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I do believe he saved the banks ,and the Auto industry , and was handed a war .. Not saying he was perfect But he did put regulations on the banks , the company's polluting the water .. Trump deregulated all that .. Can't argue with a trump supporter .. he can do no wrong .. I just don't understand it ..
If it walks like a duck, and talks like a duck, It's a duck..:confused:
Saved the auto industry? They go broke, and file for bankruptcy. Obama steps in, gives them money and he is a hero, as is the auto industry. Trump files for bankruptcy 4 times out of 1000 companies, does not ask for bail out money, and only does it to restructure, and is labeled as a cheating, dishonest liar. I just wish the left would be equal in their shortcomings as the right.
The fire is still going, but they can handle the claims and assistance at the regional level, and no longer need the assistance of our National Deployment Team. This was one of the worst deployments, lots of internal issues. Im glad to be home and looking forward to going east or southeast, where good folks know how to handle a disaster.
I know, I know. It was never Obammie's fault. it was the white guy before him that caused all those 8 years of expenditures. "barfing":waiting:

Exactly! Like the two wars that are still ongoing that never needed to happen. You'll never ever win a war in the middle east. You can run them outa town but as soon as you leave the bad guys will come back. Ask the English and Russians. Much like the Crusades.
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If the Dumpster would just shut his pie hole and do his job correctly he would be better off and so would we. He keeps digging a deeper hole. Which is OK with me I guess but he only does this crap so he can see his face on the news every ten seconds. Personally I'm sick of seeing his face.
I think that most presidents have received both blame & credit for things that happened because of previous administrations. From what I understand, Bush Jr. did his best to try to make Obama's transition smooth. I will never forget the shellshocked look on Obama's face after he left the White House after his pre-inauguration briefing with Bush. In some ways, there was more pressure on him than past presidents because he was the first black president. It came with praise he didn't earn just because of his race, but it also came with criticism he didn't deserve just because of his race. There was some deserved criticism as well, but I don't think he was as horrible as conservatives claimed. I also don't think that Bush Jr. was as horrible as people claimed. IMO, Jimmy Carter was far worse but he knew how to play the media & pretend to be a good person for the public to gain praise. We still have not recovered from the damage he did to the country.

As for Trump, they just need to ban him from Twitter for his constant violations of their TOS so he won't be able to cause such panic from whatever crap he decides to spew out at 3am. Of course, there are some conservatives who should be banned for their violations as well.

Havasu, I really appreciate that you work with the Red Cross to help people in these emergencies. You're a good man. We may disagree on politics, but people like you have kept me from completely giving up on humanity. LOL.

Love the thing about dogs being insulted about Omarosa. So many people were all "It's racist!" and I was thinking it was more that he probably wanted to use another word, but knew he'd get in more trouble for it. Plus he's called white people dogs in the past.
I don't do the Red Cross for any applause. I guess it just allows me to live that fast paced cop type of stuff. Once it is in your blood, it never leaves.

As far as the political spectrum, I agree, I wish someone would chop off Trump's thumbs and take that damn phone away from him. I also wish folks would allow him to try some his new ideas, but the Dems have stuck their heels in the ground and will not budge, so basically we have a big ol' stalemate. In my opinion, and as I personally wrote to my congresswoman judy chu (purposefully not capitalized!) and told her that if she refused to cooperate with the sitting president, she needs to be terminated and get someone in there that deserves my money. By the way, her response to me was if the prez was a Dem, she would work for him, but flatly refuses to work with any Repub. Are we that polarized that we can no longer work together to solve problems? I guess we are screwed.

As far as Obama and the look on his face once Bush left office is easily explained. That was the very first job he ever held. Yes, he was mentored by his brotherhood and had his hand held all the way through his upbringing. He did not bring one item to the table, and was spoon fed everything he came up with.

The Rep's did the same thing to Obama.. That Turtle head Mc conal said from the first day his job was to make Obama fail..
Yes we are that polarized.. Trumps ideas are ripping the fabric of what this country is made of .. He in my opinion is not fit for office ..
I respect your opinion to support him.. Just don't understand it ..
I only support him because we as a country can not afford to do business as it has the last 9-10 years. The "free spirit" libs are now demanding free houses, free food, free phones. free wifi, free medical, etc. We as a society can not afford to dole out money to these lazy *****. IMHO, no work, no eat. That may just wake them up.

Trump is our only hope to make these free spirit pansies understand that we are based on a productive society, not lazy *****. The bums (purposely homeless) in my town have increased 300% in the last 18 months, and have no problem sleeping on the side of the freeway. They walk to the park where the churches give them food and clothing, they supply free clean needles, and they will jump our fences, steal a lawnmower, and get a fix of heroin, then back to sleep on the freeway.

Why the hell should I support this? My home value is declining, I cannot go to a restaurant in my town because there is a bum out front asking and bothering us for money, you forget to unlock your car, and it will be ransacked in the morning, these guys are crapping on the sides of our houses, and sleeping on out front patio chairs. You go to a gas station and you are often met with some BS story about a guy needing $10 because his family is stranded on the freeway and are trying to get home.

All BS. This is ALL Obama's fault.
Oh, I may have said this before but I was recently confronted by this bum saying that he was a military veteran, and asked me for a few bucks. I told him to show me his DD-214, and I will give him everything I had in my wallet. I went on to tell me that his DD-214 is his most important paper, and I certainly hope he doesn't give me that BS that he lost it. Well, sure enough, he finally confessed that using the military speech usually will pull the heartstrings and it gives him more money.

There is also now a book, made by pansy liberals, on proper etiquette to increase profits while standing on the side of a freeway off ramp. They say to steal a dog, have it sit next to you, and you will double your profits. I am tired of this BS, and will not stop until it does. And yes, this is Obamma's fault.
Since I am now fired up, in one of the shelters I was assisting has 210 clients. We finally did a true head count and 195 were pre-disaster homeless, with 15 people who lost houses. These pansy-ass liberal bums can smell free food for 20 miles. We give them 3 hots and a cot, then all they want to do is shoot up drugs, throw their used needles on the floor for kids to pick up. They refused to leave until we went out and purchased (195) $50 tents and (195) sleeping bags, along with food for a week, a brand new phone, and gift cards for future food. Every one of these bums were able bodied, but learned that the government will give them everything they need if they are just persistent. This only happened when Obama took office and he tried to give hand outs to everyone.

Yes, I blame Obama for this crap.
Can't stop churches and other shelters types like the Salvation Army from helping homeless people Hav, been happening since Jesus Christ walked the world. Obama didn't start anything like that. In fact there are real homeless vets wandering around. I surely don't believe any person holding a sign saying homeless vet, please help.

And Obama was handed the worst economic recession since the Great depression. Bush and his cronies just closed their offices up and walked away before the Obama admin was even up and running completely. In fact Obama started working on it before he even got in office. Then having to deal with the ******** Iraq war. Iraq was cornered they just wanted to start a war over trumped up allegations of weapons of mass destruction. There's at least 10 to 15 trillion bucks down the drain. Add interest and now we're 21 trillion in the hole. I agreed with invading Afghanistan but ya go in, kick some ass and GTFO!
The problem with invading other countries is that it creates a vacuum, and once we enter, we owe it to the country to stabilize it before we leave. It's a double edge sword. We just cant hit then get, because all the good people will become decimated. I'm glad i didnt have to shoulder that decision.

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