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I'm kind blown away over the immigration/border wall/ border security/imigration policies.
I'm getting the message many people want totally open borders with no border patrol or law enforcement along the border....... you know, totally open borders so anyone and any amount of people from anywhere can just come here
....................................if they really really want to. o_O
I'm not religious, but .................GOD help us all.
Posse? :rolleyes: oh pluleeze.

Why all the hysteria over this? Trump hating snowflakes are responsible. ..........making an issue out of an issue that hasn't even happened.

Hystyeria is the Trumpster did it to get votes as the army is going to costing us millions of Yen we borrow from china on a daily basis. Did the dems ask for the army? No. Why, because we have a SUFFICIENT NUMBER OF HOMELAND SECURITY PERSONNEL ALREADY ON THE BORDER!
Come on down here if you don't believe me and we will sneak across into mexico and try an come back. I know some old trails along the border where I used to hunt white tail. Then we can wonder around and visit all the check points, and BP agents sitting in trucks scoping out the border. The **** is locked down.
One reason they catch them on inside the states near the border is that they took a step back, around 10 to 20 miles and set up a second perimeter so the tunnelers get caught.
Hystyeria is the Trumpster did it to get votes as the army is going to costing us millions of Yen we borrow from china on a daily basis. Did the dems ask for the army? No. Why, because we have a SUFFICIENT NUMBER OF HOMELAND SECURITY PERSONNEL ALREADY ON THE BORDER!
Come on down here if you don't believe me and we will sneak across into mexico and try an come back. I know some old trails along the border where I used to hunt white tail. Then we can wonder around and visit all the check points, and BP agents sitting in trucks scoping out the border. The **** is locked down.
One reason they catch them on inside the states near the border is that they took a step back, around 10 to 20 miles and set up a second perimeter so the tunnelers get caught.
Nobody's getting in anymore........ cool.
Nobody's getting in anymore........ cool.

You didn't hear what i said. Most of the border patrol assets were pulled back a few miles from the border.
Why? To catch more of the tunnelers and **** that gets across in trucks, cars etc.
I've crossed many check points. There's agents, dogs, cameras that check your license plate to see if the vehicle had been stolen to be used for smuggling. Just like at the border crossing.
Its like a double layer of defense.
No one here is suggesting we open our borders. The caravan is not a threat and it isn't even arriving anytime soon. There is no need to have troops deployed there living in tents without electricity or hot water. All it is doing is wasting $ and making the troops miserable. The Border Patrol can handle it. If they needed help, they could call in the National Guard.
But, notice how the bluster about the supposed invasion died down after the election? That's because the only point of sending the military & making a big deal out of it was to scare people in to voting. I am glad more people actually voted regardless of the outcome, but I don't approve of fearmongering.
Also, crossing the border is not inherently illegal. It's the purpose of crossing the border that determines that. If someone crosses with the intention of sneaking in and staying illegally, then it is illegal. If someone crosses to file asylum, it is not illegal. People having to cross the border to file for asylum isn't exactly a great rule, but that is the system.
We do need some immigration reform. There is a bottleneck of agencies having to report back to DC before they can get things done-- they eliminated a bunch of supervisory positions at local levels which makes things less efficient. But, that doesn't mean the Border Patrol can't handle a supposed caravan of immigrants.
There are over 100 Kurds that came in as refugees on Guam and the INS handled it. There were boatloads of at least 50 Chinese illegal immigrants in one pop that came in. And Guam had a small INS office. If INS on Guam could handle that, then the Border Patrol can handle these refugees.
The SNL video was funny.

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