Do they count people who were rejected for Unemployment when they were fired for BS reasons in "at will employment" states?
I know some of you think I'm nuts to push the whole thing about Russia, but the Russians have been playing a long game where they have been creating a larger divide between races & parties. They pretend to be members of various groups and try to incite violence. They were behind the Tea Party movement. The House Intel Committee finally admitted that there is clear evidence that Russia interfered in our election-- which is an act of war.
Trump refuses to do anything to protect future elections. Russia hacked our power grid and infrastructure, but he's no allowing our people do do anything about it-- and they can't act unless he permits it. I'm willing to bet he's going to try to lift sanctions on Russia under the guise that it is better for relations.
This is the guy who called our closest allies our enemies and who speaks fondly and flatteringly of dictators who have had thousands of people murdered.
Russia hacked both the RNC and DNC, but only the data from the DNC was published on Wiki-leaks. The Russians have a specific m.o. They bribe people and record the bribery so they can later use it to blackmail those people should they start to get cold feet. If bribery fails at the get-go, they resort to blackmail. They know all sorts of dirty secrets about the politicians on both sides.
I will say that one thing that annoys me was people calling Jon Huntsman for being a traitor bc he was in Russia on July 4. He's the ambassador to Russia and he has a reason to be there. (Nobody here attacked him for it, but on social media they are slamming him).
I think the more people that get indicted, the more Trump and his group are going to panic and double down on trying to discredit everyone from Mueller, Rosenstein, all of the members of Mueller's team, the entire FBI, the press, etc. These are all the signs of what happens when a dictator takes over. It is classic example of the tactics. When Trump finally gets indicted, he's going to have his most loyal supporters believing it was all a witch hunt and a scam. But he has a long history of being a con artist, a lousy businessman, and having mob ties.
I don't know about Obama's past and I don't care. Whatever went on with him does not negate what is happening in our country now. There is more violence against non-Christians and more violence against non-white people being perpetuated by people who claim to be Christian. And our media is too cowardly to call them terrorists. Fox News is basically Russian State News... I'll stop before I rant too much on that.
I tried to quote something else aways back but forgot-- about people who build houses always being needed. Houses can be printed in 3D for under $10k.