so why are the liberfools denying science with their warped brains that cant figure out the environmental change is a natural cycle
just WHO are the SCIENCE deniers...the fascist liberals who are oushing the tax hoax of 'man-made' climate change
where has any conservative, or any other said that climate change is a myth??
actually 99% of the scientists and 99% of people understand that climate change always happens,,and the earth has warmed and cooled many,many,many, many times...all naturally
climate change is not a hoax or a myth.....but..."man-made" climate change is a hoaxthe FACT is man has extremely little to due with any climate change...99% of the scientists say that man's part is less than 5%
most rational people understand that climate change always happens,,and the earth has warmed and cooled many,many,many, many times...all naturally
1. science shows the climate changes naturally
2. science shows that climate change is
natural with co2, methane, water vapor, sun cycles, rotation of the earth, earths core activity, and weather patterns all having play in it
3. science shows that the earth has warmed and cooled many, many times, with the cycles be for the most part regular....but never EXACTLY the same
4. science shows that the co2 has been much, much higher...even in cooler times
5. science (and botany ) shows that plants grow much better in higher co2....1200ppm is optimum
6. science shows that a warmer climate is not a desert climate, but a tropical wetter climate...
7. science shows that warming will be better for humans, as we will have longer growing seasons, with less need for irrigation
8 science (and botany) shows that if co2 goes below 200ppm plants stop growing
9. science shows that humans may have a SMALL part, in climate change (less than 10%)...therefore making the fascist mantra of ''man-made/man-caused"" a LIE
10. common sense shows that a carbon tax, will NOT reduce anyones carbon footprint, but will make the fascist liberal rich, richer
11. SCIENCE says that the climate changes NATURALLY....why do the big ego liberals think that man HAS TO BE the cause....especially when NOT ONE SCIENTIST has proven it to be man made/man caused
12. everyone knows (and its scientifically proven) that climate has changed many, many times
13.. and yet NOT ONE scientist has proven MANMADE global does show.. the globe evolves. The global
environment changes..periodically...there have been WARMER TIMES..there have been cooler times..there have been times when C02 was MUCH, MUCH higher
14. guess what our co2 levels are currently around 380-390ppm.... co2 levels were over 700 ppm 20 thousand years what's the big deal
15. science shows us that plants would grow much better, and use less water if the co2 was HIGHER... .guess what, by science no less...the ideal co2 ppm for most plants is....900-1500 ppm.......
15a. Science shows plants exposed to elevated CO2 concentrations are likely to lose less water via transpiration, as they tend to display lower stomatal conductance.
15b. Science shows the amount of carbon gained per unit of water lost per unit leaf area - or water-use efficiency - should increase dramatically as the air's CO2 content rises.
15c. Scinece and the study of science shows In the study of Serraj et al. (1999), soybeans grown at 700 ppm CO2 displayed 10 to 25% reductions in total water loss while simultaneously exhibiting increases in dry weight of as much as 33%. So, elevated CO2 significantly increased the water-use efficiencies of the studied plants.
15d. science shows, that the typical outdoor air we breathe contains 0.03 - 0.045% (300 - 450 ppm) CO2. Research (SCIENCE) demonstrates that optimum growth and production for most plants occur between 1200 - 1500 ppm CO2.
15e. Plants under effective CO2 enrichment and management display thicker, lush green leaves, an abundance of fragrant fruit and flowers, and stronger, more vigorous roots. (this is why companys and governments SELL CO2 generators for greenhouses)
15f. science shows it is clear that as the CO2 content of the air continues to rise, nearly all of earth's agricultural species will respond favorably by exhibiting increases in water-use efficiency... which means, one can expect global agricultural productivity to rise in tandem with future increases in the atmosphere's CO2 concentration.
so more co2 is actually GREENER...its not theory, its scientific fact
16. science shows that humans use oxygen and expel (exhale) co2
17. science shows that greenery (plantlife) uses co2 and expels o2
18. science shows us that ANTARTICA was once a lush fertile land, not covered in ice
19. science shows us that Greenland was once a green lush fertile land, not covered with ice, in fact tropical like
20.. science shows us that GLACIERS created many of the geographical features that we look at today (ie Long Island was made by the lower reaching of glaciers, the great lakes were created by glaciers, the grand canyon was created by glacial melting)
21. world greenhouse gas levels lower today than 1992......and thats with the US population increasing 70 million..and world population increasing 1.6 Billion since 1992
22. cleaner air, is causing alot of the warming
Why cleaner air could speed global warming - latimes
In what must rank as the mother of all unintended consequences, and in a finding certain to have effects on international policy, NASA scientists have found that a decrease in airborne sulfates—dirty smokestack particles caused by burning coal and regulated by the Clean Air Act since the 1970s to prevent acid rain and air pollution—may account for as much as 45% of Arctic warming. Dr. Drew Shindell of NASA's Goddard Institute of Space Studies reports:
"Sulfates, which come primarily from the burning of coal and oil, scatter incoming solar radiation and have a net cooling effect on climate. Over the past three decades, the United States and European countries have passed a series of laws that have reduced sulfate emissions by 50%. While improving air quality and
aiding public health, the result has been less atmospheric cooling from sulfates."
Cleaner air, one of the signature achievements of the U.S. environmental movement, is certainly worth celebrating. Scientists estimate that the U.S. Clean Air Act has cut a major air pollutant called sulfate aerosols, for example, by 30% to 50% since the 1980s, helping greatly reduce cases of asthma and other respiratory problems.
But even as industrialized and developing nations alike steadily reduce aerosol pollution -- caused primarily by burning coal -- climate scientists are beginning to understand just how much these tiny particles have helped keep the planet cool. A silent benefit of sulfates, in fact, is that they've been helpfully blocking sunlight from striking the Earth for many decades, by brightening clouds and expanding their coverage. Emerging science suggests that their underappreciated impact has been incredible.
Researchers believe that
natural greenhouse gases such as CO2 have committed the Earth to an eventual warming of roughly 4 degrees Fahrenheit, a quarter of which the planet has already experienced. Thanks to cooling by aerosols starting in the 1940s, however, the planet has only felt a portion of that greenhouse warming. In the 1980s, sulfate pollution dropped as Western nations enhanced pollution controls, and as a result, global warming accelerated.
There's hot debate over the size of what amounts to a cooling mask, but there's no question that it will diminish as industries continue to clean traditional pollutants from their smokestacks. Unlike CO2, which persists in the atmosphere for centuries, aerosols last for a week at most in the air. So cutting them would probably accelerate global warming rapidly.
In a recent paper in the journal Climate Dynamics, modelers forecast what would happen if nations instituted all existing pollution controls on industrial sources and vehicles by 2030. They found the current rate of warming -- roughly 0.4 degrees Fahrenheit per decade -- doubled worldwide, and nearly tripled in North America.
and finally ....common sense states that as the earths population expands, so does the need for more keep our oxygen levels up.......yet the global warming liberals only want to talk about car/industry exhaust; man created co2,.... and how to tax it
its the liberfools, that are LYING on the subject
99% of the scientists believe in climate change...and 99% belive man's contribution is LESS THAN 4%
how can LESS THAN 4% be called ''man-made''?? if you were selling a piece of furniture... and 96% was made by machine, would you advertise "hand-made" for this piece of furniture????
so endeth the lesson
the biggest thing is why do the fascist brown shirt liberals deny science, and the fact , that the truth is it is a
natural occurrence , and that NOTHING WE DO will change or speedup, or slow, or stop the
natural climate change