Fast talkers send up a red flag for me. Not very scientific, because it Probably falls under the category of human factors.
Darn if he doesn’t sound just like Geraldo Rivera

….. Relevance or irrelevance doesn’t matter, because we are stuck in the thick of it. ‘ The Human Factor ‘ mixed with record keeping and a panel of peers, that will have to mind numbingly discern and decide, but wait, Appeals will come , peering will undoubtedly continue

and people will debate for years…..Good News or Bad News, it doesn’t matter in a business moguls world of Branding, and manipulation of stock shares.

He may have actually set this up all on his own
( the art of the deal ) and the ‘Left ‘ is just playing his hand, or is that giving him a hand j_ _

so the ego gets _ _ _Sorry ! I just left my safety body for a moment, and probably misinterpreting things , perhaps mentored by the likes of someone we haven’t ever ever seen before in the history of mankind

….. And that’s why it’s so important to have quality mentors, and mentoring programs, so we don’t copy the dark side of our Human Factor, but give each of us understanding and forgiveness, including # 45
..No one likes a tattletale, but maybe

it’s time we reconsider that ? And Demand that our politicians hold similar integrity and reverence for respectful behavior, like the soldiers do for our heroes at the ‘ Tomb of The Unknown Soldier ‘