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Missed out on the poor farms.

I know we’re in a completely different world right now than we were born into but life is cyclical. If it worked before, it will work again. Cities and towns didn’t want homeless people hanging out and bringing things down. What are homeless people? They’re worthless to some. Bringing things down to others. Why not give them a place where they can go cus isn’t that all anybody really wants outta life. Someplace that isn’t in the public eye. Someplace where they can be ‘productive’ and contribute to their existence.

Who knows maybe they’re crazy and beyond help. Poor farms took in the nut bags as well as the paupers. In fact if you look at their numbers they took in quite a few loonies. If you can talk to a light pole you can talk to a potato, now get to diggin, grandma!

Think about it, all most of society really wants is to not have to see these people. You may not wish death upon them but you certainly don’t want to see them. I’ll be honest I’ve actually said I don’t want to see these people when I look out my living room window and in the end I’m not so different than you. What’s that? You’re nothing like me. OK then, how many homeless people you letting live in your house. That’s what I thought.

Where they gonna go? Half the places that are outta sight yet will work for a homeless person (close to resources) are illegal for them to be there. Now you’re just moving them around. I remember the hooker crackdowns in Portland. All they did was move them from 82nd ave to Interstate ave and then back to 82nd ave. That **** doesn’t work but sure cost a lot of money. Taxpayer money! The same money we’re all paying yet seeing no results on the homeless front. As a bonus I’ll bet the crime rate goes down just as soon as my ‘farm bill’ is passed.

You keep sayin to them ‘Get a job’. You gonna hire them? Didn’t think so. Some of them are just unemployable. Whatcha gonna do. Feed em to the hogs?

Alright, hear me out now, we got a problem in this country. We got many problems but I have a solution to a couple of them and in the best interest of capitalism it will turn a profit. You want these people outta sight? What better place than a farm. Chickens, fresh air and nature! That’s good stuff for anybody and these people certainly need a dose of the good stuff. Better yet is we train these people to work the farm and once they’re up to speed we pit them against the cheap (migrant) labor. What, you’re clearly already OK with exploiting cheap labor cus you’re prolly reading this on your iPhone. All we’re doing is bringing that cheap labor in house. Not only that, we’re providing jobs and cleaning up the cities while we’re doing it. Win win MAGA style. You’ll be winning so much you’ll get tired of winning. Once we get them up to speed with pickin beans and whatever else, we load these peeps up on busses and ship em around to different farms that need labor. It’s 2022, how do we make this PC? Well besides lobbying congress and an aggressive ad campaign as to why we can’t pay them more… we make it a co op with profit sharing. Maybe we even team up with Chick-fil-A cus everybody loves that BS company. It’s not the poor farm of your grandfathers day, it’s a modern day business for the people that teaches life skills and prepares people to re enter society if that’s their decision. Otherwise you keep workin the farm and in return you get room n board AND you’re out of the public eye cus after all isn’t that all you really want.

Isn’t there already a farm crisis in this country? This is an untapped resource. I know, I’m some kind of racist or something but all I hear is people complaining about human **** and needles on the sidewalk yet they pose no solution to the problem. I got your solution AND it will turn a buck. All we gotta do is get past your feelings.
I know prices are on the rise but I’ve seen a couple things that are cheaper than usual. I picked up this air compressor this morning at HD for $129. I have the exact same compressor that I bought maybe 6 years ago and it was maybe $179 at Lowes back then.

I’ve also been looking at trailer brake controllers. I can pick up a Prodigy P3 for $150. Last time I looked at one a couple years ago it wasn’t that cheap. A hitch and controller woulda run me $750 to 1K 5 years ago. I’m looking at $500 today. Gotta celebrate the little victories.

I was lookin at that one but then the PC popped up for super cheap and it was in stock. I just wanted a second compressor to keep at home so I could pump up my bike tires. You wouldn’t believe the sight seeing here
I was lookin at that one but then the PC popped up for super cheap and it was in stock. I just wanted a second compressor to keep at home so I could pump up my bike tires. You wouldn’t believe the sight seeing here
I have two compressors. My old one that I used for underlayment. And I bought one for tires because it costs $1.35 to use one at a gas station.
I have two compressors. My old one that I used for underlayment. And I bought one for tires because it costs $1.35 to use one at a gas station.

Gas station air only goes up to 70? My bike tires gotta be 100+. I checked all my vehicle tires while I had the compressor out. Most importantly I checked my spare tire cus that ain’t worth a hill of beans if it’s flat.
I was lookin at that one but then the PC popped up for super cheap and it was in stock. I just wanted a second compressor to keep at home so I could pump up my bike tires. You wouldn’t believe the sight seeing here
Your talkin' like the Haulover boat channel I'ma guessin'......but without the boats 😁
I don’t think what they are doing is such a bad idea. Homeless people aren’t going anywhere and arresting them just burdens the system. Gotta house and feed em. Gotta clothe em. Gotta provide health care for em. Jail may even be an upgrade for some so where is the punishment.

Issuing permits brings about rules and regulations. Now you can begin to control the situation. Kinda like steering into a slide. Even though you lost control, you’re still trying to remain in control and prevent an accident. Now you can control who can do what and where can they do it. It’s like a HOA for the indigent. Just because you have nothing doesn’t mean they won’t try and take it from you. How long until you can start charging rent or some other kind of fees.

Personally I think we should bring back the poor farms.

You guys will be right now that our PM is sorting out your boss :)
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What are the chances of you lied to the FBI and you're a Hillarys lawyer you'd be found guilty? Pretty close to zero if the trial was held in DC....
a 91% Democrat population.
Not just that, but the Judge worked in the Clinton administration.
3 jurors donated to the Clinton campaign.
One juror had a kid that played a sport with Michael Sussmans kid, but that was no big deal either.