown. It literally spread like a sneeze. Kind of a point of no return.
The next question was how to deal with it. I still don't figure that's been figured out
The vaccine worked on the initial covid-19 but is not prevented infections from the second and third versions. I don't even know how useful the vaccine isn't this point. Have her various doctors on the radio explaining how ineffective masks are, meaning unless you don't have a beard and you are a hospital grade mask the regular blue mask isn't all that beneficial.....
.... Not just that people constantly touch it and readjust it and then wipe their eyes. It seems a bit of a waste of time.
For me, I just live my life and I do pay attention to how close I am to other people when I'm in a store or elsewhere. I don't pretend it's not a problem but I'm quite realistic about the non ability to get this under control via rules regulations and fines and firings.
My life has always been stressed enough and I don't need to stress over something that I don't have total control over.
I just want to congratulate everyone here for this great discussion. On most of the other forums I help administrate, within 10 posts people are calling the others a holes. RiNO's, Libtards, idiots, etc. Yes, many are getting banned. Many forums could leard alot by following the example lead by the members here, and I applaud you all!
Something I live by on all forums that I've been on is that these types of discussions or even arguments should not be done to divide people, it's a discussion. I tell you what I think and how I feel and you tell me how you think and how you feel. It doesn't mean that we're both going to come to an agreement, but at least we're going to see how each person views the situation. You've never walked in my shoes and I've never walked in yours....
.... probably because they're too small. 😁
I think that people here understand that. It's okay if I'm absolutely confused as to how other people think and why they think that way.
The reverse is probably true for them. It doesn't ruffle my feathers, we simply have different points of view.
Last night one of our Stone County residents posted a catalytic converter for sale on Marketplace. Apparently he must have been under the influence because in the background of his picture he posted, he left his large bag of meth and syringe on the coffee table. I was alerted to this by one of our finer citizens. I passed this on to one of our Detectives. Today we arrived at this gentleman’s house with a search warrant. You can imagine his surprise!! He still had 48 grams of meth and a pistol that he is forbidden to own! We have now provided him a new place to stay. Sorry folks, his catalytic converters are not for sale right now.
Take note, if you are selling items on social media, make sure your drugs are not in the background!
Sheriff Rader Stone County Sheriff's Office
There is a clause in the U. S. Constitution that states when the fed government is too slow to act to protect a states border, the states can declare war and protect its own borders, and I wish all the border states DO THIS IMMEDIATELY. Article 1, Section 10, Clause 3.
highup that is why I mentioned earlier that if NZ can keep the virus out of the community all is good cause we had only a small number of cases whereas the USA was to late to try and control the spread. Police here do not go driving around looking for people driving anywhere. Only stopping people from leaving certain areas to contain the spread
CMP Chuck I am old enough to remember the days that eveybody got those different vaccines for things like Polio, Measles, Small Pox as standard. I also remember children at schools walking around with metal supports on their legs with people in iron lungs. I think maybe that people these days dont believe in vaccines as they have forgotten those days so therefore one can get by without those vaccines. Who has heard of someone with Polio these days. A little while ago Samoa had a real bad run with measles cause people werent inoculated which some of those people bought to NZ and spread it here. Results lots of people now got vaccinated against measles
Its going to be interesting here today as a guy is organizing a protest march with no masks , no vaccines etc etc
I hope the police and army round them all up take them to a barren island just off our coast with a bottle of water and a loaf of bread and let them "live" with their belief's so that they can keep the virus to themselves :)
I reckon our community cases are going to really go up after today:mad:
All it takes is one, and all those weeks in quarantine will be for not. Will they jail them? Will they shoot them?
How about give them a tattoo, put a star on their chest, and give them a train ride (AKA Hitler style?)
Not knocking you buddy, but under what authority do they have to mandatorily confine someone to their house?
hav with the lock down a year ago with people staying at home some lawyer took the govt to court asking if it was legal. they lost with the govt changing a few rules to make it real legal. For the last couple of weeks people are still working from if they can while others like me have been going to work. Life for me is much the same as pre covid days, I am old, with not going out partying at bars, going out to places where lots of people go like football matches, concerts etc. Here the govt is trying to stop the spread of the virus by not letting groups of 10 or more to be in one place at one time
I think some are reading into it too much as what we are not allowed to do. Today I ordered on line for some cat food, got an order number, rang when I got there then man placed my order on a box outside the shop, picked it up and left. Kinda easier than wandering around the shop tying to find the product, taking it to the counter, then paying. I just order on line, they do the walking for me :)
Its Probably much the same as your government has made new rules and will not let me into The States without being tested and virus free in the last couple of days and vaccinated :)
Yes I can see Delta being in the community in the future as overseas visitors will bring it with them even though we have these quarantine hotels but as like last time someone will slip through the system by "breaking" the rules
I still think if we can stop it why not try :)
I know our governor mandated today that ALL kids in school, ages 10-18 must get the shot, or are not allowed to go to school. He also imposed a $1000 fine per day for any SPOUSE OR PARTNER of any government worker IF they have not been given the ***. Well, in 10 minutes, half the kids have just chose home schooling, and 40% of Cal workforce is walking. How dare they try to control a non-employee?
My step daughter just put in her notice to quit, and will stay at home, home schooling her 10 year old. Oh yeah, she will also be filing for welfare.
By the way Jon, it is nearing 6pm in my neck of the woods. What time is it in NZ?
hav we are a lot more compliant in NZ in kinda go with the flow if you understand what I mean
We do have a few people who want to push everything like a port worker who was on the front line who refused to get the *** and got fired. Took it to court and lost. Certain places are saying no *** no entry due to the situation it could be seen as people who are not inoculated could pass the virus onto the staff which then becomes a health and safety situation with the staff having to go into quarantine and the shop having to shut
Its 2.30pm Saturday here
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