In Remembrance
Didn't he complain about how often Obama played ? he lives on his courses ..
Thats only new cars High, not your old van down by the river.Don't forget, Nick. Obama type policies will make my old van illegal and since I can't afford the new clean electric or magic powered van,
I won't be driving.......... which is what they want.
..............until they realize there isn't any tax money coming in any longer because nobody can afford to get to work.
Trump isn't hurting the enviroonment. He's rolling back a 98% requirement to 97% and the media harps on him and screams the sky is falling. Smoke and mirrors. He's not reversing EPA regulations back to the 70's levels.
Obama's crap, like Jerry Brown, is intended to cripple US businesses and force mass transit upon us. Business go out of business and people end up unemployed.
Go China!
He didn't pay the contractors or illegals who built Mar A Lago, the course where he plays all the time. Several lawsuits against Trump over many of his projects for not paying workers.We are pretty safe as he has probably never heard of NZ or know how to get here
From what I hear his neighbors do not like his golf coarse over at England or somewhere
Ask California truckers about the mandate for new engines.
I wonder how many truckers bit the dust because of the ecoinsanity.
There are many reasons why people vote by mail other than laziness. Some don't trust the machines. Some have trouble with transportation to get to the voting polls. My voting place is way out in the middle of nowhere with no street signs & is hard to find. Some people also travel extensively and can't be in state at the time of voting. And even if someone was "lazy", it doesn't mean they don't have the right to vote. Voting is something that should be encouraged, not discouraged.I hate electronic or vote by mail. Vote by mail lets lazy people vote.
This Russian thing is the largest piece of imagined crap that has ever come out of Hollywood. Ranks right up there with alien abductions.
LOL. Except that maternity & I are not compatible at all. I'll leave the procreating to people who like babies & children. At this point, my brother is my mother's only hope of grandchildren-- and it's not looking all that hopeful now.Our Prime Minister and has just had a baby
See got her full pay for her 6 weeks maternity leave of about US$6400 a weekbut she is going to make a few thousand donation to Plunket
You would have been paid the same amount wouldn't you have zannej eh?![]()
IIRC, his wife (who is either divorced or currently divorcing him) said he's crazy. But, she could just be bitter. He certainly comes off as unhinged.I think he did good in NY 'back in the day". He looks like he's losin' it. Maybe some marbles are missing.
I don't know. The repubs tried for 8 years with Obama. Seems to be a thing anymore.How many more years will it take to find something to pin on our President?
And after 7 investigations, the repubs found nothing with Benghazi.Took over two years for Watergate.
Then two years for Benghazi costing us $7.8 mil.