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There are some very good reasons to raise gas prices.........summer, fall, winter and spring.
......holidays, non holidays, Fridays. :D
Gas prices here haven't changes for 3 weeks. Before that they remained dead steady for a month. I'd have to check, but I think we've gone from $3.18 to $3.23 since late May.
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If your waiting for me to defend his statement, I really can't. Best I can guess is he's excessively focused on Mueller's investigation 24/7.
He needs to relax since nothing is going to come from it even if the investigation takes another 5 years which wouldn't surprise me. ;)
Trump was briefed about Russian interference prior to his inauguration. He was also briefed on it with very specific proof multiple times-- and even given some classified information and later Russian officials started dying (could be unrelated, but you never know). Also, Mueller never confirmed absolutely that the Russian interference didn't affect the outcome of the election, just that they don't know the full scope of how much it affected it. The propaganda did affect how people voted, and there was mass voter suppression. I know people who weren't able to vote because their voter registration info was hacked & changed. The last time I checked, my own voter registration data had been altered and I did not make/authorize any changes (they changed my party affiliation).
Being focused on the Mueller investigation is no excuse or reason for Trump to back Putin & refuse to accept that there is ongoing interference in our elections. Our counterintelligence agencies need funding and specific approval from Trump in order to take action to protect ourselves from future hacking/interference. Trump refuses to give any approval. The only reason for this is because he doesn't want the interference to stop. He doesn't want there to be any chance of the Democrats winning in November. I don't know if they would, but I think it is a very real fear for him. He's publicly stated that if he doesn't want them to win. He's afraid that the Democrats will impeach him if they take back more power. He's more concerned with himself than with the good of our nation.
Trump throwing the US under the bus and deferring to Putin is bad enough, but the fact that he even entertained the idea of trying to send McFaul & other US citizens over to Russia for interrogation in exchange for Russia supposedly allowing their indicted spies to be interviewed (in Russia) is just outrageous. No decent legitimate president would have even considered that as an option. But Trump seemed to think it was a great idea. And Trump wanting to work with Russia to improve our cybersecurity is akin to asking the fox to guard the henhouse.
Both Putin & Kim are murderous dictators who can't be trusted-- yet Trump defends them while crapping on our allies. If he truly believes they are "fine" or whatever adjective he uses to defend/praise them, then he has serious judgment issues and is not qualified to be president. I personally suspect that he's the Manchurian candidate and that even IF the Russian interference did not provably affect the outcome of the election, the Russians still made a bid to help him and he's still beholden to them. Plus, they likely have some serious "kompromat" on him-- as I've said before. You may think I'm crazy, but I think time will tell and he'll go down in history as a traitor.
Trump was briefed about Russian interference prior to his inauguration. He was also briefed on it with very specific proof multiple times-- and even given some classified information and later Russian officials started dying (could be unrelated, but you never know). Also, Mueller never confirmed absolutely that the Russian interference didn't affect the outcome of the election, just that they don't know the full scope of how much it affected it. The propaganda did affect how people voted, and there was mass voter suppression. I know people who weren't able to vote because their voter registration info was hacked & changed. The last time I checked, my own voter registration data had been altered and I did not make/authorize any changes (they changed my party affiliation).
Being focused on the Mueller investigation is no excuse or reason for Trump to back Putin & refuse to accept that there is ongoing interference in our elections. Our counterintelligence agencies need funding and specific approval from Trump in order to take action to protect ourselves from future hacking/interference. Trump refuses to give any approval. The only reason for this is because he doesn't want the interference to stop. He doesn't want there to be any chance of the Democrats winning in November. I don't know if they would, but I think it is a very real fear for him. He's publicly stated that if he doesn't want them to win. He's afraid that the Democrats will impeach him if they take back more power. He's more concerned with himself than with the good of our nation.
Trump throwing the US under the bus and deferring to Putin is bad enough, but the fact that he even entertained the idea of trying to send McFaul & other US citizens over to Russia for interrogation in exchange for Russia supposedly allowing their indicted spies to be interviewed (in Russia) is just outrageous. No decent legitimate president would have even considered that as an option. But Trump seemed to think it was a great idea. And Trump wanting to work with Russia to improve our cybersecurity is akin to asking the fox to guard the henhouse.
Both Putin & Kim are murderous dictators who can't be trusted-- yet Trump defends them while crapping on our allies. If he truly believes they are "fine" or whatever adjective he uses to defend/praise them, then he has serious judgment issues and is not qualified to be president. I personally suspect that he's the Manchurian candidate and that even IF the Russian interference did not provably affect the outcome of the election, the Russians still made a bid to help him and he's still beholden to them. Plus, they likely have some serious "kompromat" on him-- as I've said before. You may think I'm crazy, but I think time will tell and he'll go down in history as a traitor.
Mistakes and all, you do realize he's getting voted in for a second term in a larger margin that the first election.
Democrats (I'm speaking about the elected members) need to step back and take a hard look at themselves and make an attempt to see what they look like from the voters perspective. They're only function seems to be hating Trump and the people that voted for him and welcoming with open arms, people who sneak across the desert to "seek a better life". Their childish ranting is like the election was yesterday. They still have no idea why they lost, and they think bashing Trump is a good party platform. :rolleyes: Bernie and the socialists are gonna doom the Democratic party. Republicans won't shift to the socialist (independent ) party, but PO'd Democrats will.
"But Hillary's emails!! LOL Trump won't answer the question and defers to the emails again to get his people riled up. Who gives a F about Hillary, she ain't president and stooping so low as to kiss our foremost enemy, the X- KGB Chief's ass.

