I've watched many hearings with the man.
This is the way he answers every question. I don't recall him ever answering a question directly.
That video is a perfect example
of a dysfunctional interview lead by behavioral passions of aggression, and Typically Nothing good ever happens from that space.
Moving onto another flashpoint, Gaza ! Netenyaho was interviewed on Face The Nation this morning and IMHO He hit it out of the park and I was almost ready to join the IDF and go kill evil. Then tonight after watching the 60 Minutes episode on IDF battle against evil, one can conclude that the collateral damage cost could very much be superseding the benefits. Then again? They have come this far already and maybe it’s worth pushing through the sadness of collateral damage for a few more weeks as Netenyaho has predicted ? …….. When it comes to Good vs Evil thinking

the variety of choices to remedy the situation narrow, and ! What happens to water in a restricted pipe ? The Pressure builds and builds….. Rather than treating the symptoms every time a pipe break, how about we build into our BRAINS ! Emergency pressure valves in the form of RESPONSIBLE STEWARDSHIP THINKING

…. Mike ! what the hell are you talking about, you are making no sense…. Thanks for asking

: When we call Evil out, we give Evil a voice and an opportunity to continue. A Responsible Steward

understands that naming evil, fuels evil, and that naming Good, the opposite of evil, fuels evil too. If we get the language better, so to comes the attitude.
Now onto Mark Levin from CPAC meeting a few days ago, but aired just a few hours ago for me. Bipartisanship is lost because we have chosen to LOOSE OURSELVES IN ‘ GOOD VS EVIL THINKING ‘ Do we really want to go there, where Israel and Palestine are ? ? Keep it up Mark and others and there’s a possibility it Could happen. I’m not against all that he said, just the elevation of EViL status towards fellow Americans. We are more like minded than we realize, but clouded out by our intensity of conviction….. How dare they do, say, or think with less intensity as I, it must be intentional evil and that must be stopped at any cost
Chill out Mark and please become a Steward because divided we fall.
Then the back half of 60 minutes was about China, but I’m getting a little tired, so all I’ll say is this question : what’s in between Communism and Democracy ? …………..it could be the emergency escape valve