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I don't do the Red Cross for any applause. I guess it just allows me to live that fast paced cop type of stuff. Once it is in your blood, it never leaves.

View attachment 7783

Hav to say I really appreciate you volunteering your life to protecting our citizens Hav. :cheers:
Also your standing your ground in your beliefs. At times I'm torn between being a compassionate liberal and a downright mean conservative redneck gun owning liberal . Lol

Compassion usually takes over but with reservation. As a Merican born freckled faced kid in 55' I have seen many a legally immigrated Mexican family's struggle to survive, work their ***** off only to be taken advantage of and humiliated by an ahole right wing white bastard who's only concern is to make a buck off their sweat n tears.
I've never seen a Mexican family take any benefits like unemployment insurance or welfare. I grew up with those kids.
Myself as a third generation of Italian decent I only took unemployment ins once as a teenager. I found it more difficult than getting a job like digging ditches or whatever I had to do. And so did those Mexican family's I grew up with.
You know there's more white people on welfare in southern states than people with color? Most people i see with signs in street corners are white.
I kinda understand immigration policy but those people who want to work here are honest hard working people and do not take advantage of welfare etc.
It's the lazy ass white people who have learned to buck the system and Trump is wrong in his denigrating people of Mexican, Italian, irish, mideastern decent or south American decent people wanting to better their lives.
All that said is I am in the side of legal immigration just as my great grand parents had to do.
I do not believe Obama, Truman, Bush or Trump are responsible for all the beggars on the streets and also think if they can stand in a damn corner all day in the sun then they should have to contribute to society . But its easier to sit on a corner and beg.
Damn Ern, we finally hit the middle ground. Yes, most of the sign hangers are white, and appear to be dirty druggy types. We do have 4 families of female Hispanics who stand at the corners with their signs, and instruct their kids to look sad. After a few hours, they are followed to their brand new cars and drive away. Obviously a rip off.

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We had a guy begging outside Madison Square Garden every day we went outside for lunch..We were sanding the lanes there ..
Saw that sucker walk around the corner ,and drive back around in a new Caddy ..
I read in the paper that the beggars on the corners earn somewhere around $200 per day. Not bad chump change. And some bring their kids especially at Christmas time. One guy claims to be a vet and has his pant leg up to show an artifical leg.
Damn Ern, we finally hit the middle ground. Yes, most of the sign hangers are white, and appear to be dirty druggy types. We do have 4 families of female Hispanics who stand at the corners with their signs, and instruct their kids to look sad. After a few hours, they are followed to their brand new cars and drive away. Obviously a rip off.

We've always had middle ground Hav..

2nd amendment. I never give hand outs. If they are truly disabled then there is back up for them . Nuff said
Around here, the only people I've ever seen with signs begging for $ are white. There was a guy in Alexandria who had a sign that said "Not gonna lie, just want a cold beer". Several of them look like they are on some hard drugs. There are two guys that we've given $ to up there & both of them are missing limbs. There was a black homeless guy I saw who was rummaging through trash cans to look for food-- he refused to take any $ when offered.

I think it's a misconception that it's only liberals who are on welfare & mooching off the system. It's also a misconception that all of the people on public assistance are lazy & won't work. I know Trump supporting Republicans who don't work and are on every form of public assistance they can get. Many of them bounce from the homes of various friends (or maybe I should call them marks). They move in, mooch, steal, then have to move out once they are no longer welcome & move on to the person. I also know a lot of liberals who work their ***** off & don't get any public assistance. And of course, I know both Democrats & Republicans who work & still rely on public assistance to make ends meet. Around here, most people need public assistance bc the prices are so high & the wages are so low.

As for the welfare system, I think it started to become a problem when Jimmy Carter started calling it "entitlements". There is a reason his mother didn't like him (he often talked about how she disapproved of him). She knew what a scumbag he is. Sure he does publicity stunts where he poses for stuff with HFH (where he couldn't even use a paint roller properly and held a hammer backwards while pretending to hammer in a nail).

It is really crappy about the legislator saying she will only work with a Democrat. Now, if she'd said she wouldn't work with Trump because thought what he was doing was harmful/criminal/unconstitutional, it would be one thing. But just being partisan? That is no way to operate-- and both sides are guilty of it.

We really need to oust all of the people who play the partisan BS & refuse to work with people from the opposing party. We need people who can at least try to work together & not just ********* every idea/bill just bc it came from the other party. We need people who can really have rational conversations & negotiate. People who actually care about the country & constituents-- not just their donors. But, I think we are a long ways from finding people like that at this point in time.

My issues with Trump have nothing to do with him claiming to be Republican. He was a Democrat for a long time. This is a guy who was best buds with Bill Clinton & used to support Hillary. He only changed his tune after more meetings with Russians. I think they got to him and I think they pushed him to run for president to act in their favor. It would explain his pro-Russia stances & how he regurgitates talking points from Russian state news.

In recent news: Manafort was found guilty of 8 felony counts (out of 18). The other 10 hand hung jury & can be tried again-- maybe this time with a sequestered jury. Trump's lawyer, Cohen just plead guilty to 8 counts as well-- and he specifically said that he committed a felony under direct order from a candidate (Trump). Pretty sure we'll see some unhinged tweets from Trump about it later on. He'll either say Cohen was manipulated into false confession or he'll say he was straight up lying & go on to say what a horrible person he is, etc. Then he'll complain about rigged witch hunt again. Bonus points if he brings up Hillary.

I will say that the guy Trump criticized for seeming unhinged on TV- that is one time when I actually agree with him. That dude shouting and telling the interviewer to "get out" was just cringeworthy. He could have made his points by talking calmly & explaining any misconceptions-- but instead he got mad and blew his lid. Not a good look for anyone.
Rep Duncan Hunter & his wife were just indicted for using their campaign funds for personal use. Hunter was the 2nd member of Congress to officially endorse Trump.
He only changed his tune after more meetings with Russians. I think they got to him and I think they pushed him to run for president to act in their favor. It would explain his pro-Russia stances & how he regurgitates talking points from Russian state news.
That's right up there next to the chemtrail conspiracies. :D:D
I say that because so far, Trump simply knowing/hiring his attorney and knowing/hiring Manifort makes him guilty of collusion and who knows what else.
It's just interesting how everyone that dislikes Trump knows more than Mueller. He's Trump, so he's guilty of something.
If I was Trump, after the non collusion document is read, I'd fire Mueller's ass for wasting taxpayer money on a political stint based on a made up and unproven dossier funded by the DNC. .......but that's just me. :D
How come Trump wasn't told that Manifort was being being investigated before or when he hired him?
Manifort has IRS issues.......... how come they didn't hand their info over to the IRS?
His lawyer............. well, what can I say? ....he's a lawyer. :D

I'm just sayin' ....we won't know a thing till the investigation is finished. Until then, it's 100% conspiracy theories and nothing more.

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