I say if your all for Putin and Trump go move to Russia and try an take your guns with you. The Maria chick that was just arrested, who was working with the NRA for Gun reform in Russia was a complete farce. Russia ain't never going to let their people own guns. Thats the first thing they did was take away all their privately owned guns. F'ing traitors move to Russia please!
I think Putin has something on him he don't want out .. Why is he the only press that won't show his tax returns ..
Ern, we are still waiting for the liberal actors and actresses who promised they would move out of our country if Trump was elected. I don't know of one person who moved... do you?
I have a proposition, Hav.
How about people from large cities not be allowed to vote in presidential elections. IE: NY City, Seattle, WA, Portland, OR, San Francisco and Los Angeles, CA etc.
Let the snow flakes melt and let down and dirty business owners and working class vote. :D
Some college students have decided this Kipling poem is racist

If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you,
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or being lied about, don’t deal in lies,
Or being hated, don’t give way to hating...
I have a proposition, Hav.
How about people from large cities not be allowed to vote in presidential elections. IE: NY City, Seattle, WA, Portland, OR, San Francisco and Los Angeles, CA etc.
Let the snow flakes melt and let down and dirty business owners and working class vote. :D

That's ridiculous, like people in big cities don't get down an dirty when working , more hands on hard working people in big cities absolutely.

So you see even with all the OMG evidence the GOP sits there and does nothing. Because they will even throw away our country to commies so they can stay in power.
Ern, we are still waiting for the liberal actors and actresses who promised they would move out of our country if Trump was elected. I don't know of one person who moved... do you?

Like I said, not answering questions and try an change topic.
I do not condone lots of things that Trump has said, just like I did not condone many actions from President Obama. It just seems when we didn't like something Obama did, or failed to do, it was met by his group saying, well, it's ok, But damn, Trump isn't a politician. He is a businessman. He is trying to right a sinking shop. Nobody said boo when Obama commuted the sentences of 1200 blacks, mostly Muslims, in the final hours of his presidency, or the secret payment of $221 Million to the Palestinians, against the stop request from Congress. Hell, if Trump did a secret deal such as this, you'd want his head on a platter. Here are one author's Obama's Top Ten Blunders, that failed to even be a concern to most liberals.

10) The ObamaCare roll-out disaster: For such a tech-savvy White House, the bungling of the healthcare reform website was shocking, and a sign of things to come for a controversial law that never recovered from its initial missteps.

9) Syria’s “red line”: The president lost all credibility when he said that he would punish Syrian strongman Bashar Assad for using chemical weapons. When it was proven that Assad did deploy them against his own people, Obama refused to act without congressional authorization — authorization that never came.
8) Obama’s pen and phone: At the beginning of the year, the president suggested he was going to go around Congress, simultaneously raising expectations about his actions and lowering hopes for any progress on the legislative front.

7) The Ukrainian crisis: Not unlike former President Carter’s ineffectual response to the Soviet invasion of the Afghanistan in 1979, Obama looked weak when Russian President Vladimir Putin annexed Crimea and threatened to seize the rest of the Ukraine, piece by piece.

6) Obama’s broken promises on immigration reform: The president promised several times over the past year that he would take executive action on immigration, only to pull the football away at the last moment. His inaction demoralized Hispanic voters while stoking conspiracy theories on the right about what he was going to do after the election. The border surge only made the situation worse.

5) ISIS and ‘Golf-gate’: Directly after making a comment about the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria’s (ISIS) execution of journalist James Foley, the president headed to the golf course. For that, he was justly criticized for being disengaged and unserious. His comment that he didn’t have a strategy to deal with the nascent terrorist group further cemented his reputation as a bumbler who didn’t know what he was doing.

4) Holder to Ferguson: The president implicitly picked sides by allowing his attorney general, Eric Holder, to define his position on the controversial shooting this summer in a St. Louis suburb. Either you are on the side of law and order or you aren’t, and Obama’s approval ratings have fallen precipitously since that moment.

3) Ebola: While the president is not to blame for the Ebola outbreak, his comments on the spread of the virus have proven to be inaccurate and led to the perception that he didn’t have a plan. He long resisted calls to appoint a point person to lead the effort, only to later buckle and appoint a political strategist to the position of Ebola czar. He refused to issue a travel ban from countries that had Ebola outbreaks, giving Republicans a huge political talking point.

2) Policies on the ballot: Obama told students at Northwestern University, “Make no mistake. These policies are on the ballot. Every single one of them.” For the Democratic senators who voted with Obama and his policies 97 percent of the time, those comments were most unhelpful at a time when they least needed the reminder.

1) Telling the wrong story: The American people care about the economy. The president doesn’t have a bad story to tell when it comes to jobs, the unemployment rate, the deficit, etc. If he were Ronald Reagan, it would be the Morning in America campaign. But the strategy of the Democrats wasn’t to talk about the economy. Instead they wanted to talk about contraception, the war on women and other narrow issues. At the end, they turned to race baiting to get blacks to the polls.

This election will turn out to be a referendum on the president’s job performance. He made several critical mistakes throughout the last two years that hurt his credibility as voters lost faith in his leadership.

Feehery is president of Quinn Gillespie Communications and spent 15 years working in the House Republican leadership. He is a contributor to The Hill’s Pundits Blog and blogs at thefeeherytheory.com.

Tags Barack Obama
Not acknowledging Russian interference in our elections by the president when every intelligence agency says they did, and then dismissing our own intelligence agencys as fake news is really bordering on treason.
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