Dang folks, wait until I make everyone some new tin foil hats because obviously some have leaks in the ones you are wearing currently!
Got some wood burrow beetles in my dang eucalyptus tree. Ifnit falls on my house thats gonna be a huge bummer.Rusty, for many years, with the bark beetle infestation, homeowners were ordered to remove thr dead trees and dispose of them, prohibiting them from being used for firewood or projects. There has been a wave of people who pay a premium for this wood due to the colors and holes, making it look like aged, and distressed from the burrowing insects. That wood is beautiful but is deadly for a forest. Our government is finally listening and no longer force you to destroy them. (At least in Cal and Colorado)
Oregon, where I live is vote by mail only.There are many reasons why people vote by mail other than laziness. Some don't trust the machines. Some have trouble with transportation to get to the voting polls. My voting place is way out in the middle of nowhere with no street signs & is hard to find.
I don't know if the media is intentionally dumbing people down, but I think they do play to the lowest common denominator. They try to appeal to emotion rather than intellect. Same with a lot of television shows. And many of the schools are going for rote memorization over critical thinking because they want students to just follow rules without question-- I went to a couple of schools like that.
I would say that there is a push from both sides of the spectrum to move away from the intentions of the founding fathers.
The rubber stamp public school system needs help, that's why so many people want private schools for their kids.
On a side note, I heard they voted to get rid of Trump's star on the walk of fame. While I'm no Trump fan, I think it sets a bad precedent. To my knowledge, there has never been any sort of moral qualification for people to have their names there. Are they going to start removing more names now if they find that some of the people had/have a dark history or did things that modern society now disapproves of? I also wonder how much Trump paid to have his name put there & if they will refund his money, because I don't think it's right for them to just remove it entirely when he paid for it to be there-- regardless of what people think of him.
He paid for it to be there? Where do you get this stuff?
Regardless of what happens with the Mueller investigation, I hope that we get some change in how the presidential elections are done. Going forward, we need to make sure all of the candidates can actually pass the security clearance. I don't know if Hillary could have passed due to the e-mail situation & the Whitewater scandal (where her prints were found on classified FBI documents that had gone missing). Trump certainly wouldn't have passed due to his connections to organized crime, Russia, deep debts (he was something like $600 million in debt when he ran for president), & history as a bulger rat.
Connections to organized crime? Have you told Mueller about that?
Once more, I don't know where you read this stuff. How come SNL, Stephen Colbert, Seth Meyers, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, The Washington Post, Bernie, Nancy, Chuck Schumer and the FBI don't know of his criminal ties?
I can't comment on the forest fires since I don't know enough about it. Seems like a shame to waste the wood though.
It would be interesting to see the cost comparison between massive thinning operations resulting in usable forest products such as biofuel, paper and usable timber against the cost of fighting forest fires and the loss of usable timber.Millions of dead trees in California could spark massive wildfires, UC Berkeley study shows
The accumulation of dead trees creates a massive reserve of fuel for wildfires. The study, which was published in the journal BioScience, discusses the use of forest management methods, including mechanical thinning and prescribed fires, as fire prevention techniques to reduce tree density in forests and disrupt the conditions that fuel mass fires.
Natural fires kept the underbrush out and probably were not as many big fires. Of course, people were not living in the wilderness and complaining about the wild animals either.I wonder who fought forest fires back in the 1800's or before fire trucks? How many more trees are living in forests now as compared to back then?
Natural fires kept the underbrush out and probably were not as many big fires. Of course, people were not living in the wilderness and complaining about the wild animals either.
Trump doesn't care, he has his.Hitting them hard in SC to .. Plants are closing down ..
Most people don't care until it hits their pocketbook in the form of higher prices at the grocery storeTrump doesn't care, he has his.