I don't do the Red Cross for any applause. I guess it just allows me to live that fast paced cop type of stuff. Once it is in your blood, it never leaves.
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Hav to say I really appreciate you volunteering your life to protecting our citizens Hav.

Also your standing your ground in your beliefs. At times I'm torn between being a compassionate liberal and a downright mean conservative redneck gun owning liberal . Lol
Compassion usually takes over but with reservation. As a Merican born freckled faced kid in 55' I have seen many a legally immigrated Mexican family's struggle to survive, work their ***** off only to be taken advantage of and humiliated by an ahole right wing white bastard who's only concern is to make a buck off their sweat n tears.
I've never seen a Mexican family take any benefits like unemployment insurance or welfare. I grew up with those kids.
Myself as a third generation of Italian decent I only took unemployment ins once as a teenager. I found it more difficult than getting a job like digging ditches or whatever I had to do. And so did those Mexican family's I grew up with.
You know there's more white people on welfare in southern states than people with color? Most people i see with signs in street corners are white.
I kinda understand immigration policy but those people who want to work here are honest hard working people and do not take advantage of welfare etc.
It's the lazy ass white people who have learned to buck the system and Trump is wrong in his denigrating people of Mexican, Italian, irish, mideastern decent or south American decent people wanting to better their lives.
All that said is I am in the side of legal immigration just as my great grand parents had to do.
I do not believe Obama, Truman, Bush or Trump are responsible for all the beggars on the streets and also think if they can stand in a damn corner all day in the sun then they should have to contribute to society . But its easier to sit on a corner and beg.