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I hate electronic or vote by mail. Vote by mail lets lazy people vote.
This Russian thing is the largest piece of imagined crap that has ever come out of Hollywood. Ranks right up there with alien abductions.
There are many reasons why people vote by mail other than laziness. Some don't trust the machines. Some have trouble with transportation to get to the voting polls. My voting place is way out in the middle of nowhere with no street signs & is hard to find. Some people also travel extensively and can't be in state at the time of voting. And even if someone was "lazy", it doesn't mean they don't have the right to vote. Voting is something that should be encouraged, not discouraged.

As for the Russian thing, both the Manafort and Trump families have been tied to organized crime for years. Fred Trump grew up pretty much under the thumb of Lucky Luciano & Donald Trump was born in to that. But at some point in I think the 1980s, the Russian mob moved in and started taking over. Many of them set up business in Trump properties. The mob owns him. And since Putin owns the Russian mob, by extension he owns Trump. You may think that is crazy, but the timelines & everything add up. Plus, our intelligence communities have said that the Russian thing is very real and not a hoax.

Our Prime Minister and has just had a baby
See got her full pay for her 6 weeks maternity leave of about US$6400 a week :mad: but she is going to make a few thousand donation to Plunket
You would have been paid the same amount wouldn't you have zannej eh? :)
LOL. Except that maternity & I are not compatible at all. I'll leave the procreating to people who like babies & children. At this point, my brother is my mother's only hope of grandchildren-- and it's not looking all that hopeful now.

I think he did good in NY 'back in the day". He looks like he's losin' it. Maybe some marbles are missing.
IIRC, his wife (who is either divorced or currently divorcing him) said he's crazy. But, she could just be bitter. He certainly comes off as unhinged.

I imagine it's maddening for him when Trump can't shut his piehole or keep his lies straight. First there was no meeting. Then the meeting was for foreign adoption. Now he admits it was to discuss getting dirt on Hillary. But he tries to say it didn't go anywhere (doesn't matter- if someone tries to solicit something illegal, it is still a crime). Getting aid from foreigners in a campaign is illegal. And I believe multiple witnesses at some point confirmed that Trump knew about the meeting ahead of time. If it wasn't a crime, like he claims, then why deny knowledge? And then he went and met with Hope Hicks privately when he's not supposed to even talk to her bc it's possible witness tampering.

I think it will all come out in time. And if the investigation finishes & they conclude that Trump was an innocent party, I will accept that. But I highly doubt it will turn out that way. He shows consciousness of guilt.
When are they going to admit that the cause of these huge fires is because they put out the small natural fires that burn the underbrush? And when are they going to prohibit building in the fire zones and the flood plains?
Which of the following, if any, are true?

1. That the U.S. has intentionally started/created wars with other countries due to power and/or profit motives alone
2. That Franklin D. Roosevelt had advance knowledge of the Pearl Harbor attack but allowed it to happen
3. That the U.S. covered up an alleged Roswell extraterrestrial crash and/or other extraterrestrial encounters
4. That the John F. Kennedy assassination was the result of a conspiracy and not just one man acting alone
5. That men did not land on the moon in 1969
6. That there is a current and active plot among some people in government to make the U.S. something other than what the "founding fathers" intended (Fascist, Socialist, Communist, whatever)
7. That the public school system and/or the mass media are actively and intentionally "dumbing down" many Americans
8. That both the government and the mass media have suppressed the truth about 9/11
9. That the 2012 Sandy Hook shooting either did not happen or was a false flag event
10. That there is a goal to greatly depopulate the world and possibly enslave much of remaining population
Millions of dead trees in California could spark massive wildfires, UC Berkeley study shows

The accumulation of dead trees creates a massive reserve of fuel for wildfires. The study, which was published in the journal BioScience, discusses the use of forest management methods, including mechanical thinning and prescribed fires, as fire prevention techniques to reduce tree density in forests and disrupt the conditions that fuel mass fires.
The 102 million dead trees in California's forests are turning tree cutters into millionaires

...When asked about the die-off, Storey talks about space, NASA and a problem that as he sees it, has been in the making since the 1950s. "How else do you explain it when you have all these lakes and all this water nearby?"

Others take a more conventional view, laying blame mostly with the Forest Service, which through the suppression of forest fires and the enforcement of environmental regulations (the spotted owl is often cited), allowed the forest to become overcrowded.

The balance, they say, is out of whack. More trees means less water, and less water means higher mortality.
Rusty, for many years, with the bark beetle infestation, homeowners were ordered to remove thr dead trees and dispose of them, prohibiting them from being used for firewood or projects. There has been a wave of people who pay a premium for this wood due to the colors and holes, making it look like aged, and distressed from the burrowing insects. That wood is beautiful but is deadly for a forest. Our government is finally listening and no longer force you to destroy them. (At least in Cal and Colorado)
Rusty, for many years, with the bark beetle infestation, homeowners were ordered to remove thr dead trees and dispose of them, prohibiting them from being used for firewood or projects. There has been a wave of people who pay a premium for this wood due to the colors and holes, making it look like aged, and distressed from the burrowing insects. That wood is beautiful but is deadly for a forest. Our government is finally listening and no longer force you to destroy them. (At least in Cal and Colorado)
Got some wood burrow beetles in my dang eucalyptus tree. Ifnit falls on my house thats gonna be a huge bummer.
I don't know if the media is intentionally dumbing people down, but I think they do play to the lowest common denominator. They try to appeal to emotion rather than intellect. Same with a lot of television shows. And many of the schools are going for rote memorization over critical thinking because they want students to just follow rules without question-- I went to a couple of schools like that.

I would say that there is a push from both sides of the spectrum to move away from the intentions of the founding fathers.

On a side note, I heard they voted to get rid of Trump's star on the walk of fame. While I'm no Trump fan, I think it sets a bad precedent. To my knowledge, there has never been any sort of moral qualification for people to have their names there. Are they going to start removing more names now if they find that some of the people had/have a dark history or did things that modern society now disapproves of? I also wonder how much Trump paid to have his name put there & if they will refund his money, because I don't think it's right for them to just remove it entirely when he paid for it to be there-- regardless of what people think of him.

Regardless of what happens with the Mueller investigation, I hope that we get some change in how the presidential elections are done. Going forward, we need to make sure all of the candidates can actually pass the security clearance. I don't know if Hillary could have passed due to the e-mail situation & the Whitewater scandal (where her prints were found on classified FBI documents that had gone missing). Trump certainly wouldn't have passed due to his connections to organized crime, Russia, deep debts (he was something like $600 million in debt when he ran for president), & history as a bulger rat.

I can't comment on the forest fires since I don't know enough about it. Seems like a shame to waste the wood though.
There are many reasons why people vote by mail other than laziness. Some don't trust the machines. Some have trouble with transportation to get to the voting polls. My voting place is way out in the middle of nowhere with no street signs & is hard to find.
Oregon, where I live is vote by mail only.
Used to be if you had a hardship or simply wanted to vote by mail, you could request a ballot to mail in. ....that takes an effort.
Now they mail out ballots to every uninformed idiot in the state. Now, anyone willing to set down their cell phone for a couple of minutes can vote.
A person who makes a request for a vote by mail ballot for any reason isn't lazy, they are making an effort, no different than people who go out and vote at a physical location.
I just don't like that people who wouldn't otherwise make an effort to vote, now get one handed to them on a silver platter.

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