He want's all the little people do die so there aren't any workers left to manufacture products that feed the mouths of rich people. He obviously want's them to die too. He's all in it for himself.

It so interesting to me to see the division on Trump. It's either 110% hate or 110% love with
very few people without an opinion. So strange. We've never had such a political division. I don't understand it and nobody else probably does either. He's a femonon, phenomonon, fenomenon, phemomenon, phenominon.
...OK, a one of a kind.
Personally, I think he's the best thing since the invention of sliced bread or beer. He's a bull in a China closet. l love every minute of it .......except his childish tweets.
Look at the record employment levels, the stock rate, his business friendly perspective, the business and personal tax rate, the home building/construction rate. Look what he did at NATO. Wow was that cool or what? Trashing Germany for helping Russia's economy. Man that was over the top. I'm lovin it.
....he's pushing buttons and they know he's serious.
North Korea? .........he's pushed buttons on them in a ways never imagined. And so far it's looking good. Time will tell on that.
Protecting the border? Finally a president with nads.
Other than being arrogant I don't see any negatives. He's doing what he promised. 98% of my customers are Trumpers and in a blue state.
I voted for him on his promises, not his ever so charming personality.

Need to get me a Make America Great Again II before they run out of hats. I see Hillery is planning a second attempt. She and Bill were flying cattle class instead of a private jet for a photo op to show how down to earth and connected she is. ......oh lordy

...wanna buy a bridge?

The Democrats need to find a less socialist version of Bernie Sanders for the next election. Someone like Trump, but with a centrist/liberal twist to even out the playing field. Someone that bucks that 'good old boys' system in Washington like Trump did with the Republicans.
We need term limits to get that done.
How do we get term limits on the ballot?