Welfare abuse would be cut in half if they just did a complete audit, or better yet, cancel it to everyone, then make everyone reapply and vet them correctly.
Welfare abuse would be cut in half if they just did a complete audit, or better yet, cancel it to everyone, then make everyone reapply and vet them correctly.
I would have to look up more info on the instances of fraud & such. I just know that it is tough for the people who legitimately need it. Dumping it & restarting it might sound fine in theory, but it can be life or death for some people. If they don't get the $ they could lose their homes/apartments, transportation, & possibly their jobs. Even with welfare, I know people who struggle to make ends meet-- and these are families where both parents work. The pay is just so crappy & prices/taxes just so high that they can't seem to catch up on bills.The welfare system is just full of fraud. It needs a complete revamp. I know men that claim 10 kids, his wife claims the same amount. Since they are not legally married, nobody knows they only have one kid. It may be a hardship, but shutting it down and starting over is the only way. IMHO
It's hard to tell if a subsidy in that case is good or bad. Maybe without the subsidy the farm would fail, dozens of locals would be out of work and we'd end up buying wheat from China. Maybe they had a bad year because of man made climate change.One of local congresswoman ran on a platform of doing away with gov. handouts. Turned out her family farm gets $300,000 a year in farm subsidies. She's republican , got elected anyway.
I don't listen to either of the "liars clubs" CNN or FOX.